The AutoRecon tool is designed as a network reconnaissance tool. It is a multi-threaded tool that performs automated enumeration of services. The purpose of this tool is to save time while for cracking CTFs and other penetration testing environments or exams. It is useful in real-world engagements as well.
Table of Contents
Multi Target Scan
Concurrent Scan
Single Target Argument
Heartbeat Argument
Nmap Arguments
Verbosity Scans
Enum4Linux Scan
WhatWeb Scan
XML Results
Nikto Scan
Web Services Screenshots
The AutoRecon works in a
sequential process. Initially it performs port scans or service detection
scans. Then using the results of these scans as a reference it further launches
enumeration scans of those services using other tools. For example, if HTTP is
found, it will check for webpages and if it will get those, it will start Nikto
scan with go buster and other tools concurrently.
The tool itself is designed to be
personalized by making changes in the configuration files.
Author: Tib3rius
GitHub: Tib3rius/AutoRecon
It uses pattern matching to increase the speed
and accuracy in results.
It logs all the commands that it executes so
that the user can check in case of errors.
It supports multiple targets at once. It uses IP
Addresses, or IP Ranges and resolvable hostname.
It supports customizable enumerations on
different services.
There are multiple methods to
install AutoRecon. Users can run it on a Docker Instance. It can be used by the
small fraction of people that don’t use Kali Linux or any other Linux Distribution.
To install using Docker please refer to the GitHub page of the AutoRecon. We
are focusing on the installation methods with pipx. It is the recommended
method by the developer of the tool and it works like charm. Before Beginning
the Installation there are a few requirements in order to run AutoRecon. The
AutoRecon is build on Python 3. It will not run-on Python 2. This is because it
uses a library called asyncio which is not supported in earlier versions. If
you don’t already have it installed, you can do it by running the following
commands as root. We are installing the pip for python3 as well to install any
additional packages.
apt install python3
apt install python3-pip
After this we will use pipx, to
manage the python packages; This will take the packages that we install and put
them inside their own virtual environment. This will avoid any conflicting
packages inside your machine. First, we will be installing the Virtual
Environment using Python3.
apt install python3-venv
Now we will download the pipx
using python3-pip
python3 -m pip install --user
Now we will make changes into the
PATH Variables to add pipx. After completion, we will need to reopen the
terminal so that it can take effect.
python3 -m pipx ensurepath
AutoRecon takes a lot of
different tools and run them on the target defined by the user. Although most
of the tools are present in Kali itself but let’s install or update those tools
to use AutoRecon in its full glory. As the seclists is quite large in size more
like 386 Megabytes so that is going to take some time.
The list of tools that required
SNMP walk
The command to install or update
these tools is mentioned below:
apt install seclists curl
enum4linux gobuster nbtscan nikto nmap onesixtyone oscanner smbclient smbmap
smtp-user-enum snmp sslscan sipvicious tnscmd10g whatweb wkhtmltopdf
Now that all the pre-requisites are
installed, all that is needed to do is install the AutoRecon directly from the
its GitHub Repository using pipx. A very simple syntax to use as it can be
pipx install
As discussed earlier, AutoRecon
is an Enumeration tool. It requires a target or a set of targets. This can be
IP Addresses, or CIDR Notations or hostnames as well. When triggered with the
-h parameter it shows the user a help screen as depicted in the image below. It
tells us that we can provide a target directly or if you have multiple targets.
Then you can put the target IP Addresses into a file and then pass it as a
parameter with the -t flag.
autorecon -h
As we saw earlier that AutoRecon
has large number of parameters but most of these can be left default. The key
thing to remember is the required argument “target”. It can be a space
separated list of either IP Addresses or CIDR Notations or even resolvable
hostnames. We can also create a file with the targets in it. It should be in
the format of one per new line. We need to reference that target file using the
-t argument.
Multi Target Scan
By default, AutoRecon will scan 5
target hosts at the same time but that number can be toggled using the -ct
parameter. This is basically the number of targets getting scanned at the same
time. To demonstrate, we collected some IP Address in the network and then
entered them into a text file. Then used that text file to provide targets to
cat target.txt
autorecon -t targets.txt
Concurrent Scan
Another parameter to look at is
the -cs which is the Concurrent Scans. This is basically the number of scans
that are being performed per target. By default, the setting is set to 10. When
changed to any other value such as 2 then only 2 scans will be performed per
host. Once it is finished it will run another instance of scan.
Hence, each of the targets that
are being scanned will at least have 3 nmap scans running, basically a full
TCP, a top 1000 TCP and a top 20 UDP.
autorecon -cs 5
Single Target Argument
The --single-target argument
enables the users to scan the host but changing the directory structure. It
means that the AutoRecon will only scan the target but no directory will be
created for that particular target.
