Today, we will continue to play the
war-game called Bandit. OverTheWire
Organization hosts this war-game. To play this war-game, go to the Bandit
website by clicking here.
Get the solutions of Level 1-14 from here.
Find the password file. It will give us
access to the next level.
Table of Content:
Level 14-15
Level 15-16
Level 16-17
Level 17-18
Level 18-19
Level 19-20
Level 20-21
Level 14-15
In the previous article, we got the
password for level 14 and have successfully connected as user bandit14. We are
informed that the password for the next level can be retrieved by submitting
the password of the current level to port 30000 on localhost. First, we
retrieve the password for the current level. We used the cat command to print
the password as shown in the given image. To connect to port 30000, we are
using telnet. After connecting we enter the current password it is checked and
upon matching the password for the next level is printed on the screen. We will
use this password to get an SSH connection as bandit15
cat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit14
telnet localhost 30000
ssh bandit15@localhost
Level 15-16
On this level, we are informed that the
password for the next level is retrieved by submitting the password of the
current level to port 30001 on localhost using SSL encryption. We use the
openssl command with parameters like s_client that implements that we are the
connecting as the client using the hostname localhost at port 30001. We use
-ign_eof to inhibit shutting the connection when the end of file is reached in
the input.
openssl s_client -connect localhost:30001
After establishing the connection, we
provide it with the password for the bandit15. It is verified and after
verification, the password for the next level is provided. We will use this
password to get an SSH connection as bandit16.
ssh bandit16@localhost
Level 16-17
Initially, we are informed that the
credentials for the next level can be retrieved by connecting to a port within
the range of 31000 to 32000 and submitting the password of bandit16. We use Nmap
to scan the ports to get the exact port from the range. As we can see in the
output of the Nmap scan that on port 31790 there is a message that hints that
we need to enter the password on that port.
nmap -A localhost -p 31000-32000
Now we will connect to this port using
openssl as localhost.
openssl s_client -connect
After connecting to the port, we will
have to enter the password of bandit16. This password goes under verification.
Upon a successful match, we are provided with an RSA key.
Now to use this RSA key, we need to
create a private key. But we can’t do this inside the home directory as we lack
necessary permissions. So, we create a directory in /tmp directory using mkdir
command. On traversing to that newly created directory, we will create a private
key. We can name it anything we want. Here we are using the nano editor to
create the private key.
mkdir /tmp/pavan_ssh
cd /tmp/pavan_ssh
nano pavan.private
After running the nano command, we will
be prompted to press the Enter key to continue. On doing that the private key
will be opened to edit using nano. Now we will paste the RSA key we found
earlier. Now to exit we will press Ctrl and x keys simultaneously. There would
be a prompt asking us to save the updates. We will press ‘y’ followed by this,
nano will ask us if we want to rename the file. After this, we would have
successfully created a private key using the RSA we were provided before.
SSH won’t allow any private key with
such open permissions. So, we will have to change the permissions. We will use
the chmod command to apply the permissions equivalent to 600. This means that
only the owner can read and write the file. We will use this private key to get
an SSH connection as bandit17.
chmod 600 pavan.private
ssh bandit17@localhost -i pavan.private
Level 17-18
Upon logging in as bandit17, we run the
ls command to look for any files. We see that we have two files,
and password.old. Now we have informed that password for the next level the
only line that has been changed between both files. We will use the diff
command to find that password. And the diff command gives us the required
password. We will use this password to get an SSH connection as bandit18.
diff passwords.old
ssh bandit18@localhost
Now on providing with the correct
password our connection was closed. This is because the authors of this level
have modified the .bashrc file to log us out of ssh. We will use the -t
parameter to disable the pseudo -tty allocation. As this is making our session
vulnerable to get closed. Let’s connect ssh again as shown in the given image.
ssh -T bandit18@localhost
This time we got a shell, it may be not
visible but it is there. We can run commands here. First, let’s try the ls
command. This gives us the readme file. Upon reading that file, we get what
seems like credentials for the next level. We will use this password to get an
SSH connection as bandit19.
cat readme
ssh bandit19@localhost
Level 19-20
After successfully getting the ssh to
user bandit19, we start with ls command to see what we got this time. We have a
file that seems like a script. We tried to run to see the working of the
script. We are shown that the script runs a command as another user. Now we were
informed that the password is stored at /etc/bandit_pass/. So, we run the
script with the cat command to read the password for the next level. We will
use this password to get an SSH connection as bandit20.
./bandit20-do cat /etc/bandit_pass/bandit20
ssh bandit20@localhost
Level 20-21
We are informed that there is a setuid
binary in this level whose job is to make a connection to localhost on a port
and read the password used to login as bandit20 and then send the password for
the next level. First, let’s see the files we have using the command ls. We
have a script suconnect. On running this command without any parameters, we see
that it requires a port to connect to. Now here is the part where it gets
tricky. The image given below is one instance of the shell. We will execute to
the point where we run suconnect without parameters and create other instance
of the same shell. Run a netcat listener over another instance on the same port
we are planning to suconnect. But we need to start listener before running the
suconnect. On running the suconnect. Netcat will grab a session. Now we enter
the password that we used to login as user bandit20. As we can see that the password,
we entered is read by the suconnect and when the password is verified. Password
for the next level is sent to the listener.
./suconnect 4444
Image shown below is the execution of
the first instance.
nc -lvp 4444
Image shown below is the execution of
the second instance.
Now that we have the password for the
next level, we move back to our first instance and used the password to login
as user bandit21 using SSH.
ssh bandit21@localhost
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