Hello friends!! Today we are going to solve a
fun CTF challenge named “pWnOS: 2.0” presented on Vulnhub for practising
Penetration Testing by pWnOS.
This virtual machine is having intermediate to medium difficulty level. You can
download the Lab from here.
Initial Configuration of Lab:
Configure your attacking platform to be within
the network range.
We set the VMWare’s Network Adapter to
Host-Only but can set it to either NAT or Host-Only depending on your setup.
Lab Network Settings:
Goal: Get Root Shell.
Network Scanning (Nmap, netdiscover)
Directory busting the server
Getting Logon Credentials
Upload php reverse shell
Get Limited Shell
Enumerate Root Credentials
Get Root
Usually we start by getting the IP Address
of the Lab. In this case we already know the static IP address of the Lab, but
still for the sake of doing it let’s do it.
Now let’s move towards enumeration in
context to identifying the running services and open ports of victim’s machine
by using the most popular tool Nmap.
Knowing port 80 is open in victim’s network
I preferred to explore his IP in the browser. It seems a basic site with a
login form and Register form.
But I tried to follow another set of
direction by running a Web Content Scanner (dirb) and found the blog directory.
After finding the blog directory, I tried
to open the blog directory in the browser, it gave another simple looking
webpage when looked at the first glance seems not interesting but as we know
that the authors of these labs usually like to hide in plain sight. So, I
opened the source code of the Webpage.
And as I closely inspected the source code,
I ran into the line shown in the screenshot, it is an important hint as it
tells us that the Website runs on Simple PHP Blog and the Version 0.4.0.
Simple PHP Blog is also known as
‘sphpblog’. So, I searched for any possible exploits for sphpblog in Metasploit
framework. I found a bunch of them. Among them, I though to try out the exploit/unix/webapp/sphpblog_file_upload.
In Metasploit Shell I ran the following command
to exploit:
msf exploit(sphpblog_file_upload) > set
msf exploit(sphpblog_file_upload) > set
uri /blog
msf exploit(sphpblog_file_upload) > exploit
This exploit failed to give us and any
shell, but it gets creative and created a Logon Credentials as shown in the
Let’s use these credentials to Login
Username: WJx2Fp
Password: PiRpoM
will get a different set of Logon Credentials as the Exploit generated them
unique every time.)
Logging In gave us some addition option in
the Menu. Among which the Upload Image Option took my attention.
Upload image option opens a simple Upload
webpage. Let’s try to upload the php-reverse-shell.php
which is inbuilt in kali Linux from path:
/user/share/webshells/php. Although uploading php files most probably will
be not allowed.
Wow!! We successfully uploaded the
php-reverse-shell directly. This is awesome.
So, I browsed to the location of the
uploaded php file, which is
(Found this location in the initial dirb scan)
Now let’s open the file and start netcat
listen in a new terminal to get victim’s reverse connection.
-lvp 1234
We got an improper shell, let’s convert it
into a proper shell using the python one-liner
-c ‘import pty;pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’
Now, traversing Directory to Directory,
files to files, I ended up in the /var directory
and here I found a php file named mysqli_connect.
On opening this file using cat, I found the
root credentials
Root Credentials
Username: root
Password: ISIntS
Now let’s wrap up this lab by getting the
root shell, for this I will using a ssh connection to the lab generated with
the root credentials and as you can see in the screenshot given, we got the
root shell.
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