Forensics allows you to identify suspicious files and activity with hash
matching, drive signature comparisons, e-mails, memory and binary data.
lets you extract forensic evidence from computers quickly with advanced file
searching and indexing and enables this data to be managed effectively.
Forensic Evidence Faster
Find files faster, search by filename, size and time
archives from Outlook,
ThunderBird, Mozilla and more
Password recovery from web browsers, decryption of office documents
Suspicious Files and Activity
Verify and match files with MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 hashes
Timeline viewer provides a visual representation of system activity
over time
File viewer that can display streams, hex, text, images and meta data
Email viewer that can display messages directly from the
Registry viewer to allow easy access to Windows registry hive files
File system browser for explorer-like navigation of supported file systems on physical
drives, volumes and images
Raw disk viewer to navigate and search through the raw disk bytes on physical drives,
volumes and images
Web browser to browse and capture online content for offline evidence management
ThumbCache viewer to browse the Windows thumbnail cache database for evidence of
images/files that may have once been in the system
SQLite database browser to view the and analyze the contents of
SQLite database files
ESEDB viewer to view and analyze the contents of ESE DB
(.edb) database files, a common storage format used by various Microsoft
Prefetch viewer to identify the time and frequency of applications that been runnning
on the system, and thus recorded by the O/S's Prefetcher
OS Forensic from
here and install in your pc then open
OS Forensic and click on
create case button
to create a new forensic case.
OS Forensic from
here and install in your pc then open
OS Forensic and click on
create case button
to create a new forensic case.
enter the details such as Case Name, Investigator Name, Default Drive, and
Acquisition Type.
specify the case folder, click on browse & select the Location where you
want to save your Evidence Report.
it will show us the registered case in this tool. Now to manage this case,
click on Add Device option available
in Manage Current Case.
select Image File option in Select Device to add option. Now assign
the path of the folder where image file exists and also give the Display Name which is compulsory. Click
on OK Button.
it will show us the details of the Image File.
to search the file based on file type click on the option File Name Search .Browse the forensic Image file in Start Folder. Select Preset Popup Menu
to specify the type of the file such as images, audio, or video etc. It will
show the file list.
to get the recent activity which is helpful to see the latest trends and
activities of the user, click on Recent Activity Option and select the Scan
Drive option and then click on Scan
find the Deleted File from User System, Click on Deleted File Search. Select Forensic Image File and click on Search option. It will show all the deleted
files in the Forensic Image File. To see the working of other options in this tool
wait for the article which is coming soon?