Today we are going to crack this machine called MuzzyBox. It was created
by Muzzy. Duh! This is a Capture the Flag type of challenge. The approach
towards solving this machine is a bit different from the standard procedure. It
consists of 3 Challenges. Each having a flag of its own. Let's get cracking!!
Testing Methodology
Network Scanning
o Netdiscover
o Nmap
Initial Enumeration
o Browsing
HTTP Service at port 80
Challenge #1
o Browsing
the HTTP Service at port 3000
o Downloading
the idcard.png template
o Editing the
o Reading
Flag #1
Challenge #2
o Browsing
the HTTP Service at port 8989
o Getting a
Python Shell
o Reading
Flag #2
Challenge #3
o Detecting
of the Server Side Template Injection
o Getting
shell using tplmap
o Enumerating
the shell
o Getting SSH
o Enumerating
ls command
o Reading
Flag #3
To Attack any machine, we need to detect the IP Address of the Machine.
This can be done using netdiscover command. To detect the IP Address, we can
co-relate it with the MAC Address of the Machine that can be obtained from the
Virtual Machine Configurations Setting. The IP Address of the machine was
detected to be:
Now that we have the IP Address, we need to enumerate open ports on the
machine. For this, we will be running a nmap scan. To get the most information
and fast, we ran the Aggressive Scan.
nmap -A
The Nmap Aggressive scan quickly gave us some great information. It
positively informed that the following ports and services are running 22 (SSH),
80(HTTP), 3000(HTTP), 15000(HTTP). So nice of the author of the machine to give
us so many HTTP services to explore. Let's move on to Enumeration Stage.
Let's start with the traditional HTTP port. Port 80. We ran the browser
and opened the IP Address of the Machine. It gave us an Index Page. It consists
of a text file named index.txt. That was odd but okay. We moved on further by
clicking on that file.
Here we get this nicely crafted introduction of the Lab Environment.
This machine has been divided into 3 Challenges. Each containing a flag.
Let's Start with Challenge #1. The information about this challenge
state that Washington University created an online library. But currently, only
Principle is Authorized. The library is hosted on the HTTP service running on
port 3000. Also, there is an idcard named image hosted on port 9633. Let's start
with an enumerating port of 3000.
Okay, that's quite a dull library. But in the end, it is a library. If
you go through the introduction text written. You might get to know that the
developers of the library have implemented a security measure to prevent
unauthorized access. They have used an alternative of SQL DB to secure the
database. How nice of them to provide us this sweet information. The process to
enter the library is to upload the idcard on this page and then the access is
The template is provided to us on the port 9633. Let's take a look at
it. Now we know that the principal has access to the library. But what we don't
know is the name of the principal. We will have to figure out a way to get
through this.
For starters, we downloaded the idcard.png file to our attacker machine
using wget command.
Initially, the introduction on the page at 3000 port told us that the
authentication is checked using an alternative of SQLDB. Now if we think about
it, if they are not using an SQLDB then the next best alternative is NoSQL. We
tried to google some of the NoSQL based payloads that can help us in this
situation. We found quite a few. We decided to use this one.
{$ne: 1}
Now we took the idcard.png image that we downloaded and tried to edit it
to make it look like the image shown in the screenshot given below. It is quite
easy you can use any online tool for the same. We made the following changes.
Name: Raj {$ne: 1}
Position: Principal
Level: Authorized
Now that we have the idcard ready. Let's upload it. The upload was a
success and we have successfully cracked the Challenge #1. This flag is in the
form of a PIN. Let's take note of this, we may need it down the road.
Flag #1:
We move onto the next challenge. After we broke the authentication in
the previous challenge, the University developed a new website. How Unnecessary!
It is under maintenance. We are asked to list the current directory and read
the flag file. It shouldn't be difficult. The new website is hosted on port
8989. Upon browsing the webpage, we see that it is an error page. While we were
casually looking at the errors, we saw that there was a console icon. We
hovered over it and got the message that it will "Open an interactive
python shell in this frame". How convenient!
We clicked on the console icon, we are greeted with a pop that tells us
to enter a PIN. If we remember correctly from the previous challenge we received
the flag in the form of a PIN. Let's try it to get in.
Since it was in "Python Interactive Shell", we need some
python shellcode to pop up a shell over here. We went to the pentestmonkey
reverse shell cheat sheet (
and got the Python Reverse shell. We modified it a little bit to execute it
line by line as shown in the given image. We chose the port 5555 for getting
the reverse shell and opened the netcat listener for the same. As soon as we
execute the last command, we see that we have a shell.
The objective of this challenge was to list the current directory, so we
ran the ls command. We found a directory named flag. Inside this directory, we
found a script called We read the contents of this script to get
ourselves the second flag.
cd flag
Flag #2:
Again we seem to have a hint in this flag. It tells us to read a file at
the home directory of the user webssti.
Two challenges down. One to go! We went back to the index for the description
of the third challenge. It says that when we compromised the machine in the
last challenge the root user started to audit the machine. Well, he/she really
should do a better job. It wasn't that difficult to exploit them. We are told
that the root user is using sudo and bash with the ls command. This seems interesting.
At last, we are told to read the final flag using an "Out-of-Band
technique". This challenge is hosted on the port 15000. We modified the
URL to print the Raj name. #PersonalTouch. So what kind of vulnerability is
this? Its Elementary, My Dear Watson. It is a Server-Side Template Injection.
For exploiting this vulnerability, we have just the tool. It is called
tplmap. It is available on GitHub. To use it we cloned it to our attacker machine.
After that, we traversed into this directory to find the python file named We ran it with the proper parameters for the injection point as well
as the -os-shell parameter to pop out a shell.
git clone
cd tplmap/
python -u "*" --os-shell
We got ourselves a shell in no time. We ran the id command to enumerate
the user. Back to the previous challenge. We saw that the flag from the
previous challenge asks us to read a file in the home directory of this user.
We are indeed logged in as the webssti user. We checked the directory using the
pwd command as well as listed the current directory contents using the ls
command. There was a directory named ssti. We listed its contents to find the
no_flag.txt file that we were looking for. We read the file using the cat
command. This tells us the ssh username as well as password. Brilliant!!
Time to get that SSH shell. We entered the previously found credentials
and got logged in. As the final flag was inside the root folder, we tried to
read that flag. But we were unsuccessful.
Time to work our mind to escalate privilege on this shell. We ran the
sudo -l command to enumerate but we were unsuccessful. We remembered from the
introduction that the root user was using sudo as well as bash with the ls
command. So it came us that Path Variable method might work here. We used the
echo command to print the path for the ls command. After this, we enumerated
which ls command we are running. We found that directory /usr/local/sbin was
writable by our user. This means that we can create a file there and name it
ls. Then we will be able to execute that file. Let's do this using the nano
command as shown in the image given below.
sudo -l
echo $PATH
which ls
ls -la
ls -la
We used curl command to send a POST request onto our attacker machine
with the contents fo the Final Flag. Clever Isn't it?
Now before we save that file and exit the nano editor, we started the
netcat listener on the port 1234. In no time we have the Final Flag.
nc -lvp
Flag #3:
This was a good set of challenges. I enjoyed it a lot while solving it.
The first and second challenge was nice and surely something that you can come
across in real life. Also this format of small challenges instead a standard
CTF was a fresh approach. I appreciate the author and I look forward to more in
this series.
We at Hacking Articles want to request everyone to stay at home and self-quarantine
yourself for the prevention against the spread of the Covid-19. I am writing
this article while Working from home. Take Care and be Healthy!
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