SkyDog is the
second VM in CTF series created by James Brower. It is configured with DHCP so
the IP will be given to it automatically. This VM is based on Catch me if you
can which is movie about Frank who is conman. So it is correct to assume that a
broad OSINT concept will be used in it. This is an amazing VM as it uses about
hacking and forensic skills. The author of this VM has given us hints about all
the eight flags as below:
Flag #2 : Obscurity or
Flag #3 : Be Careful Agent,
Frank Has Been Known to Intercept Traffic Our Traffic.
Flag #4 : A Good Agent is
Hard to Find.
Flag #5 : The Devil is in
the Details – Or is it Dialogue? Either Way, if it’s Simple, Guessable, or
Personal it Goes Against Best Practices
Flag #6 : Where in the
World is Frank?
Flag #7 : Frank Was Caught
on Camera Cashing Checks and Yelling – I’m The Fastest Man Alive!
Flag #8 : Franks Lost His
Mind or Maybe it’s His Memory. He’s Locked Himself inside the Building. Find the
Code to Unlock the Door Before He Gets Himself Killed!
Except this
we know that the flags are in MD5 Hash. You can download it from:,166/.
§ Network Scanning
(Netdiscover, Nmap)
Examine source code of the web
§ Extracting and decoding of
hex value for 1st flag
§ Login into SSH for 2nd
§ Abusing HTTPS for 3rd
§ Intercept the Browser
request and Change user-agent (Burp-suite)
§ Obtain the 4th
flag and follow the clue
§ Explore FBI workstation and
abuse its source code FBI.txt file
§ Decrypt the 5th
flag to obtain credential
§ Download the image after
§ Extract hidden code from inside
the image (steghide)
§ Open the flag.txt file and
capture the 6th flag along with password.
§ Login into SSH and capture
the 7th flag
§ Download zip file via SCP
and unzip
§ Forensic Trick-Extract file
info to capture 8th flag (volatility)
Let us find
our target first by using the following command in the terminal of kali :
We can clearly see that our target IP is Now as we have
identified our target let’s scanning the IP with nmap.
nmap -p- -sV
With the assistance of nmap you can see that
the port number 22, 80, 443, and 22222 are working with the service of SSH (closed),
HTTP, HTTPS and SSH (open). Here, you can observe that using port forwarding
the service of SSH has been
forwarded to the port number 22222 from its default port that is 22. Also, the
service is closed on 22 and open on 22222. This is a minor security feature to
throw off attackers.
As port 80 is open, along with 443; we can open
this IP in a browser.
The home page has nothing to go on for us
therefore we checked its page source.
In the page source you will find a directory.
Let’s open it and see what it has got for us.
The directory too
didn’t had much to go on, so we viewed the page source again and there we found
a hex value. Now from the first hint given by the author, which is Flag #1: Don’t go Home Frank! There’s a Hex on Your
House, we can
tell that this hex is our first flag. Lets convert the hex by using the
following command in the terminal of kali :
| xxd -p - r
xxd à is used to create a hex dump
-p à is used so the output can be in the plain text
-r à is used convert the hex
Using the above command the hex is converted as
you can see in the image above. And so when we convert this flag from MD5 hash.
Hence, the flag is nmap that means
our next hint is nmap and that is where we should look.
As explained earlier, the port SSH has been
given a security feature in the nmap so we should poke it by typing the
following command:
And so we have our next flag; upon de-hashing
it turns out to be encrypt.
We will find our next flag somewhere in the
encryption on the webpage. The most basic encryption given to the webpage is a
security certificate. Let’s check that out.
Click on the highlight area as shown in the
above picture. The following dialogue box will open.
Click on the security tab as shown in the above
image. And then click on View
Certificate button. In the certificate you will find the third
flag as shown below:
When converted; our next flag turns out to be personnel.
I had assumed “personne1” as a directory, so
let’s open it in a browser.
As shown, the directory says that “you do not appear to be from an FBI
workstation” that means there is somewhere FBI workstation. I looked back
through every page source we had and found that we need internet explorer 4 for
the FBI workstation.
Now, reload the personal directory and capture
its cooking using bursuite; which will help you change the browser.
In the burpsuite, once you have capture the
cookies change user-agaent “linux x86_64” to “MSIE 4.0” as shown in the images.
And once you forward the request from
burp-suite and the personal directory page will load. There you will find you’re
next flag and a hint with that flag i.e. we have to add a prefix ‘new’ to whatever the flag we have after decrypting hash
Upon converting our flag is evidence. So adding the prefix new our
flag becomes newevidence.
Now the directory /newevidence takes us to a FBI login portal.
Now we don’t have any username and password and
no clue about it too. So I explored its page source.
In the page source there we found two important
things i.e. evidence.txt When opened, evidence.txt gave us our next flag.
Once converted the flag is panam.
Now let’s open newevidence which we found in
previous flag.
Its shows us an image. There must be
stegno-graphed message in the image. Therefore, use the following command to
see it :
steghide extract -sf
The hidden file was flag.txt to read the flag,
type :
cat flag.txt
dehashing the flag we get ILoveFrance. And we also have a clue i.e. iheartbrenda.
This flag and clue are both important, make its note.
our seventh flag we have the hint — Flag #7 : Frank Was Caught on Camera Cashing Checks and Yelling –
I’m The Fastest Man Alive! In this hint it says “I am the
fastest man alive” this is the introductory dialogue of
The Flash. And even in the movie Frank uses a fake name Barry Allen, original
name of the flash.
barry allen can be our username. Let’s
log in through SSH port using bary allen username. When it asked for password I
tried both ILoveFrance and iheartbrenda and fortunately iheartbrenda was
the correct password.
Once we were logged in, we used following
commands to find our flag :
ls à to see all the list of all the
cat flag.txt à to read the flag
And so, we have our next flag. Once de-hashed
the flag was theflash
As we have both password and
username for the login of SSH; here we can use scp service commands. You can use SCP (the scp
command) to securely copy files and directories between remote hosts
without starting an FTP session or logging into the remote systems explicitly.
scp -P 22222
Once you have
the file, unzip it and for that type:
unzip file
Now by using the following command
we complete our CTF challenge.
–f notepad
YAY! Once again, we have completed a CTF
challenge successfully.