Due to the use of the --single-target
parameter, it didn’t create a directory by the name of name of the target
inside the results folder.
ls -la results
cat results/report/notes.txt
Heartbeat Argument
The --heartbeat argument allows
the users to configure the duration of the updates that are provided by the
AutoRecon. By default, it is 60 seconds. It means AutoRecon will update the
user what is going on and which scans are running every 60 seconds.
autorecon --heartbeat
Nmap Arguments
Now here we have two options, we
can either replace our own parameters instead of the ones that are provided
here, by using the --nmap argument and passing the parameters that we want to
autorecon --nmap
In the previous step, we added
the -sV argument to the nmap scan, now in order to check we will read the
commands.log file to see that it indeed uses the -sV parameter while scanning.
It should also be noted that the default parameters -vv, --reason, -Pn are not
We can use the --nmap-append
option to add our parameters but not override the AutoRecon default parameters.
It will append our parameters to it.
autorecon --nmap-append
Let’s again check if the argument
we added i.e., -sS has been appended with -vv, --reason, -Pn. It can be
confirmed form a detailed read of the commands.log file.
Verbosity Scans
AutoRecon has different levels of
verbosity. By default, it doesn’t run with any verbosity that means it just
informs the user when it initiates a scan and when the scan finishes, it does
not provide any details regarding those tasks. With the -v argument, it will be
telling the user more about the scans like it will show the complete commands
it is running, it will also provide more information about the services that
were detected and are being further enumerated.
autorecon -v
You can also use -vv which stands
for Very Verbose. It is not recommended as it will print all the scans and
their results in real time. It clutters up the screen with too much
autorecon -vv
Only Scans Dir Argument
The AutoRecon creates a bunch of
directories based on the type of evidence it collects. But there are some
situations where all that is required is the scan results. This is where the
Only Scans Dir argument comes into action. This prevents the creation of other
Here, we can see that inside the
results/target directory we have only one directory by the name of scan which
will contain the scan results. Talking about the results, let’s discuss the
results that the AutoRecon produces in detail.
ls -la results
ls -la results/
AutoRecon when initiated with a
scan, it creates a result directory. The name of the directory can be
configured using the -o parameter. If no parameter is mentioned, it will create
the results directory in the current folder. Inside the results directory it
will divide into the different targets. Suppose you scanned like 4 IP
Addresess, it will create 4 directories with the IP Address as name. You could
go inside any one of them to find different directories created according to
the nature of the finding. So, the exploit directory would have any particular
exploit that the target is vulnerable to. Although keep in mind that the
exploit will have to be surely working. It means that, it won’t show up if the
there is some suspicion that the exploit will work or not. The absolute surety
will create entries inside that directory. Then we have the loot directory it
will be anything the AutoRecon grabbed from the host machine. Repot would be
the stuff that could go into a Penetration Testing Report for example notes
ls -la | grep results
cd results
We can see that the notes inside
the report folder contains the basic findings that were detected by the Nmap.
It shows different services that were found running on the target application
using AutoRecon. It can be used for a kind of quick reference guide.
cat ~/results/
If we look further, we have the
full nmap scan report.
cat ~/results/
Enum4Linux Scan
It also runs the Enum4Linux scan
upon detecting the operating system as Linux. The result for this scan is
located at the following location:
cat ~/results/
SMBMap Scan
Among other scans, AutoRecon also
conducts SMBMap upon find the SMB service running on the application. SMBMap
enumerates the different shares on the network by the target machine with the
allowed permissions on that particular share. This scan result is located at
the following location:
cat ~/results/
A simple enumeration for the SMTP
users is also performed using the script called smtp-user-enum. It is performed
incase the SMTP service is detected on the target machine. It enumerates for the
users that created on the SMTP instance. In our demonstration, we found that
there are 4 users that exist on the target server. The result for the
enumeration scan can be found at the following location. results/<targetname>/scans/tcp_25_smtp_user-enum.txt
cat ~/results/
WhatWeb Scan
Another one of the scan results
to look for is the WhatWeb enumeration scan. It uses the WhatWeb functionality
to grab the banner on various services and then analyzing the versions and
releases of the various web-based services and frameworks. The result for the
WhatWeb scan can be located at the following location:
XML Results
AutoRecon also crafts a few
results in the XML format for a clean and easy read. One of them results in our
demonstration is the Nmap Scan for the FTP service. The XML result for the
WhatWeb scan can be located at the following location:
Nikto Scan
All the scans that the AutoRecon
additionally run are very useful in the any Penetration Assessment but Nikto is
one that might do the most enumeration as it after Nmap if any tool that can
extract more data is Nikto. The scan result for the Nikto scan is located at
this location:
cat ~/results/
Web Services Screenshots
When faced with a HTTP service
that might contain webpages, AutoRecon snaps a screenshot of the webpage. In
our demonstration there was a HTP service running on the port 8180. It was the
Apache Tomcat default page. This is super helpful when solving CTFs as we need
to take a look at the web services. This way we can know if it is worth
browsing web service or not.
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