Today we are going to take another
CTF challenge known as RickdiculouslyEasy by Luke. It is a very simple Rick
and Morty themed boot to root. We have to get total of 130 points by collecting
different flags (each flag has its points recorded with it), we also have to
get root. If anyone is new to pentesting, it is worth a try!
You can download it from
Security Level: Beginner
Penetration Methodology
Discovering Targets IP
Network scanning (Nmap)
Surfing HTTP service port
Directory Enumeration
Connect to ftp
Command Injection
SSH login using Metasploit
Bruteforce login using Hydra
Using Netcat to get the reverse
Privilege Escalation
Checking SUID binaries
Accessing root directory
Capture the flag
After loading up the VM, our
first step was to find out the target's IP address.
We found our target’s IP address to be, next
step was to scan target’s IP with nmap.
nmap -p- -A
The scan result showed open Ports; we
found our first flag returned as a banner for the service running on port 13337,
moreover anonymous FTP login was allowed on port 21 holding another flag.txt
From nmap scan we knew that anonymous ftp login is available. So,
we logged in with username as ‘anonymous’ and password as blank. While working
on the ftp console, ls displayed that it had ‘FLAG.txt’
and a get command downloaded the FLAG.txt over FTP to the Kali
box. We found our second flag inside FLAG.txt.
get FLAG.txt
cat flag.txt
From nmap result we found HTTP service is also running
on port 80. So, we browsed the Target’s IP in the browser but in vain.
Next, we listed directories using dirb, it showed us two
important directories ‘/passwords/’ and ‘/robots.txt’.
Viewing ‘/passwords/’ directory
displayed ‘FLAG.txt’ and ‘password.html’.
We found our third flag here, so far it was a cake walk.
Browsing ‘/passwords/password.html’ pointed of hidden
Why not go for source code! And the instinct was right we
have a password here “winter” which we can use somewhere later.
Next, we opened ‘/robots.txt’ and found link to two files ‘/cgi-bin/root_shell.cgi’ and ‘/cgi-bin/ tracertool.cgi’.
Only ‘/cgi-bin/tracertool.cgi’ is found to be useful, browsing this I found that one could get away with command injection or say RCE.
I also found that few commands have been filtered so we had to use ‘more’ instead of ‘cat’ to get the name of the users in /etc/passwd file. Here I found three users as RickSanchez, Morty and Summer. Summer could be linked to ‘winter’ that we had found earlier.
It was time to perform ssh login using Metasploit with port
22222 using newly acquired credentials. And we found one more flag here.
use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_login
set rhosts
set rport 22222
set username Summer
set password winter
sessions -u 1
sessions 2
cat FLAG.txt
Further enumeration showed three directories with same name
as of users that we found earlier. From directory Morty we downloaded two files
‘Safe_Password.jpg’ and ‘’.
cd /home
cd Morty
download Safe_password.jpg .
download .
Safe_Password.jpg was an image file, but running strings on
the file shows that a password “Meeseek” is contained inside it.
strings Safe_Password.jpg
cat journal.txt
Along with flag a number string ‘131333’was there too
and the message in the file hints it to be some kind of password.
Back at the target VM, inside ‘RickSanchez’ directory there
is a subdirectory named “RICK_SAFE” which was mentioned in the previous
screenshot. Inside this there is an executable file
named “safe”. I downloaded this file into the main machine kali.
cd RickSanchez
download safe .
After providing all permissions to the file ‘safe’ when executed
by providing the string given with previous flag, it displayed our fifth flag. Inside
it there are clues for Ricks’s password too.
chmod 777 safe
./safe 131333
As the next password contains 1 uppercase character, 1
digit followed by one of the words in the name of the old band of Rick Sanchez.
So, I had to do some web surfing to find out the band’s name, it was called
‘the flesh curtains ‘. Next, we used crunch to create two different format dictionaries
and saved both of them in dict.txt.
crunch 10
10 -t ,%Curtains -O >> dict.txt
crunch 7 7
-t ,%Flesh -O >> dict.txt
It was time to use Hydra which tried to login the service using every
possible combination of users and passwords provided in the dict.txt.
hydra -l RickSanchez -P dict.txt ssh -s 22222
Great! we found a user/password pair.
Privilege Escalation
Then I logged into ssh using recently acquired credentials. I reminded
myself of the message in the last flag that “sudo is wheely good” so I ran sudo
-l to find out his permissions. He had sudo permissions for ALL commands, so I
just popped into an interactive root shell. In the root directory we had our
next flag inside FLAG.txt. But in order to get the flag we had to use ‘more’
instead of ‘cat’ .
ssh RickSanchez@
-p 22222
sudo -l
sudo su
cat FLAG.txt
more FLAG.txt
Now I was a root and I had 110 points out of 130.Where did I miss
20 points?We still din’t check out few open ports.
We exploited port 60000 using netcat and it took us to a shell. ls showed
us FLAG.txt and
a cat displayed
the flag.
nc 60000
cat FLAG.txt
We opened port 9090 in web browser and found the last flag.
Hence the task is completed.
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