is another Boot2Root challenge which has been prepared by KoocSec for hacking
exercises. He prepared this through the inspiration of his OSCP exam. It is
based on the concepts of great novel-turned-movie The Lord Of The Ring.
Breaching Methodology
Network Scanning (Nmap)
Port knocking
Use robot.txt
Login Form Based SQL Injection (Sqlmap)
SSH brute force (metasploit)
Get into the shell for privilege escalation
Import python one-liner for proper TTY shell
Kernel Privilege Escalation
Get Root access and capture the flag.
we will find our target.
Our target is
Now run the nmap script to know the ports and protocols.
nmap –p- -A
Nmap has resulted in showing us that only 22 port
is open with the service of SSH. Port 80 is not open that means we
don’t have facility of opening this server in browser. Therefore we will try to
see what port 22 has to offer and so go to your terminal in Kali and type:
ssh 22
When I searched SSH it said “Knock Friend To Enter” and “Easy
as 123” and then it asks for password that we do not know yet. Now
this is a hinting towards port knocking. Let’s try it:
nmap –r –Pn –p 1,2,3
-r : is
scanning ports consecutively
-Pn : is
treating all hosts as online
-p : is only
scanning specified ports
1,2,3 : ports
(we used this because of the : easy as 1,2,3)
Now again fire up nmap scan. This time hopefully we will
have more than one port in result.
nmap –p- -A
As you can see there is one more port open in comparison to
our previous scan i.e. 1337 which has the service of HTTP and
this is all we wanted as by default port 80 was not open. Let’s open our target
IP with this port.
It opens a page with only one image as shown above, then we have
also checked its source code but didn’t get any clue. Generally, there are
always some chances of getting robots.txt file inside web directory, therefore,
while penetrating any system we should always check for the robots.txt file.
Here we had test for robots.txt it in url,
a new web page will following image
gets opened.
After then we looked into its source code and found base 64 encoded value.
Further we have decoded it twice in kali as shown below and
found a directory from inside that. Let’s open it.
And now we are face to face
with a log in portal. Now here I will try to log in with help of sql injection
and for that we can use sqlmap.
Since we don’t know the exact username and password
therefore we have used SQLMAP for login form based injection for retrieving the
database name and login credential by executing following command.
sqlmap -u ' --forms --dbs --risk 3 --level 5
--threads=4 --batch
And it will start gathering database.
And finally it will show you the database of usernames and
Moving on save all of these usernames and password in two
different text files. And use this text files in an SSH log in attack with the
help of Brute force method. And to execute this attack go to the terminal in
Kali and open Metasploit by typing msfconsole and further type
use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_login
msf exploit (scanner/ssh/ssh_login)>set
rhosts (IP of Remote Host)
msf exploit (scanner/ssh/ssh_login)>set
user_file /root/Desktop/user.txt
msf exploit (scanner/ssh/ssh_login)>set
pass_file /root/Desktop/pass.txt
msf exploit (scanner/ssh/ssh_login)> set stop_on_success true
msf exploit (scanner/ssh/ssh_login)>exploit
And as a result it will show you the correct username and
password i.e. smeagol:MyPreciousR00t. Moreover metasploit serves you an additional benefit by providing
remote system command shell as an unauthorized access into victim’s
system. Now start penetrating for accessing root privilege. Then to access
proper TTY shell we had import python one line script by typing following:
python -c 'import
Now you will reach the terminal. Here, type the following
command to know the version of kernel:
lsb release -a
The version is 14.04 and
luckily we have an exploit for this version. In the Kali terminal lets search
for the appropriate exploit and for this type:
searchsploit ubuntu 14.04
Copy the exploit on the desktop with help of cp command and
run http python server for transferring it into target’s machine.
First we need to f download the exploit and compile it and
for this type:
gcc 39166.c –o shell
The first command in the above commands will download the
exploit and the second one will compile it and save it in the file named shell.
Next, we have to give permission to the shell and then at last we have to run
chmod 777 shell
Now let’s get into root folder and see what it has to offer:
cd /root
Here, we have found a text file with the name flag which was
our ultimate goal. So now no more waiting, lets read it.
cat Flag.txt