Hello friends! Today we are going to take
another boot2root challenge known as “unknowndevice64: 1”. The credit for
making this VM machine goes to “Ajay Verma” and it is another boot2root
challenge in which our goal is to get root access to complete the challenge.
You can download this VM here.
Security Level: Beginner
Penetrating Methodology:
IP Discovery using netdiscover
Network scanning (Nmap)
Surfing HTTP service port
Finding image File
Extracting hidden file from
Logging in through SSH
Escaping restricted shell
Finding binary in sudoers list
Getting root shell and finding
Let’s start off with scanning the network
to find our target.
We found our
target –>
Our next step is
to scan our target with nmap.
nmap -p- -sV
The NMAP output
shows us that there are 2 ports open: 1337(SSH), 31337(HTTP)
We find that port
31337 is running HTTP, so we open the IP in our browser. Here we find a string
“h1dden” that might be hint or a password for something.
We take a look at
the source code of the web page and inside a comment we find a string called
We open the image
in our browser and download it in our system.
After downloading
the image, we use steghide to extract any hidden file from the image. When we
try to extract files using steghide, it prompts for a password. We use the
password “h1dden” we found earlier on the webpage and were successfully able to
extract a text file. We take a look at the content of the text file and find a
brain fuck encoded string.
extract -sf key_is_h1dden.jpg
We decode the
brainfuck encoded string using this site and find a
username and password.
Username: ud64
As port 1337 is
running SSH, we use the credentials we found above to login. After logging in
through SSH we find that we have a restricted shell, and PATH and SHELL
environment variable are read only.
ssh ud64@
-p 1337
After pressing
the “tab” button twice, we find the commands we can run using the restricted
shell. Among those command we find that we can use Vi editor. We use Vi editor
to escape the restricted shell.
After escaping
the restricted shell, we export “/bin/bash” as our SHELL environment variable
and “/usr/bin” as our PATH environment variable so that we can run Linux
commands properly. Now we check sudoers list and find we can run
“/usr/bin/sysud64” as root without password.
sudo -l
On checking help
for “sysud64”, we find that it is actually executing strace.
sudo sysud64
-h | less
As we can run
sysud64 as root and sysud64 is actually running strace command. We can spawn a
shell as root user using “sysud64”. After spawning shell as root user, we
switch to root directory and
sudo sysud64
-o /dev/null /bin/sh
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