Often times attackers have the
need to generate a wordlist based on certain criteria which is required for
pentest scenarios like password spraying/brute-forcing. Other times it could be
a trivial situation like directory enumeration. Crunch is a tool developed in C
by bofh28 that can create custom, highly modifiable wordlists that may
aid an attacker in the situations mentioned above. It takes in min size, max
size and alphanumeric character sets as input and generates any possible
combination of words with or without meaning and writes it out in a text file.
In this article, we’ll demonstrate crunch filters in detail.
Table of content
Installation and
first run
character sets
alphanumeric wordlist
alphanumeric wordlist
Space character
View character sets
Using codename
character sets
Startblock in
Case 1: Fixed
word + 3 numbers
Case 2: Fixed
word + 3 uppercase alphabets
Case 3: Fixed
word + 3 lowercase alphabets
Case 4: Fixed
word + 3 symbols
Case 5:
Placeholder fixed pattern
Case 6:
Lowercase alphabet (a,b or c) + number (1,2 or 3) + symbol (ANY)
Case 7: Two
number (1,2 or 3) + lowercase alphabet (ANY) + symbol (ANY)
Case 8: Treating
symbols as literals
Limit duplicate
Putting early
stop on wordlists
wordlist based on word count
Splitting wordlist
based on size
Installation and first run
Crunch is installed by default on
Kali Linux but can be installed using apt package manager using
apt install crunch
After it is installed, we can run
crunch to generate wordlist. When we input the min and max size of the word to
be generated and just the output file, it automatically takes in small case
alphabets as character sets and generates words.
For example, here 1 character to
3 characters per word is being generated in smallcase and stored in file dict.txt
crunch 1 3 -o
Defined Alphanumeric Characters
A user can also define the
selected characters to be used while generating a wordlist. Here, min size 5
and max size 7 characters per words is being generated while using the
characters “p, a, s, s, 1, 2, and 3” as input. Hence the dictionary starts with
“ppppp, ppppa ….” And ends with “3333333” and contains combinations like
pass213, pass1 etc.
crunch 5 7 pass123 -o
Space character wordlist
One neat trick is to include
space in the wordlist. Often times we need spaces in scenarios for passwords
and many generic wordlists or tools don’t have this feature. In crunch, we can
define space as a character by putting space after the characterset to be used.
For 1 to 3 characters per word including space we can do this:
crunch 1 3 "raj
" -o space.txt
View character sets available
In the /usr/share/crunch
directory, one may find a list file (charset.lst) mentioning all the different character
sets supported by crunch. This is highly useful as a ready reference. One may
manually specify character sets or can even use the codenames written on the
left. It is quite simple to understand though. Description of each charset is
given below:
To view the charset file:
cat /usr/share/crunch/charset.lst
Using codename character sets
These codenames can be used while
creating dictionary files. For example, to create a wordlist of 4 characters
per word using mixture of alphabets, numerics and special characters, one can
specify the charset.lst file using the “-f” option and then specify code word
crunch 4 4 -f
charset.lst mixalpha-numeric-all -o wordlist.txt
Startblock in wordlists
A startblock can be defined using
“-s” filter. By using this, we can define from where a wordlist should start
generating. This is helpful in discarding unwanted combinations. For example,
to start a wordlist from abc1, and having 4 characters per word including
alphanumeric and special characters can be created like below. This way,
dictionary starts with “abc1, abc2,..abd1, abd2…” and ends at “////”
crunch 4 4 -f
charset.lst mixalpha-numeric-all -o wordlist.txt -s abc1
Creating Dictionary with various patterns
Please note that the following symbols
when defined as input in character sets mean the following:
@ will insert lower case
, will insert upper case
% will insert numbers
^ will insert symbols
Now, if a user wants to create a
word with 3 characters with first character lowercase, number as second
character and symbol as third, he can specify this:
crunch -t @%^ -o
With “-t” as the flag to provide
the symbols. If you aren't going to use a particular character set you use a
plus sign as a placeholder.
+ operator
positioning: The + operator can be
used where no specific character sets are used and any value can be replaced
for the same. But this is in the following order:
Lowercase alphabets, uppercase
alphabets, numbers, symbols
For example,
crunch 3 3 + + 123 +
This would take in the following
Lowercase: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Numbers: 123
Symbols: !@#$%^&*()-_+=~`[]{}|\:;"'<>,.?/
Case 1: Fixed word + 3 numbers
Lets say if we want to fix first
3 letters as “raj” and insert random combinations of digits at the last 3
places in a 6 character per word wordlist, it can be done by specifying the
pattern without the use of commas like above in “-t” filter.
