all are very much aware of HTTP protocol and its services. HTTP is considered to authorize intermediate network
elements to develop communications between clients and servers. HTTP is an application layer protocol designed
within the framework of the Internet protocol suite.
List of Valid HTTP request Methods
GET: It is basically a method used for just receiving
some data from the server or specific resource. This method requests are used only to
read data and not for alteration and also
may return cached data, the requests remain in the browser history.
Post: This method make request to send
data to the server or resource. Its requests cannot be bookmarked more over requests
have no limitations on data length. The parameters are not saved in browser
Head: The HEAD
method is used to query only for information about a document, not for the
document itself. HEAD is much faster than GET, as a much smaller amount of data
is transferred.
Put: PUT involves to upload a file or completely
replace whatever is available at the given URL with the client
defined URL. Attacker took advantage of this method.
Through delete action a client or attacker get chance to remove file from
server or can lead cascade and rollback of several transactions or message
which can interrupt the communication.
Establishes a tunnel to provide secure connection and communication between
client and server for examples HTTP proxy and SSL encryptions.
Options: The
OPTIONS returns the HTTP methods that the server supports for the
specified URL.
It is used to describe the communication options for the target resource.
Trace: This
method simply come back to the client whatever string has been sent to the
server, and is used mainly for debugging purposes.
In this article we are going to perform http verb
tampering and try to find out which method is allowed in host server.
Boot up your kali Linux and turn on terminal to identify
the running verbs in host IP. I will perform same task with different
Now Type msfconsole on terminal to load
metasploit framework and use following module to identify supported options.
This module use to Display available HTTP options for
each system.
msf > use
msf auxiliary(options) >set rhosts
msf auxiliary(options) >set rport 80
msf auxiliary(options) >exploit
Look over highlighted part in screenshot that is showing
which methods are allowed under HTTP (GET HEAD POST OPTIONS TRACE).
Through you can identify the running services on target
IP. Type following command to make curl run.
Curl –v –X OPTIONS
screenshot it is confirm that curl is working properly by dumping same result
as above. The highlighted part is showing which methods are allowed under HTTP
It another tool to perform
same function and try to analysis allowed method for HTTP. Execute the
following command on terminal once again to scan target IP.
Nikto –h
Pretty good!!! Now perceive towards screenshot the result is
exactly same as above HTTP (GET HEAD POST OPTIONS TRACE).
Nmap script finds out what options are
supported by an HTTP server by sending an OPTIONS request.
Nmap –script http-methods
–script-args http-method.test-all=’/’
Superb!!! Not only it dumps the
allowed method under HTTP (GET HEAD POST OPTIONS TRACE CONNECT) but also shown the
potentially risky methods i.e. TRACE and CONNECT.
to connect with victim through netcat this will also demonstrate the victim and
inform about the allowed methods.
Nc 80
Hence result
from all six techniques is around same we have got that (GET HEAD POST OPTIONS
TRACE) are some verb allow by HTTP.
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