Kage is a GUI for Metasploit RCP servers. It is
a good tool for beginners to understand the working of Metasploit as it
generates payload and lets you interact with sessions. As this tool is on the
process of developing, till now it only supports windows/meterpreter and
android/meterpreter. For it to work, you
should have Metasploit installed in your system. The only dependency it
requires is npm.
Use the following git command to install the
kage software :
git clone
Go inside the kage folder and install nmp with
the following command :
apt-get install npm
Further use the following command :
npm install
And then run it with the following command :
npm run dev
Once all the perquisites are done, the kage
will run. Click on the start server button as shown in the image below :
The server will start running. Once all the
process are done, click on close button as shown in the image below :
After click on the close button, it will
automatically take all the details, and then you can click on the connect
button to connect as shown in the image below :
Once you are connected, it will show you the
following windows :
Under the heading payload generator, you can
give all the details such as file name (kage.exe), payload
(windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp), lhost (, lport (5252) and then
click on generate.
After clicking on generate, it will create a
new folder named kage (with small k), here, run python server so that you can
share your malware with the victim. To run the python server, type :
python -m
SimplpeHTTPServer 80
Once the file is shared and executed, it will
show the following details under the jobs heading :
And when you go the sessions window through the
dashboard, you will find a new session that has been created. Click on interact
button to access the session.
After clicking on interact button, the
following window will open. Here, first tab will show you all the information
about the system.
The second tab will show you all the processes
that are running on the victim’s PC.
And the third tab will give you all the
information about its network. Here, you can use three commands through buttons
provided and i.e. ifconfig, netstat, route, as shown in the image below :
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