FLUXION is a remake of Linset by vk439 with
less bugs and more features. It’s accordant with the latest release of Kali.
This new Wi-Fi hacking method could potentially allow hackers or attackers to
recover the password key. In this method, attacker develop a new wi-fi with the
same name which is already existing. For this purpose, Fluxion is required to
create evil-twin of the target wireless network (wi-fi). Let’s see how it
How it works
- Scan the networks.
- Capture a handshake (can’t be used without a valid handshake, it’s
necessary to verify the password)
- Use WEB Interface *
- Launch a Fake AP instance to imitate the original access point
- Spawns a MDK3 process, which deauthenticates all users connected to
the target network, so they can be lured to connect to the Fake AP and
enter the WPA password.
- A fake DNS server is launched in order to capture all DNS requests
and redirect them to the host running the script
- A captive portal is launched in order to serve a page, which
prompts the user to enter their WPA password
- Each submitted password is verified by the handshake captured
- The attack will automatically terminate, as soon as a correct
password is submitted.
First of all
clone Fluxion from github with command:
clone https://github.com/wi-fi-analyzer/fluxion.git
Now, as you have downloaded Fluxion; now
download all the tools which are required to run Fluxion as it is done in the
image below.
And execute the script from its folder with
You will see the screen which is shown
below. Select your preferred language as we have chosen English by pressing 1 and press Enter.
Now, select
all channels which is option 1. It
will ask you to select the channel to listen to wi-fi connections so enter 1 to
listen to all wi-fi connections.
Now a new window will appear on your screen
which is monitoring all the wi-fi channels.AS you see your target wi-fi. Simply
hit ctrl+c to stop the search.
Now it will show
you a list of available targets. Select yours by pressing the id no. of that
connection as in my case I have chosen PEN
LAB by pressing 4. Now here you
will notice a change in all the target available. On id no. 3 and 4 there is an
Asterisk (*) before the mac address which represents that an increased number
of clients are attached to this wi-fi connection. For this purpose, we have
chosen id no.4
The more clients
mean the more no. of people are there who can enter the wi-fi password erroneously.
Now select option 1 for establishing Fake AP (access point) and press enter.
It will generate a Fake wi-fi AP.
Now you can simply press ENTER to save the
.cap file at default location i.e. /root/Desktop/fluxion.cap all may provide
the path to save the .cap file at destination location.
Now select option 1 to De authenticate all clients which are attached to the
target wi-fi. Here Deauth all is representing that it is sending a small DOS attack
and all the clients who are connected to the wi-fi will be disconnected
Now select 1 for CAPTURE HANDSHAKE; you will see 2 windows, one for capturing WPA
handshake and other for DE authenticate all clients. Now enter 1 on the MENU
window to check handshake without closing the other ones.
Now, enter 1 for selection of Create a
SSL certificate.
Again choose 1 for WEB INTERFACE.
Now it will ask
you to choose the language, so select 1
for English and enter.
Now it will show
you the 4 different windows starting the fake
AP and DE authenticating the clients of the wi-fi network. For instance;
now the clients will see 2 wi-fi AP under the same name.
When victim will
connect to fake AP it will ask to enter the Password to reconnect with network.
The moment one will enter the password; you
will see a screen with the password entered by the victim.
Now; as shown in
the image above we have got our key or password “ignite@123” through FLUXION
which is the best and trouble-free straightforward method of cracking the wi-fi