Today we are solving the LazySysAdmin:
1 machine from VulnHub. The credit for making this vm machine goes to “Togie
Mcdogie” and it is another boot2root challenge where we have to root the server
and find the flag to complete the challenge. You can get this VM from,205/).
Difficulty Level: Beginner - Intermediate
Table of
ports and Running services (Nmap)
Enumeration - SMB share
folder enumeration
- Credential
- Login into WordPress
- WordPress shell
upload (Metasploit)
- Capture proof.txt
Let us start form
getting to know the IP of VM and as you can see in the screenshot below it is
Time to scan the Target’s IP with Nmap. And if you refer the screenshot, we found the host has Samba; it has MySQL. It even has InspIRCd along with
the usual
and ssh
nmap -p- -sV
As we have port 139 and port 445 is open, so we use smbclient: smbclient is a client that can ‘talk’
to an SMB/CIFS server) to look for
shared disk. Its operations include things like getting files from the
server to the local machine, putting files from the local machine to the
server, retrieving directory information from the server and so on.
As you can observe with the help of
smbclient we are able to view the shares of the machine. Moreover, we can use
smbclient for sharing the file in the network. Here we are able to login
successfully using anonymous login and now we can access the ‘share$’ drive.
In ‘share$’ we found Wordpress folder as well as three txt files named deets.txt,
robots.txt and todolist.txt.
smbclient -L
get deets.txt
get todolist.txt
Looking into ‘deets.txt’ we get a password:12345.
Great! But as of now we are not sure this password could belong to a user or
cat deets.txt
cat todolist.txt
Looking further into the ‘wordpress’
folder that we have found earlier, we found wp-config.php file. Let’s download it.
cd wordpress\
get wp-config.php
In the wp-config.php
file we find the username and password for wordpress login.
Username: Admin
Password: TogieMYSQL12345^^
Now as we already know the WordPress page for admin from
the previous list of WordPress content. We access the admin dashboard using the
username and password that we found in the wp-config.php file.
Now that I am successfully logged in, I can upload a payload packaged
as a WordPress plugin. The module used here will generate a plugin, pack the
payload into it and upload it to server.
use exploit/unix/webapp/wp_admin_shell_upload
set rhosts
targeturi /wordpress
username admin
password TogieMYSQL12345^^
Now as you
can see as soon as our
payload is executed, we get our meterpreter session. But to get a proper shell, we have used the python one-liner to
spawn the TTY shell. Now let’s get to the /etc/passwd
So, what have we got inside this file here was entry for user togie
and if remembered we had a password:12345 which we have obtain from deet.txt.
Privilege Escalation
After logging in as togie
by using the password then I checked the sudo rights for him where I found togie
has ALL permissions as of root user as you can see in highlighted text below. Therefore, we try to access root shell by executing the command:
sudo -l
su sudo
Here by going inside the
root directory and listing its content we found our flag in proof.txt.
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