Examine Browser Ad-Blockers Strength using Burpsuite

Today we will determine the effectiveness of different blocker such as Ghostery, Adblock Ultimate and Ublock Origin which are extension of browser’s and their work is to block Ad’s popping up while browsing through websites on your browser.
To make use of these extension’s you need to install and enable them. We will determine the strength of these Ad Blocker’s by checking the number of HTTP GET Request they allow a website to generate which is explained as follows.
Let’s start!!
Examine HTTP Request without any Ad-blocker

 In order to analyze this we have intercepted the request of the website CNN.COM.

Using Burp suite in our usual way without any Extension or Ad-Blocker enabled. Then we have turn off the intercept tab after capturing the request of the website.
Click on HTTP History Tab under the Proxy Tab, where we see that the website has made 122 HTTP GET requests. These requests are generated without any extension enabled.
Examine Adblock Ultimate Extension
Similar next we have intercepted the request of the website CNN.com when installed AdBlock Ultimate is enable in our Firefox.
Next we have intercepted the request of the website CNN.com when installed AdBlock Ultimate is enable in our Firefox. Then we have turn off the intercept tab after capturing the request of the website.
Click on HTTP History Tab under the Proxy Tab, where we see that the website has made 116 HTTP GET requests. As you can see the number of request have reduced which shows the strength.
Examine Ghostery Extension
Similar next we have intercepted the request of the website CNN.com when installed Ghostry is enable in our Firefox.
Using Burp suite in our usual way but with Ghostery Exntension enabled. Then we have turn off the intercept tab after capturing the request of the website.
Click on HTTP History Tab under the Proxy Tab, where we see that the website has made 113 HTTP GET requests. As you can see the number of request have reduced which shows the strength of the Ghostery Exntension is better than AdBlock Ultimate Exntension.
Examine UBlock Origin
We have intercepted the request of the website CNN.com when ublock origin is enabled.
Using Burp suite in our usual way but with Ublock Origin Exntension enabled. Before capturing the request of the website you need to install the Exntension and Enable it. Then we have turn off the intercept tab after capturing the request of the website.

Click on HTTP History Tab under the Proxy Tab, where we see that the website has made 110 HTTP GET requests. As you can see the number of request have reduced which shows the strength of the Ublock Origin Exntension.

Conclusion: looking at conclusion from given below table you can decide whose strength is better.

Browser Ad-blocker
Captured HTTP Request
Without Ad-blocker
AdBlock Ultimate
Ublock Origin


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