walkthrough for the vulnhub machine “My File Server: 1” which is an easy lab
designed by the author to give a taste to the OSCP Labs. The challenge is
simple just like any other CTF challenge where you identify flag with the help
of your pentest skill.
Download it from
Penetration Testing Methodologies
Network Scan
Injectiong via FTP
PTY shell
the Flag.
Network Scanning
So, as we always
start with netdiscover to get the IP of the VM machine and the IP of the host
I’ve found is
Let’s proceed with network scan using Nmap
aggressive scan as given below.
nmap -p- -A
Hmmm! It was very interesting as I noticed
that there were so many services running on the host network that was a good
sign to us. We saw FTP's "anonymous login enabled" and port 445 was
also available for SMB.
So, I ran the following command for SMB
enumeration and identify a username as “smbuser”.
smbmap -H
We also explore the IP host in the web
browser as port 80 has been opened for the HTTP service.
We're also trying to list web directories
via directory brute force attack, but that didn't give any performance so I
chose to run nikto for HTTP weak config listing, and luckily found an entry for
"readme.txt," let's test this in the web browser.
Yeah! I think the author has kept this file
as a clue that he wants to get the password by searching the readme.txt file.
So now I had the username
"smbuser" and the password "rootroot1" and it was time to
connect to the host machine via ssh, so I tried to use this cred for ssh login,
but we got an error as connection timeout, which means that the username
"smbuser" cannot connect to the host machine via ssh.
Now time to generate some ssh keys, thus we
used ssh-keygen to generate ssh public keys without password in our local
machine i.e. KALI LINUX. Moving on after the key is created, we moved into the
.ssh directory on our native shell, here we saw that we have the key named
With the help of above enumerated creds “smbuser:rootroot1”
we logged into FTP and create a folder as .ssh inside /home/smbuser, then try
to upload the which we have generated in above mention step as
authorized_keys inside the .ssh
Then I again tried to connect with SSH
without using password and finally obtain the shell of the host machine and
enumerated the OS kernel version.
So, I found it's a really old version of
the kernel that's built here, so I'm trying to check for a piece of code to
exploit, and luckily, I find it to be a DIRTYCOW exploit. So, I download a hack
from Exploit-DB written
in c.
Privilege Escalation
I downloaded the exploit inside the host
machine, and then compiled it before running the exploit, so I ran the
following commands.
gcc 40616.c -o raj -pthread
Booom! We the got root the shell by running
./raj and finally we obtain proof.txt file.
cat proof.txt
Conclusion: This
was a really simple CTF machine for beginners, if you're planning for OSCP then
you should start practicing this kind of challenge.
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