Hello friends today we are going to solve another CTF
challenge “FORTRESS” of the vulnhub labs. The level of this challenge is not so
tough and its difficulty level is described as medium. Solving this lab will
give you a good experience of web penetration testing.
You can download it from here:
Penetrating Methodology
§ Network
Scanning (Nmap, netdiscover)
§ Abusing
HTTP service (Burp-suite)
§ Generating
Dictionary (crunch)
§ Cracking
Hash (john the ripper)
§ Capture
the 2nd flag and 3rd flag
Let’s Begin!!
Start with netdiscover command to identify target IP in the local network, in my network is my target IP, you will get yours.
Further let’s enumerate open ports and protocols information
of the target’s network with help of nmap following command:
nmap -p- -A
As shown port 22, 80, 443 are open, let’s penetrate more.
So we explore target IP in the web browser and welcomed by
following image.
After making lots of efforts I decided to use dirbuster for directory
brute-force. Type dirbuster on terminal and automatically
OWASP dirbuster window gets open. Here browse your dictionary from /usr/share/dirbuster/wordlists and
choose your appropriate wordlist as I select medium.txt, do not forget to
address target URL in top of text field as: http// and
finally hit start button.
So when I explored scanner.php in the web browser, it put-up the following web page in front of us. So when I trigger the localhost IP we got result of Nmap scan which you can perceive from below image. I also tried to breach it through some kind of command injection but hard luck! all seems to be waste here.

Then I decide to capture the HTTP request in burp suite and
send the intercepted request into repeater.
Look over given below image here you will find two panel
left and right for request and response respectively.
Type ls as request and click on go tab. This will generate
response to request you made.
Request: ls
So among 4 directories enumerated above, we ran ls
command again to check the list of /s1kr3t and found flag.txt as response.
Request: ls
Response: flag.txt
Now repeat the process till last step of making request and
getting response through repeater. With help of cat command we found 1st
Request: cat flag.txt
Response: FLAG{n0_one_br3aches_teh_f0rt}
Then we try to check list of k1ngd0m_k3yz and found two
files inside it.
Request: ls
Response: master
and passwd
So I open master file and found a single entry of /etc/passwd file for user craven along with password hash.
Request: cat
Let’s copy the hash password in a text file and
named it hash.txt
Then I open /k1ngd0m_k3yz/passwd where I didn’t found any
remarkable clue.
Then I try to open /etc/passwd file and as you can observe,
inside burp response we got the passwd file and I found entry for two local
users: vulnhub & craven.
Then, I try to get into /home/craven directory in order to
view present list with following request.
Request: ls /home/craven
Response: I got three files flag.txt, hint.txt and
First I try to flag.txt but fail to read it, then inside hint.txt we got some hint for user
Then with help of hint.txt and remainder.txt we have
generated a dictionary using crunch. Crunch is a wordlist generator where you
can specify a standard character set or a character set you specify.
crunch 10 10 -t
%%%qwerty^ > dict.txt
If you remember we have already enumerated hash password for
craven from inside k1ngd0m_k3yz/master. Use john the ripper to crack the
password with help crunch dictionary generated above.
cd Desktop
john --wordlist=dic.txt hash.txt
931qwerty? is password for craven as
you can perceive from the given image.
If you remember the result from nmap which shows port 22 is
open now try to connect the target through SSH using above credential.
Yesss!! We got login successfully, now when I checked the
list of current directory, I found flag.txt.
cat flag.txt
Luckily found 2nd FLAG
It was very tough to get third flag.txt but with help of
following command we reached to the final flag.
cd /home
cd vulnhub
cat flag.txt
./reader flag.txt
For finding 3rd flag we applied the symlink
process and successfully grabbed the last flag also.
cd /tmp
/home/vulnhub/flag.txt raj
cd /home/vulnhub
./reader /tmp/raj
Finally I found 3rd FLAG{its_A_ph0t0_ph1ni5h}