Today we are going to take on another boot2root
challenge “uknowndevice64 v2.0” by Ajay Verma.
Our goal is to get root and read flag.txt with at least two different
Download it from here :
Penetrating Methodology:
Scanning- Netdiscover
- Web
Directory search
- Credential
login (1st Method)
login (2nd Method)
- Exploit
sudo rights
Let’s start off by scanning the
network and identifying host IPs. We can identify our host IP as
by using netdiscover. Next, we have to scan this IP using nmap. netdiscover
nmap -p- -A
The result shows that freeciv is running on port 5555, ssh is running on port 6465 and netbus is running on 12345.
First, we try to
open the IP into browser with port 12345 we were prompted to login. So, we
tried the basic credentials with different combinations and got succeeded with
‘Administrator’ as username and
password as ‘password’.
After logging in,
a webpage appeared as you can see here. But nothing of our use.
Then tried to
access robots.txt file. We got lucky and found a file here named ‘./info.php’ inside it.
When we opened
this in browser, we are prompted to download it.
When we open this downloaded file, we got a SSH private key inside it.
So, we copied the text from “BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY” to “END RSA PRIVATE KEY”
and saved it in a file named ‘sshkey’. Besides this key we can see
“unkn0wnd3vic3-64” at the end of the file, lets save this as of now.
Here first we have changed permission for the file ‘sshkey’. Then
login into ssh using this file on port 6465(as ssh is running on port 6465).
And we are asked to enter a passphrase for this ssh we used the text “unkn0wnd3vic3-64” that we saved from
info.php and it worked. After that we switched as root user and listed the
content of root.
chmod 600 sshkey
ssh -I sshkey -p 6465
su root
We spotted a directory named ‘system’ and inside system we found a
file ‘flag.txt’. This is our flag!
Another way
We will be using
previously gained information to save time. As we knew from Nmap scan that freeciv is running on port 5555 so tried to connect
it with adb. After getting shell, we switched to root and captured the flag
(as we already knew flag is inside flag.txt within system directory).
abd connect
abd shell
su root
cat system/flag.txt
Finally!! The challenge is completed, and we have grabbed
the flag.txt file using two different approach.
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