crunch 6 6 -t raj%%%
-o num.txt
Case 2: Fixed word + 3 uppercase
Let’s say if we want to fix first
3 letters as “raj” and insert random combinations of uppercase alphabets at the
last 3 places in a 6 character per word wordlist, it can be done by
crunch 6 6 -t raj,,,
-o upper.txt
Case 3: Fixed word + 3 lowercase
Let’s say if we want to fix first
3 letters as “raj” and insert random combinations of smallcase alphabets at the
last 3 places in a 6 character per word wordlist, it can be done by
crunch 6 6 -t raj@@@
-o lower.txt
Case 4: Fixed word + 3 symbols
Let’s say if we want to fix first
3 letters as “raj” and insert random combinations of special characters at the
last 3 places in a 6 character per word wordlist, it can be done by
crunch 6 6 -t raj^^^
-o symbol.txt
Case 5: Placeholder fixed pattern
Let’s say in place of the
lowercase placeholder we input abc12 and with “-t” we supply in @ then the
pattern shall also contain 1 and 2 even though we just gave “@” indicator. See
the following example:
crunch 5 5 abc12 -t
@@@@@ -o dict.txt
Case 6: Lowercase alphabet (a,b or c) +
number (1,2 or 3) + symbol (ANY)
Now, a user can also provide
character set from which a pattern is to be created. In the following example,
abc and 123 have been used. A “+” operator is also used indicating that the
pattern indicator for which charset is not supplied, shall be treated as “ANY”
So, if a user wants to create a
dictionary with first character lowercase, number as second character and
symbol as third but only “a,b or c” as characters, “1,2 or 3” as numbers and
any random symbol on last position respectively, he can do the following:
crunch 3 3 abc + 123
-t @%^ -o pattern.txt
Case 7: Two number (1,2 or 3) +
lowercase alphabet (ANY) + symbol (ANY)
Similarly, to create a 4
character per word pattern of 2 digits (containing only 1,2, or 3)+lowercase
alpha+symbol we can do this:
crunch 4 4 + + 123 + -t %%@^ -O pattern2.txt
Case 8: Treating symbols as literals
When “-l” is used in accordance
with the “-t” filter, it tells crunch which symbols should be treated as
literals. For example, we know that @ is used to denote a lowercase letter. So,
if we want to generate a 7 character per word wordlist using the word “p@ss”
fixed, it will consider @ as a pattern indicator of a lowercase alphabets.
Thereafter, -l filter can be used to define which character is to be treated as
literal and not converted as pattern. This can be done like:
crunch 7 7 -t p@ss,%^
> dict.txt
crunch 7 7 -t p@ss,%^
-l a@aaaaa > 1.txt
Inverting Wordlist
A generated wordlist fixes, by
default, first characters and creates combinations on the last character. For
example, a wordlist containing “a,b and c” has
But this can be inverted using
the “-i” option. Crunch would fix the last letter first and make combinations
out of first letters. For example, a dictionary of 5 characters per word having
3 alphabets,2digits and inverted looks like following:
crunch 5 5 abc12 -t
@@@%% -o dict.txt
crunch 5 5 abc12 -t
@@@%% -i -o invert.txt
Limit duplicate patterns
A user can place a limit on the
number of characters that can occur together. For example, to create a wordlist
of 5 characters per word using 3 lowercase alphabets,1 number and 1 symbol can
be done like first command. But if a user wants to limit the occurrence of
duplicate characters together to only 2 places he can use the “-d” operator.
Note how in the first command 3 “a” occurred but in the second command
duplicates are limited to only 2 and so only 2 “a”s have occurred.
crunch 5 5 abc + 123
-t @@@%^ -o 1.txt
crunch 5 5 abc + 123
-t @@@%^ -o 2.txt -d 2@
Putting early stops on wordlists
As per user requirements, there
may also be a possibility when a user wants to cut short a list to certain
combination. For example, if a user wants to create 3 characters per word
wordlist using “a,b and c” as characters but wants to cut it as soon as
wordlist generates combination ”acc” it can be done like so:
crunch 3 3 abc -o
crunch 3 3 abc -e acc
-o 2.txt
Word permutations
In mathematics, permutations
stand for non-repeating combinations of certain events. So, to generate
non-repeating wordlists by permutations we can use the “-p” filter. Here, we
supply 3 words as input none of which shall repeat even if the maximum size of
the wordlist is 6.
crunch 3 6 -p raj
chandel hackingarticles
Wordlist Permutations
Just like words can be permuted,
wordlists can be permuted. Using the “-q” option, crunch can take input from a
wordlist and do permutations on what is read in the file. For example, if the
file list is:
Then, crunch -q list.txt
would output:
Similarly, we can do permutations
on 3 char per word wordlist like so:
crunch 3 3 abc -e acc
-o 2.txt
crunch 3 3 abc -q
2.txt -o 3.txt
Splitting wordlist based on word count
A wordlist can be cut short using
the “-c” option. Here, a file with 94 words has been generated. Now, to split
that into multiple files each containing 60 words maximum can be done like so.
Note, that this only works with “-o START” which will autoname the files in the
Starting character - Ending character.txt
Here, start and ending are a,7
and for next file, 8 and /(space)
crunch 1 1 -f charset.lst mixalpha-numeric-all-space
-o file.txt
crunch 1 1 -f charset.lst mixalpha-numeric-all-space
-o START -c 60
Splitting wordlist based on size
To cut short a file based on the
size, we can use “-b” filter. For example, to split a wordlist in multiple
files each of maximum 1 MB we can do:
crunch 4 7 Pass123 -b 1mb -o START
Remember, -o START is compulsory
as it will automatically split the file in the format:
Starting character - Ending
Compressing wordlist
Oftentimes, wordlists are too
large in size while in text format and gzip can be used to compress them to
over 60-70%. For example, to compress a file of max 7 mixalpha-numeric charset
and autoname using START we can do this:
crunch 4 7 Pass123 -z gzip -o START
The article is meant to be
considered as a ready reference for quick and dirty wordlist generation using
crunch. Crunch is a powerful and very fast tool written in C which is available
by default in Kali Linux and is allowed to be used in competitive security
certification exams. Hope you liked the article and thanks for reading.
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