OWASP Mth3l3m3nt Framework is
a penetration testing aiding tool and exploitation framework. Mth3l3m3nt
provides the ability to create or do custom LFI and RFI exploits fast with
little or no effort at all. It also enables you to store all your quick wins based
on its ability to manage HTTP bots, say no to runaway web shells and yes to
centrally managed herds in large penetration testing engagements
The purpose of this project is
to provide a platform to enable more flexible testing especially in aspects regarding
to web security and the OWASP top 10 threats to web applications. This will
enable free and open source collaboration, being a web based tool, it is
intended to make offensive security on the web easier and more efficient as it
leverages on existing technologies with few dependencies. It is built on purely
open source components. It is intended to build up to a fully-fledged web
penetration testing framework with extensibility for zero day exploits in
minutes to users. Currently the features it offers:
Multi-Database Support
LFI/RFI exploitation Module
Web Shell Generator (ASP,PHP,JSP,JSPX,CFM)
Payload Encoder and Decoder
Custom Web Requester
Web Herd (HTTP Bot tool to manage web shells)
Client Side Obfuscator
String Tools
Next you will see the Select
Destination Location screen. Click Next to continue.
Next you will see the Ready to
install screen. Click Install to continue.
the files are extracted, you will be asked to select your default browser. Select
your default browser’s .exe file, then click Open to continue.
Once the progress bar is
completely green, the PHP Mail Parameters screen will appear. Leave the SMTP
server as localhost, and change the email
address to one of your choosing. Click Next to continue.
the latest version of the Software from the github i.e.https://github.com/alienwithin/OWASP-mth3l3m3nt-frameworkrepository.
Extract Mth3l3m3nt lab setup in the location” C:\wamp\WWW\Mth” as is
shown below.
Now find the data folder in framework options
Now, the first thing is
giving the right permissions to the folders. Right click on them and change
the attributes
Now open the htaccess
file and add Rewritebase /Mth in
Line 8
Next Load the site on the address bar localhost://Mth
The default credentials are:
username: mth3l3m3nt
password: mth3l3m3nt